Chapter 16 Chapter 17
Chapter 17
My eyes fluttered open and I was greeted by sunlight pouring in through the window. I feel Tyler's arm
holding me close to his strong, muscular... hot... Anna stops it. Tyler likes to hold me super close at
night ever since I told him I was scared someone was going to take me when I was sleeping. I'm glad I
told him.
Tyler started mumbling something and I couldn't help but giggle. On the outside, he's all tough and
manly but on the inside, he's a big teddy bear. I try and wiggle out of his embrace, but he mumbles
again and pulls me back against his chest. Next, I try to lift his arm but he quickly wraps it around my
side. I sigh, I didn't want to wake him up, but my bladder isn't going to wait.
"Tyler, Tyler let go," I whisper while lightly shaking him.
"No." He mumbles against my neck. He was awake that jerk.
I roll my eyes and attempt to lift his arm again, not a budge.
"Tyler!" I pout.
"Five more minutes." He mutters keeping his eyes closed.
I grumble then smack him hard on his shoulder. "I have to pee!"
He doesn't even flinch at my hard slap, but I hear him chuckle. "That was cute." He lets me free and I
scurry off the bed and into the bathroom. I'm not going to explain in detail... let's just say I no longer
had to pee. I washed my hands and brushed my teeth before crawling back into the bed, it was so
warm and comfortable, plus it had my sexy mate lying in it.
I pulled the duvet over my chilled body and Tyler pulls me back into his embrace. Feeling his naked
chest against my back instantly warms me and gives off a calming aroma.
Suddenly the door opens and Katy is standing in the doorway with her hand over her eyes. "Is it clear!"
"Katy!" I hiss at her. She peeks through her fingers and sighs. I sit up from my relaxing position and
glare at the girl that ruined our happy time.
"Sorry but Tyler don't you have Alpha things to do?" Katy calls to an exhausted Tyler.
He grumbles in response then sits up also. "I told Jackson to look after things while I spend time with
Anna." He mutters while fully waking up.
My heart bubbled at his words, he wanted to spend time with me. I fight back the blush that is
threatening to creep on my face.
"Well, I better get to school if I want to talk with James, Oh and I made breakfast." She happily waves
before leaving but forgetting to close the door. James is her date to her Winter Formal, I can't help but
feel bad that they aren't mates. It's sad because they know they can't really be together.
I sigh and crash back down onto my soft pillow before cuddling back up in the blankets.
"I'm going to take a shower, care to join?" Tyler flirts.
My heart spazzes a little before I mutter. "In your dreams."
"Then I will keep dreaming," Tyler informs me before closing the bathroom door. This is going to mess
with my head the rest of the day.
I turn to the side table and check my phone if anyone called... oh no.
From: unknown
Have fun at the party Luna?
I automatically delete the message and place my phone back on the bedside table. I still haven't told
Tyler... should I? I mean I don't want him to worry, and it's not like these texts matter, their just texts.
This isn't Pretty Little Liars.
"So I was thinking maybe we could go out tonight, just the two of us, as a date?"
I turn around to face Tyler as we walk downstairs. Me and Tyler on a date, I never thought that would
happen... I mean he's Tyler, he doesn't really come off as the good romantic type. He's more like a
Christian Grey.
"I would love that." I agree softly and blush then swiftly turn back around. He just asked but I already
can't wait till our date, I'll call it date night.
We both enter the kitchen to see two plates covered in tin foil. Katy... what if it's a prank? I slowly scoot
closer and lift up the foil. Oh, Goddess!!!
Oh never mind its eggs, bacon, and toast. "Wow, she really did make breakfast," I mumble as I shove a
piece of crispy bacon in my mouth. "And it's edible."
After we chow down the amazing breakfast Katy kindly made us I let out a loud sigh. That was a lot of
food. I can be such an animal sometimes.
"I'm going to run upstairs and grab my phone," I inform Tyler before rushing up to our room. Okay, I
probably shouldn't of ran, food is about to come back up...
I grab my phone off the bedside table and unfortunately it's beeps in my hand.
From: unknown
I see you, but do you see me?
I gasp, this never ends, I scan outside the window in front of me. Holy crap... standing in the tree line is
a man dressed in all black. But I couldn't make out any facial features. My heart started to race, I
gripped onto my phone and sprinted downstairs.
There outside to get me, there outside to get me!
I quickly scanned the living room, no Tyler. I ran into the kitchen, no Tyler! Oh, goddess where is he?!
Did they take him?!
I checked the dining room and his office and I still couldn't find him, tears were streaming down my
cheeks. They got him, and their coming for me next. Who the hell is playing tricks with me!
To: unknown
Who is this?
My fingers tremble as they typed the text message and sent it. A few seconds later I got my reply;
From: unknown
I can't tell you but I can show you.
"Anna what happened?" I spin around in my spot to see Tyler standing in front of me with a packet of
paper. Relief floods through my bones and my headache fades away.
"Where did you go?!" I freak. I thought they took you, you jerk!
"Anna calm down, I forgot some papers in my car so I went to get them."
I can't take this stress, this unknown person is driving me insane. I'm about to loose my mind, I mean
that person was just outside the same time Tyler was. What if something happened to him. My phone ConTEent bel0ngs to Nôv(e)lD/rama(.)Org .
beeped again.
From: unknown
I wouldn't tell Tyler unless you want to take him and his pack down with you.
"What was that? Who just text you?"
"No one, it was nothing important." I stammer as I shove my phone in my back pocket.
His face turns stern and he lets out a sigh. "Anna who was it?"
I look down at my feet, crap I suck at coming up with lies on the spot! "Um it was Nicole, it was about
the baby."
He raises an eyebrow. "Okay..." His voice is unsure. "Why are you crying?" He questions while
stepping closer.
"N-No, my eyes are just irritated." Nice one Anna!
"Have fun on your date you two!" Katy calls as we get in Tyler's car.
I wore a simple black dress and white kitten heels. I didn't want to look too overdressed or too
We drove downtown to a new restaurant that opened yesterday. Since Tyler is who he is we got
reservations easily. We were lead to our table for two and given menus. The restaurant wasn't too
fancy, it was just right for us. I hooked my purse on the back of my chair and scanned through the
menu. I pretty much wanted to get everything but I'm a lady, not a pig.
"See anything you like?" Tyler asks casually.
I glance up at him and smile, I can't believe I'm actually on a date with him. My tough, rogue-slaying,
drool worthy, smart, and handsome mate, my mate. "The salmon sounds good, so does the golden
Yukon potato soup. Anything you like?" I glance up at him.
"You look pretty delicious."