The Joy of Revenge

Chapter 157

CHAPTER 157 Appearances Sheriff It was a good long while before I spoke. My face was starting to feel numb from the cold breeze that circled around us. “You heard right, Jack. The Bismarck Police did get a tip from an anonymous caller. They moved Riley to a secluded part of the hospital,” said in a low hushed voice. “Good thing I had someone who owed me a favor working at that hospital. He showed me how to get to Riley’s room through the utility elevator, then he roofied the security guards who man the security monitors. We were able to shut down the system, knowing it takes a while for it it to reboot.” “How did you get the police away from their post?” Jack asked. I had to lie. Jack couldn’t know the extent of Bob’s participation. All Jack knew was I went to Bismarck to assist Randy and get it done. He was actually surprised I had sent Randy instead of someone who was fit to do the job. “I told Randy to call the nurse’s station and tell them he saw a man with a gun gun near the room Riley originally occupied. After the guards left, I unhooked the heart monitor and injected Riley with a lethal dose of pentobarbital. Everything was going according to plan when Detective Matthews comes out of the bathroom. I didn’t expect him to be there,” I tearfully murmured, remembering I had just killed an innocent baby. I didn’t care about Matthews. He poked his nose where it didn’t belong. I was crying be I had done something utterly tragic that made me as bad as Pete. Sure, we were all bad men, but there was a thin line between being bad and evil. Pete was evil. Cris, well, wherever he was, he was on that same path. I believed I still had some self- respect in me like all good men, but now, I didn’t know who I was anymore. It was one of those rare occasions where I felt so utterly hopeless. The last time I felt this way was when Julia died.

Liam ran his fingers through his hair. He didn’t anticipate me killing the detective. “Sheriff, tell me you didn’t-” Jack couldn’t finish his statement. He already knew what I was going to say next. “I had to, Jack,” I growled. “He saw my stitches and knew it was me. I just couldn’t allow 1/7 CHAPTER 157 Appearances myself to get arrested. With me in custody, all this s hit we’ve been doing, all of this will blow up on all our faces.” “Regardless. You know how the police are when one of their own dies,” Liam said. “They won’t stop until they get whoever did this. They already know Riley’s from New Salem. They’ll want to pin this on someone from here, but you have nothing to worry about. It’s already been fixed. Anyway, if they do come knocking on my office door- “We’ll just have to pin this on Pete and probably Randy, if they come,” I mumbled. “So it was you Liam. When I heard the news that there were more casualties than the two I killed, I had a feeling that was you.” “I had to do something,” Liam said, shrugging his shoulders. “You might be good at what you do, but with a whole police force after you, that’s a problem. Let’s just say I called in a favor. For now, they’ve pinned the mass shooting to an ill-treated janitor who worked on the twelfth floor. He won’t say anything. Dead men tell no tales.” Jack rubbed his forehead. He didn’t like what he was hearing. “Just in case, I’ll plant some evidence at Riley’s house making it look like Riley was stealing from Pete and that Marla and him were seeing each other, giving Pete motive to kill Riley. All I need you boys to do is corroborate my story if or when I’m questioned by the police.” “There’s a small problem,” Jack said. “I told Lisa and the others you were at Bismarck attending to something.” “You what?!” I exclaimed. “Jack, why can’t you keep your mouth shut?!” Liam raised his hand, gesturing for me to calm down. “Sheriff, it’s fine. I doubt if Bismarck Police suspects you of killing one of their own, Liam said. “Anyway,

in case Bismarck Police does ask, we can tell them you were suffering from a headache due to your injury so you didn’t go to Bismarck and instead came here to pay your respects to my father. Lisa saw you. Who else did you pass on your way up here?” “I don’t know. I passed a few other cars on my way here,” I answered. “I’ll tell Dan to tell police he came over to bring you some food, so he’ll become your alibi. Everyone else was here, so I assume no one saw you actually go to Bismarck. I’ll have Lisa erase all the CCTV footage. Don’t worry, I’ll handle this. Did you leave any fingerprints?” “No, I have silicon on,” I replied. 2/7 12:11 hu, Apr 4

