The Lady Gangster’s Mission For The Prince

Surprise Visitor

Meanwhile, Prince Franco and Princess Francesca have arrived at their palace, but the princess can no longer paint her face as her brother helps her get off the horse.

Prince Franco noticed that Princess Francesca’s face was not in a good mood. “Why is your face like that?”

“I should be with Prince Dylan in their palace. Why did you bring me home so soon?!” It’s grumbling.

He frowned at the way she spoke. “You saw what happened, didn’t you? His soldier is in danger, so you better not go with Prince Dylan to their palace.”

There was anger in the princess’s eyes. “What if their soldier passes out? They shouldn’t worry because they have a lot of them, even if one of his soldiers is reduced, it’s not a case.”

His face became serious. “The way you talk makes it sound like a palace soldier is worth nothing, Francesca. You don’t know the big part they are playing while we are peaceful inside our palace.”From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Why is it true? They are only paid to watch over us from anyone who wants to hurt us!”

The prince grinned at what his sister said. “Then can you also pay with your life too?”

Princess Francesca frowned and looked him in the eye. “What do you mean?”

“Based on what you’re saying, it’s okay for them to die because they’re being paid for it.” He stared into his sister’s eyes, which didn’t even blink. “You’re safe, but have you thought why? That’s because a soldier protected you. Yes, they’re lower compared to us, but when it comes to life, they’re looked at higher because even before we die in a war, they come first.”

With the brave face of the princess, she answered Prince Franco again. “You are too kind to the soldier, my brother.”

“You became aware of a different behavior and you brought it here, but as long as you can be a good princess because you happen to be the only one with a dark heart in our family, only then will I consider you a sister if you have done that. ” He left Princess Francesca while pulling the horse to the stable, while Princess Francesca angrily looked behind Prince Franco before entering their palace.

Prince Franco has not fully accepted that his sister has been found, but from what Princess Francesca showed, he wishes that she had not been found if her behavior was different from theirs. It’s been a few years since she was separated from them, so even her attitude was not taken from Prince Franco’s clan, so even if he was bad in her eyes, he always told her right from wrong.

Prince Franco stayed in the stable and did not go inside.

Meanwhile, Adira is regaining consciousness. She opened her eyes slowly. The soldier noticed that she had regained consciousness, so he came out and looked like he was going to inform General Agustin.

Even before Adira’s eyes fully opened, the general arrived, and when she opened her eyes again, General Agustin was the first thing she saw.

“Young lady, how are you?”

She got up and held her head. “W-what happened?”

“You don’t remember why you fainted?”

She frowned and remembered what had happened earlier. She closed her eyes, remembering what she had done earlier. “I remember.”

“Then what made you pass out?”

She pulled her hair and told what happened earlier. “The last thing I remember is that I managed to block the arrow that was going to the prince earlier.”

The general sighed. “Why did you pass out then?”

Her heart was beating fast at the general’s question, so she just gave the wrong information about why she fainted. “Maybe it’s because I’m so nervous that I might not be able to block the arrow right away.” She hesitates to even smile at the general.

“Is that so, but the prince leaving the palace is not a joke because of what happened, and what’s even more disturbing is that he is always with the princess?”

She frowned because of the appearance of the room. “Where am I?”

“You are here in the palace servants’ quarters.”

“Why wasn’t I taken to the room?”

“Because it’s not possible, the prince might find out. We also have a problem now because he’s in your room sleeping.”

She looked at General Agustin in wonder. “What is he doing there?”

“I think it’s because he’s tired, and just going to your room gives him energy.”

“I fainted, maybe the prince didn’t see me, right?”

“It’s not because the thing in your head you were wearing before you left the palace stayed on your head.”

She closed her eyes several times. “How can I get back to my room?”

“I have decided that you lock the door of your room every time you are in there so that the prince will not see you immediately. I know he will be wondering  because all the rooms in the palace are not locked, even the king’s room, but that’s better than him seeing you.”

She just sighed at the general’s plan and laid down again.

The sun and the moon passed, as did days in the palace of Stalwart Castle. Prince Dylan always leaves the palace to go for a walk with Princess Francesca, so Adira also hides with the prince almost every day just to avoid seeing her. But the king’s illness had worsened completely because he did not wake up, he could not open his eyes or open his mouth to speak.

