The Killer Queen

Chapter 242

Chapter 242

Lome could sense Noelin’s wariness in her lines.

He adjusted his smile and flashed her an apologetic expression, “You’ve got me all wrong. Noella I didn’t mean any harm. You’re Elara’s sister, right? I didn’t get the chance to properly introduce myself at the hospital. I’m not the bad guy here. Maybe it wasn’t the smartest move to approach you now, I admit. Sorry if I startled you”

Noella gave him a fleeting look, her expression cool and detached, “What does it matter to me whether you’re a bad guy? You’re in my way Please move

Lome rolled his wheelchair aside, watching as Noella disappeared down the tree–lined path without a backward glance, His smile faded as he said to himself, “She’s quite the tough cookie. But then again, she’d have to be one to run the Obelisk Organization.”

An limping big guy emerged from the shadows behind Lome with a smirk played across his lips, “You think a little chitchat is going to impress the Wise Fool? That devil is way tougher than you can imagine.”

“She’s only siding with Palmer for the prestige of the Pollack family. Us Richardsons are no slouches either,” Lorne said with a chuckle.

Thorpe paused. He, as a towering and burly man, expressed his incomprehension at Lome’s self– confidence at the moment.

“Should I remind you that neither the Schnabel family nor the Obelisk Organization are short on cash? Maybe Wise Fool, that rich girl, is just taken with Vocalist’s pretty face”

Lome snorted. “Pretty face? If she’s that shallow, then this will be a cakewalk. I’m as good–looking as Palmer, if not better”

Thorpe’s smirk twitched into a grimace as he regarded Lomne. Such confidence these Harmonia Country folks had

“I’ve got all the paperwork sorted. Proximity breeds fondness, and Ms. Schnabel will soon see Im a far better catch than her fiancé.” Lome claimed

A marriage contract among the elite meant little. Once Noella got to know him, she’d see his worth.

Thorpe just shrugged helplessly. “Well, it’s your life. Just don’t mess with my mission.”

Noella had just stepped into the grand hall when Mizar popped out from the side, “Boss, you ran into Lome out there? What’s his angle?” Noella’s communicator had still been on during her encounter with Lorne, and Mizar had overheard the exchange.

“What he wants doesn’t matter. Where’s Master Rainer?”

Mizar gestured towards the stage, “He’s been invited to play a piece at the opening ceremony next week. We’re here to help him out.”

“Who invited him?”

Master Rainer had been off the stage for years. The last public performance was at a state banquet. Whoever had persuaded Master Rainer to play must be someone of significance. Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Who else but the legendary former leader of the Polaris Star, Gamick!? But when the master met him, he didn’t let me in on it. All hush–hush. Afterwards, he just said he’d honor them with a performance. Anyone who can get the teacher to play is certainly no ordinary person,” Mizar admitted with a trace of

regret. All her prepared eavesdropping devices had been for naught, and she’d even earned herself a warning.

Noella nodded slightly. The last photo of Garrick with Hanter had also been left by Master Hector, which showed that the old guards truly had a connection with Garrick.

Master Rainer’s return to the country was likely linked to Garrick as well.

Noella’s gaze landed on the man standing beside Master Rainer. The long–haked man in a suit was grizzled, his clothes embroidered with dragons. Despite the evident wear of years, his features remained sharp, matching the man in the photo provided by Master Hector.

Feeling Noella’s gaze, Garrick looked up, locking eyes with her from his position on stage

As the last music note faded, Master Rainer scowled. “What are you staring for? it’s not like you’ve never seen him before!”

He couldn’t believe Garrick had been in the dark about Harriet all these years. When Noella had joined Polaris Stat he was certain Garrick must have heard something.

Garrick remained unfazed, his eyes filled with appreciation as he looked at Noella, as if admiring a rare work of art.

“Indeed, it’s a shame I’ve never met her before. If I had known about her sooner, I would have taken her under my wing. Polaris Stor failed to hamess her talents. If I had been mentoring her, she would have surpassed her current self.” He claimed.

“Balderdash! Your twisted experiments never worked!”

“You have no right to criticize my work. Haven’t all the stars of Polaris Star shone brightly in their fields, becoming leaders and inspiring


Chapter 242

awe? Your achievements are the result of my experiments!”

The stars of Polaris Star indeed twinkled brightly in various domains, pioneering worlds remained forever shadowed



paths and setting benchmarks. Yet, their inner

Gamick’s founding vision for Polaris Star was to hamess genius and ignite the future of humanity to its utmost potential!

And he had succeeded, as history bore witness.

Master Rainer glared at Garrick and said, “One day you’ll realize all your experiments were folly. I’ve no time to waste on your drivel Don’t forget what you promised.”

“Don’t worry, Ill look after the girl. After all, she’s Harriet’s granddaughter. Seeing her, I’m reminded of Harriet’s younger days. Since she chose to come to this school, it’s fate that’s brought us together.”

Master Rainer stood up, packing away his zither, “Fate is what’s meant to be, but what you’re plotting is nothing but schemes.”

Gamck simply smiled and remained silent,

As they left the grand hall, Master Rainer was quiet. After a while, he tumed to Noella, and his brow was furrowed with concern.

“Noella, maybe it’s time to consider a different school. If it’s too much, we don’t have to stick with this university. Why not head back to the island with the old–timers? We could bring the boys back too, at least they could keep you safe.”

On the island, Polaris Star called the shots,

The idea of leaving Noella in Imperial City right under Garrick’s watchful eye made Master Rainer uneasy.

That madman had looked at Noella with such intensity earlier, a look Master Rainer knew all too well!

To him, Noella wasn’t a person; she was a perfect specimen, a piece of data without a single flaw!

Noella was surprised

Was Gamick really that frightening to Master Rainer?

“My family is still in Impenal City, master. Besides, running away isn’t my style.”

“Why not just bring the Schnabel family over to the island? If all else fails, we could just kidnap them and dump them on the island!”

Noella rubbed her forehead in exasperation, “This is Imperial City, not some remote borderland.”

Getting the Schnabels to uproot their lives and move to the island with her was wildly impractical.

Marcel and Elara had unique statuses that normally prohibited international travel.

The Schnabels had their careers, their foundations in Imperial City. How could they abandon it all just for her sake, to lead a life cut off from the world?

From the exchange Master Rainer had with Garrick, it wasn’t hard to deduce that some sort of deal had been struck.

Master Rainer heaved a sigh.

“Alright, as long as you’re aware of the risks that’s hur Barrick’s getting on in years anyway. He should realize that Polaris Star isn’t under his thumb anymore!”

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