68 CHAPTER 157 Appearances “And what about Randy?” Jack asked. “Where the hell is he anyway?” “I can’t get in touch with him. His phone’s off,” I answered. “He’s probably on his way back here. He has Christine to think about.” “He probably is,” Liam mumbled, his eyes narrowing momentarily, like he had just thought of something. “I’ll handle all this. I’ll even take care of Riley. Sheriff, why don’t you change-and grab something to eat and drink… hmm? Relax. We still have Pete’s men at the Ol’ Barn to take care of.” I nodded my head. I did need a drink. “Jack, I just need to talk to Henry. You go on and help the Sheriff,” Liam called out as he walked to his right-hand man. Liam I turned around, trying not to smile. Although it seemed it was just one problem after the other, everything seemed to be working to my advantage.

I couldn’t believe a mob of people actually showed up at Highland Oaks. Their presence will make my ploy look even more realistic. As for the Sheriff, he made a grave mistake, but he will continue to be loyal to me after warding off suspicion from him. Still, the unexpected death of one of Bismarck’s finest posed a small problem. I had to make sure there were no loose ends. Earlier in the day, unbeknownst to Sheriff and Jack, I had taken matters into my own hands. I covered our bases just in case Randy came back with his tail between his legs or worse, got caught. I had a number of Bismarck police officers on my payroll and I explicitly told them if they saw him to grab him, drive him off somewhere and keep him there until I needed a fall guy. While the Sheriff was having a tantrum earlier, I checked my phone for messages. There were a couple unread messages. Matthews and Harris are dead. Evans MIA. Five others shot. Suspect janitor, killed by police.” 3/7 12:11 Thu, Apr 4. CHAPTER 157 Appearances 68% Why couldn’t I find competent people like this as shole? Sure, he was expensive, but he was able to make it look like a mass shooting happened at the hospital. Good. I pulled out my phone and messaged the police officer telling him to destroy all evidence that may lead a co cky young detective into my territory. up He quickly messaged me back with a thumbs u andy was most prol cooling off before making his way here. I was sure he would come back; he couldn’t leave his pregnant wife. I don’t know if Randy knew, but aside from being a substitute teacher at the local elementary school, Christine was one of Pete’s drug smugglers. She did it part time, maybe once or twice a month, but the

pay was enough. Because she portrayed herself as a devout Christian woman, she could cross state lines with a huge amount of crystal meth in the trunk of her car without harboring suspicion. She wore a gold cross around her neck and was always dressed prim and proper at all times. It didn’t hurt she was married and pregnant. It added more to her credibility as a clean, G od- fearing, woman. I rolled my eyes at the thought. Sometimes, it was all about appearances. Unfortunately, she and her father rejected our offer. They wanted more than what I was. offering… much more. We will take care of Christine’s father later. He was easy. As for Christine, I had Dan call her up after Randy left, telling her we agreed to give her the money she requested. All she had to do was see him at the clubhouse. I’ll just use her to get to Randy. I walked over to my car where Henry and several of my guards were waiting. “The Evans house… were you able to finish planting the evidence against Randall Evans?” I asked. “Yes, Mayor Cohen. I placed the files on his computer and planted the drugs and money in his safe,” Henry answered. “I’m afraid we have to do the same to Riley Harris,” I said, sighing. “I like Grandma Mary. She always looks genuinely happy to see me whenever I see her. Make sure she isn’t implicated in any of this.” Henry nodded his head. 4/7 68% CHAPTER 157 Appearances “We could do it now. There’s still some time,” Henry said. I glanced at my watch. It was already eleven. “No. We need to go to the Ol’ Barn soon. After we’re done, just place a bag of dough in that shed Riley has in the back and stick a picture of Marla Lawrence somewhere. Make it look like they were lovers,” I instructed. “I’ll have Danny and Brett go. They know the place,” Henry suggested. Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Alright. But make it quick and remember no fingerprints. I need the rest of you with me at the Ol’ Barn. Are the men I hired in position in Highland Oaks?” I asked. Henry shrugged his shoulders. Sh it! I forgot. They only spoke to me. I dialed the number hoping he’d answer. “MC, we’re about to leave,” he said merrily. “Good. Just make sure you and your crew are there by midnight. If all goes well, you’ll get the rest of your payment “Sure thing, MC. I hung up, praying they wouldn’t f uck up. “Henry, the mercenaries?” I asked. “They’re on foot, surveying the area. The Colonel said they’ve spotted two trucks south from here. Whoever’s on those trucks are making their way here as we speak,” he said. “Tell the Colonel to kill them once they set foot on Cohen land. I don’t want any intrusions at my little meeting tonight,” I instructed. “We need to get things done quickly.” “As you wish, Mayor, Henry said before dialing. Everything was in place. All I had to do now was wait for midnight. I was heading back to the mansion to prepare myself when a silver SUV came speeding through the gates. “Stop that car!” I heard the guards yell. Gunfire erupted. My guards were shooting at the SUV… Which was headed straight for me. 5/7 Aptist o 12:11 Thu, Apr 4 CHAPTER 157 Appearances 68% Suddenly, my old BMW rammed into the side of the car, the impact so great, that the SUV rolled and tumbled towards the edge of the hill. Fortunately, the car stopped, upside down, several feet before hitting the brick fence that

