The Gift chronicles

Book 1 Chapter 47

Book 1 Chapter 47

Book 1 Chapter 47

Song: Severed by the Decemberists

"Gonna leave you all severed"

Cain's POV

Two weeks had gone by since I felt Ares' die. Our bond being broken felt like someone had ripped my

heart out of my chest. I would have rather that happened.

Thane offered to stay with me in Blood Lake, but I told him he needed to stay with his pack. Even

though Wilson withdrew his declaration of war, I didn't trust him not to attack Blue Moon.

Gamma Axel was at my side while I coped with losing Ares. He was surprised by my calm nature,

expecting me to fly off the handle and become feral. My wolf was tame for the first time in my whole

life. He was so pained he didn't make an appearance or attempt to connect to me.

I held myself together in front of the pack. It's what they need to see. That despite losing the Luna, I still

have everything under control. Panic would spread like a wildfire if they knew the depths of my sorrow

and grief.

I pushed my grief away to focus on finding her killer. As soon as I avenged her death, I would kill

myself, leaving Axel as the Alpha.

He was next in line for the position, since Jax's bond was also broken. In the course of a month, I had

lost my Beta, my Delta, and most importantly, my mate. I was a failure of an Alpha, and I was certain

that once I passed, Axel would take care of the pack better than I have.

Of course, he didn't know about my suicide plan. He would have tried stopping me, which would have

only ended in me hurting him. There was no changing my mind. Without Ares, I have no purpose. I

used to think the pack was the most important thing to me, but I couldn't have been more wrong.

My wolf was in agreement that death was the only option for us.

Gwen's voice interrupted my depressed line of thought. "She's here, Alpha."

I continued to sit in my office chair, looking up at the widow. She was a mess when she felt Jax's bond

sever. Since he was a Beta, the loss of her mate was felt extremely strongly by her as well. Her skin

was pale, and the circles of grey bore under her eyes.

"Bring her in here," I said emotionlessly. Gwen nodded and went to retrieve her sister.

Gwen was originally from Iron Claw, only moving to Blood Lake when Jax went to their territory with me

one time, and discovered that they were mates. Her younger sister still resided in Iron Claw, since she

had not found her mate yet. Gwen claimed that her sister may be able to help find out who killed our

mates. I was skeptical, but I could turn down any possibility of finding my mates killer. The sooner I

avenged Ares, the sooner I could end my suffering.

Gwendolyn returned with a miniature version of herself, likely only about 17 years old or so. Her hair

was also a fiery red, and red curls swirled haphazardly around her face. Her green eyes were aglow

with curiosity. Besides Ares, she was the only female who did not look fearful upon meeting me.

"Alpha," The girl said, and did a mock bow.

"I don't have time for games, child," I harshly reprimanded her. What the hell was Gwen playing at?

The girl raised an eyebrow, and cocked her head to the side. "Oh? Then I suppose I don't have time to

help find your mate's killer. That would be a shame, since I know you're desperate to put a wolfsbane

dagger in your heart."

My breathing caught in my chest. How could she possibly know about my suicide plan?

"Gwen, leave us," I commanded, the girl now having my undivided attention. Gwen hesitated, looking

at her sister, who smiled mischievously and nodded at her. At the girl's reassurance, Gwen left.

"Not that you asked, Alpha, but my name is Katrina. You should really work on your manners," she

scolded me, making me growl at her. She was exactly like her sister, but with even more attitude.

"How could you possibly help find out who killed my mate? You didn't even know her," I questioned her,

still not believing she was the real deal.

"No," Katrina acknowledged. "But my Gift is quite helpful in regards to that. Very fickle, but useful when

it chooses to be."

"What the hell are you talking about? What gift?" I demanded, sick of her avoidant way of answering

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"Respect, Alpha. Learn it. I may not be an Alpha, but I also do not serve you," Katrina smiled, showing

no fear. God, that reminded me of the way Ares' used to smirk at me with no fear, even if my hands

were around her neck. I would never get to see that smirk ever again.

She continued when I didn't say anything in response. "I have psychic abilities. Visions, sometimes

intuition. It really is quite finicky, hard to control, and unpredictable, I must warn you."

"How does it work?" I questioned her.

"Therein lays the problem. I can't just decide to see the future, or to get intuition about something. It just

has to come to me," Katrina slowly explained.

"Then how the fuck is that helpful?" I snarled, angry that she was wasting my time.

