The Hot Tycoon’s Ex Wife

Twenty Seven

Astra straightened her forest green dress over her body. She hoped it was not over the top for the art exhibition. She figured people would dress fancy and drink wine because art was fancy and all. She was not sure what type of art exhibition Jared was taking her to though. The dress was something she wore to the office on important days. It was body fitting and it had a row of black buttons that bent to the side and ended with a side slit. The dress had a round neck and a simple short hands.

She picked up her coat and patted at the back bun she pulled her hair into. Astra knew she looked good with her red lipstick and eyeliner.

She moved to the door as she heard the knock, she knew it was definitely Jared that was knocking.

She was not surprised when she opened the door and saw him holding a bouquet of red roses.

“You know I prefer yellow roses,” she said as she collected the roses from his hands and put them into water.

“Noted,” Jared replied. He was wearing a sky blue shirt and black trousers, no tie. Astra began to panic again.

“Is the exhibition going to be very formal? Should I change?” She asked and Jared shook his head.

“That’s not the problem. Where have you been?” Jared asked her. He sounded angry, Astra began to panic again. Did that mean he did not buy the lie that she told him. She had left in such a rush that she did not have time to put anything in order. She didn’t even officially submit a letter of absence.

“I told you that it was a family emergency. My aunt was sick, there is no one to take care of her,” Astra said.

Jared looked very very suspicious.

“Your family abandoned you when you needed them the most, why are you still taking care of them?” Jared asked and Astra decided to play the offensive.

“That is not your problem or your business. They are my family. I am the only one my aunt has left behind,” Astra said. She could feel tears gathering in her eyes for another reason than the argument.

“I am sorry,” Jared immediately said, apologizing.

“You are making very upset, asking all these questions and all. Last I checked, I was an adult,” Astra said and Jared nodded.

“I am sorry. I don’t want to upset you. I was just worried about you. We are friends at the very least. I thought you would call me before leaving,” Jared said. He sounded hurt. It did not even occur to Astra to call anyone, not even Stephanie. It was an emergency.

“It was an emergency. Things were bad. When you did call, I answered didn’t I? And I told you where I was,” Astra said and Jared nodded.

“I am sorry,” he said again.

“It’s okay,” she replied this time, taking a deep breath and dabbing at her eyes.

“We should get going to the exhibition. We don’t want to be late,” Astra said, picking up her coat and her bag. Jared looked a bit out of sorts, but he nodded.

“Of course,” he said.

They both walked out of her apartment together and he opened the door for her into his car. Their argument in her apartment, made the drive long and tiring. Jared probably felt bad for overreacting. Astra was beginning to feel bad for lying, but there was nothing she could do. That was how it was meant to be.

The art exhibition was held at a museum inside town. The place was buzzing with activity. Even without going inside, Astra could tell that it was a big deal.

Expensive looking cars were parked around and people were moving in wearing such glamorous clothing. Astra had not been over dressed after all. Jared took her hand as they walked into the museum passing through the security. They both looked mid compared to their company.

“Jared! You came,” an older man with balding grey hair said as they came in. It seemed like he was standing around the entrance. He was dressed in a complete suit and looked like one of the members of the elite.

“Of course Bernard, I promised,” Jared said and hugged him.

“And who is this beautiful young lady?” The man asked in a charming voice, taking her hand and placing a kiss on her fingers.

“Astra is my friend, we work together,” Jared said. Astra actually expected that he would say they were dating and she would later correct him.

“Oh wow! That is so nice,” Bernard said.

“Bernard this is Astra. Astra meet Bernard my very close friend and fellow artists. Today is his day,” Jared said and Astra smiled. Bernard looked like old money. He looked like a shrewd business man who bought art so that he would look rich, but certainly not someone that made art. It was odd to say the least.

“Wow! Congratulations Bernard,” Astra said genuinely.

Bernard smiled and took her hand.

“Naturally, I have to show you some of my work,” he said and maneuvered her through the crowd only stopping to greet some people and pick up a champagne glass for her and Jared. Astra found Jared’s eyes from he smiled at her. It was going to be a long day.

Bernard showed her several of his work. Some were so abstract that Astra did not know what she was looking at. Bernard painted he told her. He never married and he was simply a free spirit. Astra decided that she loved him. He was so unproblematic. The more she talked to him, the more she realized that he was a typical artist, he only didn’t look and dress like one.

She saw a painting of the sky and the sunset over a river, it almost made her cry.