lined the edge of the estate. “Get out of the car!” Jack yelled, walking down the front steps of the mansion, his gun pointed at the driver’s side of the windshield. No movement. Jack quickly moved his hand an inch and shot at the headlight of the car. “Get out of that f ucking car! The next shot will be your head.” I couldn’t see through the windshield. It was tinted. Finally, the door opened and out came an older gentleman. It was Randy’s father-in-law aka Christine’s dad. “Where is my daughter, Cohen?!” He growled as he stumbled out of the car. I scoffed at him. He had some balls. I pulled my gun out from its holster, aiming at his head. The fearlessness he was experiencing was quickly replaced with terror. “Search him,” I said, gesturing to my guards. “Lift his shirt. Pat down each leg, especial near the shoe. Give me his phone and empty his pockets.” “I beg you. I’ll sign. I’ll give you whatever you want. Just don’t kill my daughter and n grandchild. Please, I’ll do anything,” Christine’s father begged as my men checked him “Liam, son, you have Christine? But she’s pregnant,” the Sheriff reasoned. “Son, let’s not k an innocent life.” “I’m not a monster. I won’t touch the baby,” I said. “But you, Tom, you almost killed me. I gave you a chance to sign, but you and your greedy little family want more money.” “We take all the risks. We deliver the product to areas where we don’t have any protection. Of course, we want more money,” he argued. “And why ask me for it? Why didn’t you ask Pete?” I asked him. “Because…” I waited for him to continue his sentence, but nothing followed. 111 6/7 12:11 Thu, Apr 4 d CHAPTER 157 Appearances

said. “As for me, I was willing to double your fee. All you had to do was sign the non- disclosure agreement. Just keep your mouth shut and the money will come.” I lowered my gun when I noticed he was shaking. I wanted him to relax. “There are risks I take, the Sheriff takes, Dan takes to keep this operation under wraps. But your son-in-law thinks it’s better if he sabotages our operation, so he can get more money. Have any of you ever thought if I go down, what happens to all of you? You think I’m going to go down alone? While I rot in jail, I’m going to have all my men hunt you down one by one until none of you are left. There won’t be any need for money, because you’ll be dead.” I raised my gun and shot him in between the eyes. One down. “Drop him in the hole intended for my father and cover him with some dirt. We’ll place my father’s casket on top of his body. And get this piece of junk out of here,” I ordered. “Liam, where is Christine?” The Sheriff asked, his voice laced with concern. “I’m guessing Dan has her,” I said. “And what about the baby?” Jack asked. I’ll adopt the baby,” the Sheriff said, a sadness in his voice. Huh? My phone suddenly rang. I answered. “The bogeys have entered your territory,” I heard the familiar voice of the Colonel. “Kill them.” Chapter Comments POST COMMENT NOW 01 7/7

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