The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 388



As I moved further, my footsteps echoed in the silence, my eyes scanning every corner in search of the golden necklace that held so much significance. The cabin seemed unchanged since the last time we were here, yet an undeniable sense of foreboding lingered in the air.

Finally, I reached the bedroom where Luke had surprised me with the necklace, the memory still vivid in


mind. My heart skipped a beat as I approached the dresser, where he had laid out the delicate piece

of jewelry.

There it was, nestled among the trinkets and mementos. And as I reached out to take it, I heard some footsteps, causing me to cease my movements.

With a silent gasp, I turned around and could hear the footsteps getting close.

What the hell is that? I could only ask myself in my head. Because, at the moment, I was too terrified to

utter a word.

My fingers closed around the golden necklace, and the metal cooled against my skin as I lifted it from its resting place. The soft light filtering through the curtains danced across its surface, casting shimmering

reflections on the walls.

But before I could fully grasp the weight of relief, the sound of footsteps echoed through the cabin once more, sending a shiver down my spine. My heart raced in my chest as I turned towards the door my senses on high alert.

With cautious steps, I made my way out of the bedroom, the floorboards creaking beneath my feet with each movement. Every shadow seemed to morph and shift in the dim light, playing tricks on my mind as i scanned the room for any sign of intruders.

But there was nothing. There was no looming figure in the darkness, no source for the mysterious footsteps that had sent me into a panic just moments before. I let out a shaky breath, the tension slowly seeping from my body as I realized I was alone.

Yet, a nagging sense of unease still lingered in the air, a feeling that something was not quite right. Was it just my imagination, fueled by exhaustion and fear? Or was there truly something lurking in the shadows, waiting to reveal itself?

I shook my head, trying to dispel the lingering sense of dread as I continued to make my way through the cabin. With each step, I forced myself to focus on the task at hand and push aside the creeping sense of paranoia that threatened to consume me.

As I reached the door leading out of the cabin, I cast one last glance around the room, searching for any sign of movement or disturbance. But everything remained still and silent, the only sound being the faint Nôvel(D)rama.Org's content.

rustle of leaves outside.

I exhaled deeply as I stepped out into the cool night air, feeling the comforting weight of the necklace against my chest. Whatever had happened back there, I told myself it was nothing more than a trick of the


mind–a fleeting moment of fear in the darkness.

But a chill raced down my spine as I glanced back at the cabin one last time, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was watching me. With a quickened pace, I hurried back to my car, eager to leave the eerie silence of the forest behind me and return to the familiarity of the hospital.

I drove away, and the image of the hooded figure flashed through my mind once more. I couldn’t help but wonder if there was more to the encounter than I had initially thought. But for now, all I could do was focus on Luke and hope that he would soon awaken from his coma, bringing an end to the uncertainty

that had plagued us all.

I drove back to the hospital, and the events at the cabin replayed in my mind like a haunting melody. The unease that had gripped me lingered, refusing to dissipate even in the harsh light of reality. But I pushed the thoughts aside, focusing instead on the one thing, the one person that truly mattered–Luke.

Arriving back at the hospital, I made my way to Luke’s room. The familiar sights and sounds of the hospital corridor provided some semblance of comfort amidst the turmoil within me.

Opening the door, I stepped inside, greeted once again by the sight of Luke lying motionless on the bed, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm.


Sinking to the floor beside the bed, I cradled the golden necklace in my hands, the cool metal a stark contrast to the warmth of my skin. The memories of happier times flooded my mind, each one a

bittersweet reminder of what we had lost.

I traced the delicate curves of the pendant, my fingers lingering over the inscription that spoke of Luke’s love for me. Tears welled up in my eyes as I gazed at him, willing him to wake up and return to me.

But as I sat there in the quiet of the hospital room, the weight of uncertainty pressed down upon me once more. The fear that Luke might never wake up and that our future together might be lost forever threatened to overwhelm me.

Closing my eyes, I whispered a silent prayer, a plea to bring Luke back to me. I couldn’t bear the thought of facing this alone, of losing him without ever getting the chance to say goodbye.

But even as I prayed, a part of me couldn’t shake the feeling that something darker was at play, that the events of the night were more than just a figment of my imagination: The footsteps in the cabin and the hooded figure were too real to dismiss as mere tricks of the mind.

With a heavy heart, I nestled the golden necklace against Luke’s bedside table, a silent promise to never give up hope. As I leaned back against the edge of the bed, I vowed to stay by his side, no matter what darkness awaited us in the days to come.

Yes, and that was how I went to sleep.

I opened my eyes, waking up in the middle of the night with a sense of unease in the air like a heavy fog. The soft hum of machines and the distant sounds of the hospital filled the room, with everywhere being


Gazing at Luke’s still form, a wave of sadness washed over me, mingling with the ever–present fear that


threatened to consume me. Despite the darkness pressing in around me, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was watching, lurking Just beyond the edges of my vision.

With trembling hands, I reached out and grasped the golden necklace, Its familiar weight a comforting

anchor in the darkness.

I let out a deep sigh, closed my eyes, and let the gentle rhythm of Luke’s breathing lull me back to sleep, th. Thought of uncertainty still was was heavy upon my shoulders but tempered by the glimmer of hope that burned bright within me.

These few moments were really crazy, you know.

I opened my eyes; since the day had gotten brighter. I was really exhausted. But you want to know


I felt multiple taps on my shoulder, and I quickly turned around, my eyes widening at that very moment.


Luke opened his eyes partly, looking around. “Where, where am I?”

“You’re at the hospital, Luke. And I’m finally glad you’ve regained consciousness.”

He looked at me with confusion. “Who are you?”

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