While Prince Dylan was resting in the room, lost in emptiness and deep in thought, he heard a commotion outside his room. He quickly opened the door and left the room. He walked near the visitor’s place and saw his soldiers blocking the kings of other palaces and even the king of Valiant Castle.

“Get out of our way!” one king shouted.

“Sorry, but you can’t come in without a good reason.”

The king angrily pushed the soldier he was talking to, so Prince Dylan approached.

“What is happening here?” He asked, surprised, as he looked at those inside one by one.

The king of Valiant Castle, King Cyrus, walked forward. “Sorry if we rushed here, Prince Dylan. The nobles heard about your father’s condition, so we came, and one more thing-we want to talk to you about your palace.”

He frowned when King Cyrus said it was for the palace. “Why was the palace mentioned? Couldn’t you have come to know what my father’s condition is?”

“That’s not the only reason we came here; we should discuss this clearly in a room why I’m with the kings of the various palaces.”

He was just looking seriously at the kings who were there when General Agustin arrived. “Something is going on here; what’s the -” The general couldn’t finish what he was going to say when he looked at the nobles. He frowned slightly. “Why are they here, dear prince?” he whispered.

“We were supposed to talk about the palace.”

“Stalwart Castle?”


“About what?”

“I don’t know. Maybe you should prepare something to eat and we can talk at the dining table because we fit better there.”

The general just nodded, still confused by what was happening and the sudden arrival of the kings of other palaces.

Meanwhile, Adira heard that noise earlier from her room, and out of curiosity, she slowly opened the door of the room and peeked outside. She noticed that the hallway leading to her and Prince Dylan’s room was quiet, so she decided to step outside and be careful as she walked down the palace.

“Where are the soldiers? They are not at their place now.” Frowning, she continued walking but stopped when she saw a soldier near the dining table. “What is happening?”

Adira couldn’t take it any longer and went to the nearby place where the soldiers’ suits were kept. She put it on and headed to where the soldiers were now standing guard near the dining table. She stood next to them and simply looked at the people inside. She noticed a lot of people with crowns on their heads; she also saw Prince Damon’s father, King Cyrus; but there was one king she didn’t see: the king of Paradise Castle, King Felip.

She glanced at the people sitting in front of the table. Almost every seat has someone sitting and just looking at Dylan, which makes her wonder. Fortunately, her seat was slightly facing Dylan, so she could see the reaction on his face even to General Agustin, who was next to him but standing.

Prince Dylan began to speak. “I think you should start saying why you suddenly rushed here to our palace?”

A king spoke. “Someone told us that the king of Stalwart Castle was no longer waking up, so we came here immediately.”

“But you should have given a message that you were coming here today,” Prince Dylan said with a frown.

“There’s no need for that because we should say what should happen now.”

“And what is that?”

The king of Valiant Castle, King Cyrus, made a noise to get Prince Dylan’s attention.

“I’m sorry, Prince Dylan, but the royals have decided that there is a temporary successor to your father’s throne.”

Prince Dylan frowned, and his eyes slightly widened as he looked at King Cyrus. “If anyone should succeed my father’s throne, it should be me, but why do you have to come here just for that matter that should be ours alone?”

King Cyrus sighed. “Because it also reached them that you cannot manage your palace because you cannot fight.”

“I trained for what you say; I don’t know how to fight. I learned how to wield a sword and other weapons in case there was a need to step down from my father’s throne.”

A king next to King Cyrus answered. “Those are not enough princes, so you will not replace your father as the king of your palace.”

Prince Dylan hit the table with anger in his eyes. “And who should sit as the king of our palace? You who have your palaces, tell me!” His jaws tensed. It is also possible to see the slight redness of the veins in his eyes due to anger.

“You can’t do anything because we are higher than you. We are kings, and you are just a prince. You are also forgetting that in this situation, other palaces will find out, especially if there is no one better to replace a king.”

King Cyrus approached Prince Dylan and patted him on the shoulder. “I’m sorry, Prince Dylan. I’d like to disagree with them, but we’re only following what the palaces have agreed upon.”

Tears in Prince Dylan’s eyes were about to fall, his lips quivering with suppressed anger.

“As of now, we have not chosen who will temporarily sit on your father’s throne. We will return here again to say the temporary replacement. For now, we will return to our palaces first.” All the nobles stood up and started to walk out of the dining room. The only one left is King Cyrus. The Stalwart Castle soldier followed, but Adira was left behind; she simply leaned against the wall so she wouldn’t be seen.

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