The Killer Queen

Chapter 201

Chapter 201

Malvina blinked, looking at Ulrich who stood before her.

“Was it Dr. Schnabel who saved me? Thanks. Let’s forget about the whole neck–grabbing and waist– touching incident from before. We’re square now, huh?”

Elara looked at Ulrich with a mix of disgust and disbelief.

“What kind of mess have you gotten yourself into, Ulrich? You’re acting like a street thug.”

Ulrich, faced with the expectant gazes of two sisters, felt his face flush with embarrassment.

“I needed Ms. Gruber’s help to locate the whereabouts of the Shadow Dragon Society. It was an emergency, and I’ve apologized for my actions!”

The Schnabels rarely mingled with the Grubers, and Ulrich only knew Malvina as the feisty and temperamental heiress.

His actions had been out of sheer desperation, so how could he have known what Malvina was really like?

Malvina offered a weak smile, “Forget it, I’m a forgiving soul. I didn’t let it slide last time, but this time you, are forgiven.”

Noella popped open the thermos she had brought and handed it to Malvina.

“My mom prepared this for you. Don’t turn your nose up at it.”

Sienna knew that Malvina and her baby daughter got along well, so she insisted that they bring something to eat when they went out, claiming that Malvina must have had a tough life growing up

without a mother’s care.

Imagine that… neither of the Schnabel daughters had managed to make a proper friend


Sienna was as excited as if her own daughter had made her first friend.

The steamy soup shimmered with a golden hue, while another container held a fragrant almond dessert.

Noella set the dessert beside Malvina, “Have this. You inhaled a lot of smoke; this is good for the lungs.”

Malvina, holding the warm soup, teared up as she looked at Noella. “Did Sienna prepare this for me?” she asked.


“Yeah, My mom said you’ve been on your own and wanted us to bring this over. She’ll keep sending food while you’re in the hospital, so don’t worry.”



The scent of the delicious soup with the well–prepared dessert made Malvina’s heart swell with a bittersweet feeling, and yet she couldn’t help but smile.

So, there was someone who cared for her after all. This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

Tears rolled down her cheeks and disappeared into the soup.

“Thank you, Noella, my dear. It’s so good to have you!”

She looked at Noella, sobbing with gratitude.

If it weren’t for Noella, she wouldn’t be enjoying such a wonderful soup.

“I’ve never met my mother. As long as I can remember, my dad always said she was no good. But it’s hilarious because Yates is even older than me. The child from a secretary’s affair is older than the legitimate one; talk about who’s the decent one!”

“Then, you know, people from the Shadow Dragon Society found me and gave me a lot of stuff. My mom knew she couldn’t be there as I grew up, so she left me lots of things.”

Malvina choked up as she was taking small sips of the soup Sienna had prepared for her.

It was the first time she truly felt a mother’s care, even if it wasn’t from her own mother.

Noella handed Malvina a tissue to wipe away her tears, “Don’t cry. You’ve done so well, and things are going to get better.”

Elara nudged Ulrich, who was silently standing by.

“That’s right, Ms. Gruber. You’ve got the whole future ahead of you! Ulrich will make sure your injuries heal without leaving a scar–I stake his reputation on it!”

Ulrich was baffled.

When had he promised that Malvina’s burns wouldn’t scar? He was no miracle worker!

Her leg burns might not be extensive, but given the severity, a full recover impossible. What was he supposed to guarantee?

Why wasn’t Elara staking her own reputation?

emed almost

But faced with Malvina’s eyes, which were shining with tears, Ulrich couldn’t bring himself to say anything. Instead, he swallowed his words and turned away with a pang of sympathy in his heart.

“Sure, I promise.”

Meanwhile, in the ICU.

Calvin looked at the patient on the bed and gave a relieved sigh.

“He’s finally awake. Otherwise, I’d have had a hard time explaining to Lucian.”



Chapter 201

The man in the bed didn’t have the energy to speak but looked at Calvin confusedly. He remembered being saved by a girl who didn’t look or sound like Calvin. He was sure that Calvin hadn’t been the one who operated on him.

But who was it then?

“Alright. Just rest up. Lucian is on his way.” After arranging a battery of tests to ensure all the patient’s vitals were stable, Calvin stepped out of the ICU, running into Ulrich and Noella as they left a room.

Ulrich clapped Calvin on the shoulder, “Nicely done, Professor Calvin. You saved a patient with an aortic dissection problem.”

“Ah, you would’ve done the same had you been there. If it weren’t for you being tied up with another emergency, this case would’ve likely been yours.” Calvin spoke while giving Noella a knowing wink, indicating that everything went well with the patient.

“It’s all the same when saving lives. His situation was dire; even if I were there, I can’t say the outcome would have been this good.”

Thinking of the patient’s operation, Ulrich was amazed. Calvin was indeed a top–notch surgeon among the country!

Calvin glanced at Noella and nearly rolled his eyes. He only got this one because Noella was indifferent to taking credit.

Noella appeared nonchalant. She barely curved her lips and had no idea that she was the one to be praised.

“And the Gruber family were taken to which hospital?”

Calvin shook his head, “Over at the hospital next door. The Gruber family’s mess is all over the news– bankruptcy and fire, what a spectacle. I reckon the old man might be saved, but he’s likely to end up in a vegetative state.”


Noella turned around and spoke with a hint of detachment, “He overdoser Nourishment Pill. Even if he lives as a vegetable, he won’t be living much of a life.”

Arthur’s days were numbered even without the fire.

Calvin’s initial shock gave way to understanding as he nodded, “The Gruber boys are in serious trouble. If they don’t make it, it’s game over for the Gruber dynasty.”

Ulrich thought about the Gruber family’s dodgy dealings and had to fight the urge to roll his eyes. His professionalism held him back.

“Yvonne wasn’t hurt too badly–though.” Calvin’s face twisted into something odd when he mentioned Yvonne. He couldn’t quite figure out how Yvonne went from the Schnabels to the Grubers.

Yvonne’s fringe position in the Gruber household meant she got one of the lesser rooms,


which ironically let her escape quickly when the fire started.

Noella’s gaze landed on Malvina, who was in conversation with Elara. She kept her back straight though her face bore the signs of weariness. Whatever she was discussing with Elara was bringing smiles to both of their faces.

The sunlight streaming through the window bathed them in a serene glow, as if that was a moment of tranquil time.

Noella’s lips curved into a slight smile, and she chuckled, “No worries, let the rescue happen. But, saved or not, the Grubers are done for.”

The real shocker she had in store for the Grubers was still waiting in the wings!

Elara closed the door of the hospital room and stepped out, “Convinced her to stay at the Schnabel estate for a bit once she’s healed. Aren’t I just the best? Bro, there’s no way to fix Malvina’s burns?”

Ulrich’s face twisted with conflict.

Catching Noella’s cue, Calvin cleared his throat, “Well, don’t worry. I’ve got something up my sleeve!”

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