The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

32 Crazy Ideas

Aurora POV

“What did you have in mind?” Jason asked me. I mirrored his very sinister smile. I can’t believe I am

actually about to help these crazy bastards, but I can’t help it. When I heard them talking about this

shipment, something just seemed


I was listening to their planning and I just got that bad feeling and even though these guys are crazy

motherfuckers, I wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt, no matter how terrible they are. It’s just not who I


When Ben had mentioned a mole problem, I had a weird little idea and I didn’t realize I spoke the

words ‘I have an idea” out loud. Now the four biggest bad boys are surrounding me and wanting my

opinion. And even though these guys terrify me, I am trying to be brave.

“Um well, what if you did a version of a scavenger hunt. Hear me out, it might be really complicated, but

I think it could work. Please don’t get mad at me. Something seemed really off with your meeting and I

didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but I just got a bad feeling.

You said you have a mole problem and you have no idea who they are. Every time you have gotten a

lead, it turns out bad, right? Well, there could be more than one mole.

Since this shipment is so important, it’s safe to say that you shouldn’t truly trust anyone.

What if you have two other decoy transports and they all start at different times over say a span of like

four hours. Your will probably need some empty shipping boxes so that all three trucks are full. Only

you four should know which truck has the real shipment though.

So, come up with like three different routes with different instructions and have three trucks. Hand one

envelope to the lead driver of each convoy. Make sure the route you actually want is somehow marked

for you so you can give the right instructions to the right truck. The instructions though are not complete

so if there is an interception or if someone is following at any point, they will not be able to know the

next step making it harder for them to actually complete the raid. Like a scavenger hunt. Everyone will

have to go all around the city getting random instructions. Only the first car in the convoy should know

the instructions at each step, so it narrows down your suspect pool if there is an interception.

You can have some of your men secretly hiding and following along as backup too. And some of the

instructions should be really ridiculous like ‘go to the Starbucks on 5th Avenue by taking Grand Street.

Go inside and order everyone a birthday cake pop and ask for “Tracie” and recieve a red envelope or

things like that. Let the envelopes be held by normal people and have your men do random things to

waste time. Plus, it would be fun and different for your guys. Even those resting bitch faces out there

would appreciate the fun. You can even give additional instructions to the people who have the

envelopes like a special word so the driver knows to follow it.

The more complicated the instructions, the harder it is to set up a raid. And make the actual delivery in

the middle of the scavenger hunt at a second location at like an underground parking lot where you

switch boxes or like drive through car wash where anyone watching will not be able to see what is

going on and instruct the drivers to continue afterwards. Then when the coast is clear, you can

transport the real shipment to where it needs to go.

By the time the mole figures out what happened, it will be too late! And maybe you can get a new lead.”


32 – Crazy Ideas

Phew! I was winded after all that talking. I didn’t realize just how happy I was talking about this plan.

Some of it, I totally made up on the spot.

I looked at all the guys. Charlie had a smirk on his face similar to when I gave my suggestion for his

company. Kai had a clear–thinking face on. Ben was nodding his head and Jason just stared at me.

The awkward silence was thick and I was starting to fidget thinking I did something wrong.

Jason cleared his throat and said something that if I wasn’t already sitting down, I probably would have

fainted. “That is a very good idea angel. I’m proud of you.”

Oh my good Sunday movie popcorn, I am so glad I am not butter right now, because with all the heat

now radiating through my body, I would be melting.

“It would be a lot of work logistically, but it would certainly throw everyone for a loop.” Ben said. I looked

behind me and saw him furiously typing something on his phone.

Then Kai asked “should we tell Thomas and Draco anything?” Then Charlie interjects shaking his head:

“no, I think we don’t tell anyone we are changing plans. We should also wait until we are at the

warehouse to bring in two extra trucks and assign the convoys. We should also only tell the driver of

the first car like our sweetheart suggested. Let’s act like the original plan is still a go for now.”

All the guys nod their head and then Ben adds “I’ll work on the routes and instructions since we can

cover most areas with our drone support. Since it is Aurora’s idea and she has such a tad evil streak

like her little prank the other day.” he gave me that knowing look and I blushed again in

embarrassment, “I think she should help out. I could use her expertise and we already know she isn’t

the snitch.”

I sat there with my eyes opened wide in shock. Jason looks at me and nods his head. “Aurora angel,

Ben is right. This is your idea. Would you help us?”

I couldn’t resist my next statement as it just flew out of my mouth: “The great and powerful Jason

O’Donnell is asking little ol‘ me for help? Say please!” lason’s expression hardened and I knew I

crosses a line.

“Don’t be a brat, Aurora. I will have no problem in taking you over my knee right here and making that

pretty ass of yours a nice purple color.” Was all he said, crossing his big muscle arms over his chest.

His evil stare was enough to make me shiver in fear and oddly still have some warm feelings in my


“I’m sorry.” I whispered, looking at my head and I heard him hum in response. I looked to Ben and gave

him a small

smile “I’d love to help.”

“Great! Let’s go!” He said and then grabbed my hands out of Charlie’s grasp and before I knew it, my

vision was turned upside down. I let out a small yelp. He had tossed me

over his shoulder and was walking out of the room. I looked up to see the other guys smiling and

getting further away. We crossed the threshold of the office door.

“Put me down Ben!” I started lightly hitting his back.

“Nah, I’m good. I quite like this view.” I gasped loudly as he ran his fingers up like playing piano chords

on my exposed inner thigh and then he BIT MY ASS!


32- Crazy Ideas

“OW!” I screeched. I felt vibrations coming from him as he was chuckling to himself and a rough hand

smoothed the area by gentle rubbing. Two guards were following us and also had smirks on their faces.

We stopped momentarily. I may be small but my head was almost to his waistband so I took the

moment where he was distracted. I noticed he didn’t wear a belt today, as he was just in jeans and a

button–down shirt. Before I could talk myself out of it, I hooked my fingers onto his waithand at the hips This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

and pushed down with all my might.


pants fell down to his knees and I may have also accidentally hooked his boxers too, so that went as

well! Now I have a face full of a very beautiful chiseled apple shaped

“HEY!” He screamed. But he didn’t put me down much to my dismay. Instead, he waddled straight into

a room, like actually waddled trying to keep his pants from dropping father and a door shut tight behind

him. I was thrown on a sofa quickly and before my vision could settle, his back was turned and his

pants were being pulled up.

“If you wanted to see my ass baby girl, all you had to do was ask,” he said smugly, looking over his

shoulder. I rolled my eyes in response. He smiled at me with an evil glint in his eye. Oh shit! I’m in

trouble now.

He sat down next to me and then pulled my arm with some force quickly and i landed over his lap, face

down, ass up.

“Bad girls are punished.” he said sternly. He put pressure on my back so couldn’t get up. He then

flipped the back of my dress up, pulled down my panties exposing my ass,

The anticipation was killing me. I tried to protest and get up, but the grip on me tightened and then



“COUNT!” He commanded.


“One, thank you sir!”

“Good girl.”


Chapter Comments

Becca Sharpley


who would write something so bad it’s like they are an abuser themselves cause no one would forget a

friend being murdered right in front of them



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