“I love this one,” she said.

“You should have it then,” Bernard said. Astra shook her head. She couldn’t. There was no way she could accept something like that from a total stranger.

“I can’t. It’s so expensive. I am just an upcoming lawyer you see,” Astra said and chuckled.

“I meant you don’t have to pay for it,” be clarified and she shook her head again. There was no way she could accept it.

“I know, I can’t. Please don’t press. It’s very much okay to appreciate art from afar,” Astra said.

“Nonsense!” Bernard said but she looked at him with pleading eyes.

Astra was sure he would have said something more if an usher had not come to him rushing, something was probably wrong.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“I will see the both of you around. I have to attend to something,” Bernard said and left them to their own devices.

“So how are you enjoying the exhibition?” Jared asked and Astra smiled.

“I am actually enjoying myself. There is so much art here, sculptures, paintings, drawings anything. It is so beautiful,” Astra said.

“I also enjoyed meeting Bernard. He is such a vibe,” Astra continued truthfully.

“That’s nice. It is good that you are enjoying yourself. I am happy. I was almost afraid that you would not like it here,” Jared said and Astra remembered how nervous he was when he was asking her to come for the exhibition and laughed.

“Do you see yourself holding one of these in the future? A lot of lawyers will come and your fellow artists,” Astra said.

“Maybe if I start painting. Painting is more traditional than just sketching,” Jared said and while Astra wanted to argue she realized it was an exhibition and variety would be needed and so she nodded.

“Let’s move around and see more,” Jared said and led her to another section. He was showing her the art and telling her what he saw, she would tell him her own interpretation in return. It was fun.

They were looking at what seemed like a nude woman, at least that what Astra saw and Jared was saying it was something entirely different when Astra sighted someone familiar.

“Ray!” She called and her friend’s husband turned. He did not look surprised to see her which was odd. She was definitely surprised to see him there.

Ray walked over to where she was standing with Jared and greeted.

“Hey, Astra. How are you doing?” He asked and she smiled, she was a bit confused.

“I am fine. I am good. I haven’t heard from you since we had dinner. What are you doing here?” She asked, she could not help herself?

“Oh, I am just you know, looking around for something to buy. A friend of mine invited me,” Ray said. It was very plausible that it was the reason why he was there, but Astra did not believe it, because of the way he said it. There were a lot of abstract paintings and sculptures in Ray’s house and this looked like a place to get them, but she just had this gut feeling that he was there because of her. It was unnerving.

“Oh, that’s nice,” Astra said and Jared put his hand over her shoulder. Astra could see Ray raise his eyebrow. Ray had always been over protective of her like a big brother and even back in highschool didn’t like her boyfriends.

“Oh, Jared. This is Ray, my childhood friend. You know Stephanie right? Ray is her husband,” she said. Jared had met Steph because she came over her office once in a while.

“Oh, that’s nice,” Jared said in a tone that said it was anything but nice.

“Ray. This is my co-worker and friend, Jared. We are here together,” she told Ray. Ray smiled tightly and stretched forth his hand and Jared took it.

The two men looked like they rather be eating stones that giving each other a handshake for the life of her, Astra couldn’t figure out why.

“That’s nice,” Ray said.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” He asked.

“Yes, I am thank you,” Astra said after she nodded.

“I will leave the both of you. I haven’t still seen what I want to buy yet,” Ray said.

“Oh okay then. Bye. Say hi to Steph for me,” Astra said and Ray nodded.

“I don’t like that guy,” Jared said immediately Ray left and Astra raised her eyebrows at him.

“Well, that’s your problem,” she said snarkily. Jared was being too over protective even they weren’t dating. Even when she was not even sure she wanted to date him.

“I mean it Astra. He clearly has a thing for you and he is married,” Jared said and Astra rolled her eyes. Not that she hadn’t suspected what Jared said already, but because it was none of his business.

“We are friends Jared, friends. We have been friends since high school and I introduced him to his wife. Don’t you think he has had plenty opportunity to date me if he wanted to?” She asked and Jared just looked at her.

“I don’t even know why I am even explaining this to you,” she said and stormed out of the museum. She needed to think. The thing with Ray was getting out of hand. Even other people were noticing it. It was not just her and it showed that she was not overreacting. Astra was not sure if she should approach him or stay away. There was also the issue of Stephanie, her friend.

Astra stood and brooded over thoughts until Jared came out of the museum not long after.

“I want to go home,” she said and he nodded.

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