Katrina wagged her finger at me, pissing me off. "Ah, ah, ah, Cain. That's no way to speak to someone

trying to help find your mate's murderer."

I ground my teeth. This female was impossible. I felt sorry for her mate, if she ever finds him. At least

Ares would have just tried slicing my fingers off, not scolding me like I was a child.

"If I hold something that she owned, I may be able to get visions related to her. It's a long shot, but it's

worth a try. I hear this pack is blessed by the Moon Goddess. That should help my Gift work more

efficiently." She suggested, her green eyes radiating mystery.

"I know what to give you," I whispered, getting out of my chair. "Stay here. I'll retrieve it."

Katrina nodded, and sat in my chair. The balls on this pup were impressive, I'll give her that.

I ran upstairs into the room that I used to share with Ares. I haven't slept in there since her death,

unable to handle her scent that subtly infiltrated the room. Tears pooled in my eyes as I searched the

room for the object I knew Katrina needed. Ares thought she was clever in hiding it, but I always knew

where it was. Her scent was ingrained in it from years of owning it, I could smell it from a mile away.

I returned to my office, handing it to Katrina. Her eyebrows raised in question. "Emo. I like it," She

smiled at the black cloak that had long been retired.

"She used to kill rogues in it," I surprised myself by saying. I hadn't talked much about Ares since her

death. It was too painful.

Katrina smiled sympathetically. "I know, Alpha. She was the Reaper. You would be surprised by how

much I know."

Anytime Katrina answered a question, she inspired 12 more.

Katrina sniffed the cloak, and we both silently waited for something to happen, even though I didn't

know what to expect.

"It's not strong enough. I need to get into her head," Katrina muttered, and began putting the cloak on


"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I snarled at her, about to rip the cloak away from her.

All traces of mischief left Katrina's eyes as she focused on me seriously. "If you want me to find your

mate's killer, let me do my thing. If I feel at all restricted this won't work."

I glared at her, my fists shaking as I clenched them. I felt unsettled seeing someone else in Ares' cloak.

Katrina closed her eyes, breathing in deeply. Nothing happened for a few minutes, and I began to grow

impatient. As much as Katrina seemed to know, she also seemed like a quack.

Suddenly, her eyes opened, and I was surprised to see that her eyes were completely black. No iris, no

whites of her eyes, just completely black. She looked demonic.

Her hand shot out and clutched the air. It looked as if her hand was wrapped around an invisible knife.

She made a throwing motion with the knife, and her form looked shockingly similar to Ares'. Blood

started trickling out of her nose.

Suddenly, Katrina gasped, and her eyes reverted to their normal green.

"What the fuck was that?!" My voice raising. It sounded crazy, but I almost could have sworn I felt Ares

in the room.

Katrina wiped the blood from her nose. "That's my gift, Cain. Told you it was fickle," She smirked at me.

"Did it help? Do you know where she is?!" I demanded, desperation overtaking my tone.

"Well... no," Katrina admitted. This isn't the right object. There's something she feels more attached to.

It's related to the vision I just saw. I don't know what, but it's related somehow."

"What did you see?"

"I was in Ares' body. In some kind of small meeting room. You walked in. Someone said something

about grabbing her. You said no, that nobody can put their hands on her. I threw two daggers at you."

Katrina sounded confused, not understanding the significance.

A ghost of a smile appeared on my face. "The day we met. She threw knives at me and bolted," I

reminisced on the memory.

Katrina smiled sympathetically. "I could feel her strength."

"She was strong," I agreed, tears threatening to overtake my eyes. "Open my desk drawer. You'll find

what you're looking for."

She raised an eyebrow in question, but opened the drawer nonetheless. She rummaged around for a

few moments before finding what she was looking for.

Katrina held the daggers in her hands. "You kept them," She stated.

"I did," I coughed.

Katrina looked at me in pity. "I'll find who killed her, Cain. I prom—" Her voice was cut off as she started

coughing violently. Her eyes blackened again, and she started convulsing. She started throwing up

blood, and I didn't move, scared that whatever I could do would make it worse.

After a while, she calmed down, and laid quietly on the floor, her eyes closed, and still clutching the

daggers tightly.

She suddenly sat up, back to normal.

"I know who took your mate. Better yet, I think I know where to find her." Katrina smiled victoriously as

she wiped excess blood off of her mouth.

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