The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 10



Upon hearing the gunshot, an unsettling feeling washed over me. The darkness made it impossible for me to see anything around me. And that was just bullshit.

Andre, holding my hands, reassured me, "Don't be scared, alright?"

Amidst the chaos, someone shouted, "What's happening?" Another gunshot pierced the air, causing me to tremble with fear.

Gunshots echoed, and people scattered in fear, fleeing in different directions. Andre and I remained motionless. It was evident that he lacked fear, showing an unusual indifference towards death. But for me, let's just say it was quite the complete opposite.

As the doors swung open, another gunshot rang out, this time from the room. It meant that the shooters had entered the hall. Terrified, I kept my fear hidden, not wanting to show it since Andre remained unfazed. I wondered where Luke was at that moment.

"Nobody move!" a man shouted loudly, and the lights flickered on. Two lifeless bodies of middle-aged women were on the floor, evoking a deep sense of sorrow within me.

Seven masked men, each armed with a gun, stood before us, dressed in black. My eyes met Luke's for a moment, but he quickly averted his gaze, his anger evident.

"Who are you people?" an elderly man demanded to know.

"Are you seriously asking us that?" One of the robbers retorted, promptly shooting the man in the chest. He perished instantly, sending shivers of fear throughout the crowd.

"It's obvious you all know why we're here," one of the robbers bellowed. "Now tell us, who's responsible for this party?" he demanded, but his question received no response.

"You!" the robber pointed at a lady. "Tell me! Who's behind this party?" His tone was menacing, and his gun was aimed at her.

The lady glanced at Sir Reynold and then fixed her eyes on the robber once again.

"I asked you a question, didn't I?" The robber threatened, pointing his gun at her. "If you don't tell me, I'll send you straight to hell."

Tears welled up in the lady's eyes as she closed them, whispering, "I... I don't know." The robber wasted no time in shooting her. Witnessing this, a young lady gasped in terror and met the same tragic fate.

"Do you all see what happens to those who refuse to cooperate? If you don't want their fate, you better do as we say."

The robber turned to an elderly man. "Now you tell us. Who's the person responsible for this damn party?"

"I have no idea!" the man boldly replied, glaring at the robber. "Look at what a fool you've become, wasting your life."

"I'll blow your brains out, you bastard!" the robber threatened, pointing his gun at the man, ready to pull the trigger.

"Shoot me! I'm not afraid of you!" the man shouted back defiantly.

"Wait!" a young lady screamed, capturing everyone's attention. She was the one who had been dancing with Michael earlier. "Please, don't kill my father," she pleaded. "I'll tell you who's throwing this party."

"Ariel, what are you doing?" the elderly man asked, his voice barely audible.

After a moment of contemplation, she turned her gaze from her father to the robber. "The person throwing this party is..."

"It's me!" Luke interrupted, capturing everyone's gaze. "I'm the one behind this party. Happy now?" He raised an eyebrow at the robber.

I couldn't help but worry about him. He could get killed by those guys. What the hell was he thinking?

"Hmm, are you absolutely certain about that?" The robber queried Luke, nodding slowly.

Luke burst into laughter. "Seriously? Is that the best question you've got? You were searching for the party host, right? Or do you doubt my party-throwing skills?"

"Oh, spare me! Don't try to act clever here!" The robber aimed his gun at Luke.

"Act clever? Me?" Luke looked puzzled. "How in the world am I acting clever? I was just following your instructions."

"We know this party is for an old man. It clearly said outside that it's his eightieth birthday celebration."

"Yes, it's my grandfather's party, and I organized it for him." Luke shook his head. "Come on, use the brain cells God gave you."

"Silence!" The robber bellowed. "If what you're saying is true, then get ready."

"To give you money?" Luke chuckled. "Alright, so how much do you need?"

"Don't you dare think you're the boss here."

Hearing the robber's words, Luke burst out laughing. "I'm not acting like the boss; I'm just getting straight to the point. You guys came for money, right? I'll give it to you so you can leave, and we can get back to the lively party."

"You still want to party after people have died?" The robber asked, sounding confused.

"Is there something wrong with that?" Luke smiled. I knew that was a fake expression.

"No, no, it's just.... it's going to be weird." The robber lowered his gun. "I mean, who the hell continues a party after people have been killed?"

"You're looking at him right here." Luke placed his hand on the robber's shoulder. "Now tell me, how much do you want?"

The robber hastily shrugged off Luke's hand and pointed his gun at him again. "Hey, don't think I'm playing around!"

"Calm down, buddy. There is no need to get so worked up. Just tell me the amount, and I'll give it to you.

Let's wrap up this conversation quickly."

"Sorry, but I don't operate that way."

"Well, there's always a first time for everything." Luke maintained his plastic smile.

"Shut the hell up and get down on your knees!" The robber growled, and Luke slowly complied, hands

raised. "Same goes for all of you! Get down on your knees!"NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

Everyone began to follow his orders, even his accomplices. We all knelt down.

"Except you guys, you morons!" The robber scolded his men.

"Right, right," they responded, promptly standing back up.

I noticed one of the robbers staring at me. Uncomfortable, I averted my gaze. Yeah, I felt totally uneasy the moment these black dogs barged into the hall.

The leader of the gang focused on Luke; the gun was still trained on him. "You cherish your life, don't you?

"Is that a question you really want to ask?" Luke replied playfully. "Can we just cut to the chase?"

"I'm the one in charge here!" The robber shouted immediately.

"But you're not the one with the money," Luke taunted him.

"You better be grateful I haven't blown your brains out."

"Well, if you kill me, how are you going to get your hands on the money?" Luke smirked sarcastically.

"I don't know, but I'll be satisfied seeing your lifeless body on the floor."

Andre's phone started ringing, catching the attention of the robber. But with our hands raised, he couldn't

turn off the phone.

"Whose phone is that?" the robber asked, locating the source of the sound. He approached us, annoyed, and struck Andre's head with his gun.

Andre collapsed, and as he slowly got up, the robber hit him again, causing him to lose consciousness.

"Andre!" I cried out in fear, catching the robber's attention.

"Well, well, well, who do we have here?" The robber slowly spoke, forcefully holding my chin. "You're

going to be a good one in bed."

How repulsive! I glared at him, filled with disgust. He better keep his disgusting thoughts to himself.

"You're going to be a real treat." The robber's finger moved along my neck, about to reach for my chest,

but I bit him so hard that he yelped in pain.

"You crazy bitch!" He gave me a hard slap, and

I have to say, it was really, really painful. "Just wait until I deal with you!"

"How dare you lay your filthy hands on her?"

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