The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 403



The traffic was no more, and Tessa and I found ourselves at a cafe close by, with our cars parked outside.

And there we were, settled at our table, eyes looking around, gazes going down to each other. After all these years, she was finally with me. My wonderful friend, the person who was always there to stand by me. I never expected this at all, but it was great.

Now, let's get everything really clear around here. Tessa left for England without informing me about it. She was mad at me for marrying Luke. Honestly, I was kind of angry with her, too, for carrying out such an action.

We were great friends. She could have told me if she was about to make such a move. But no, she didn't.

I know, I know. You must be wondering why I didn't talk about her all this time. It's this simple: I was mad. Well, I'm kind of mad. After what she did, I decided not to talk about her. And I couldn't believe I was too dumb to go through with it. But it's all in the past now, right?

Taking a deep breath, I tried to steady the swirling emotions inside me. Across from me sat Tessa, her expression a mix of apprehension and remorse as she fidgeted with the napkin on the table.Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

"Tessa," I began, my voice soft with a hint of sadness. "I was hurt when you left without saying goodbye. It felt like I'd lost a piece of myself."

Tessa's gaze dropped, and she spoke softly, her words heavy with regret. "I know, Ariel. And I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. It was a rash decision, fueled by anger and hurt."

I nodded slowly, my eyes meeting hers. "I forgive you, Tessa. It's taken me some time to come to terms with what happened, but holding onto that anger was only hurting me in the end."

Tessa's eyes filled with tears, and she reached across the table to grasp my hand. "Thank you, Ariel. You have no idea how much that means to me."

I squeezed her hand gently, offering a small smile. "So, why did you come back? And why now?"

Tessa sighed, wiping away a tear. "I came back for my cousin Troy's wedding. He's getting married next month, and I couldn't miss it. But I also wanted to see you, Ariel. I missed you more than words can express."

My heart warmed at her words, memories flooding back. "I missed you too, Tessa. More than I care to admit."

I just said that, though. Honestly, I didn't really talk about her all these years. And I knew the feeling was mutual. Let's just go on with the act. But it was a great feeling, bringing the bond back together.

Tessa grinned through her tears, relief evident in her expression. "I'm glad to hear that, Ariel."And I would love for you to come to the wedding with me. It would mean the world to me to have you there."

I furrowed my brow slightly. "I don't think I've ever met Troy. Who is he exactly?"

She chuckled softly. "Troy is my cousin from my mother's side. He's a bit of a goofball, but he's got a heart of gold. I think you'll like him."

I considered her invitation, thoughts swirling in my mind. Finally, I nodded. "Alright, Tessa. I'll go to the wedding with you. It'll be nice to meet your family and catch up on old times."

She beamed with excitement, gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thank you, Ariel. You won't regret it, I


Some men in suits stepped inside the cafe; a hush fell over the room, and all eyes turned towards them. Their confident strides and mischievous grins hinted at an impending spectacle. Tessa and I exchanged curious glances, and our interest piqued.

Suddenly, the rhythmic beat of music filled the air, and without missing a beat, the men began to move with effortless grace. Their synchronized movements drew us in, mesmerizing us with their fluidity and charm. I found myself unable to tear my gaze away, captivated by the allure of their performance.

Each step was executed with precision, and every twirl and dip was executed flawlessly. Their energy was infectious, spreading through the room like wildfire. As we watched in awe, Tessa and I couldn't help but smile, engulfed in the moment's magic.

As the dance reached its climax, one of the men broke away from the group, his eyes locking with mine. He extended his hand towards me, a playful glint in his eyes. I hesitated for a moment, unsure whether to join in the spontaneous revelry.

Before I could make a decision, Tessa nudged me with a grin, urging me to seize the moment. With a laugh, I relented, placing my hand in his and allowing him to lead me onto the makeshift stage that had formed in the center of the cafe.

The music pulsed through my veins, drowning out all thoughts as I surrendered myself to the rhythm. The man guided me with skillful ease, his touch light yet firm as we moved in perfect harmony. It was as if we were in our own little world, lost in the joy of the dance.

Around us, the other patrons cheered and clapped, their enthusiasm fueling our exhilaration. I spun and twirled, lost in the euphoria of the moment, the cares of the world melting away with each graceful movement.

As the music faded into a gentle melody, the dance came to an end, leaving us breathless and exhilarated. "Wow, I never expected any of that. It was really nice. Thanks for the lovely moment."

"You're welcome," he replied with a smile, shaking hands with me. "The name's Samuel, and these are my fellow partners. We belong to a dance group called Terroisa."



"That's not a word, is it?"

"No, it's just a name we came up with. You see all of us around here; we've been friends since childhood."

"That's actually a record. You guys have a strong bond."

"No doubt about that. A lot of people marvel at the relationship."

I laughed a little. "Yeah, of course. It's just quite surprising, since there's like ten of you."

He laughed as well. "It's just our bond. And we made a promise to always stand by each other. We can't break that promise. "Do you leave around here?"

"Me? Even though I reside in this city, my residence is somewhat distant from this location. And just so you know, I'm married," I answered, laughing at the end.

"Hold on, you think I'm into you? I'm interested in you and want you to be my girlfriend."

"Isn't that what's happening here? I mean, the dance and the whole conversation."

"No, no, miss."That's not it. I just want to be friends because it's going to be really cool to be friends with

a pretty woman like you."

"You say all these things, and you don't expect me to think otherwise." I gave him a slight smile, taking my brows up as I crossed my arms.

"Don't get things twisted. I have a girlfriend," he defended himself.

"Oh really?" I gave him a disbelieving look.

"Yeah, she's right there." He pointed at a lady sitting down.

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