The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

30 – Messy Punishment

Aurora POV Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“Ready for your punishment?” Jason acted like it was a normal, routine Tuesday date night.

I swallowed the invisible knot in my throat, just staring at the man who held my life in his hands.

He motioned me to come to him with two of his fingers and I reluctantly stood from the bed and walked

through the small sea of muscle, my head hung low in embarrassment. I knew I had taken it too far, but

the small rebellious part of me just wanted to cause them a little discomfort.

“For what it’s worth, I’m sorry. I went too far” 1 said when I stopped in front of Jason. My vision was

becoming blurry with salty tears that were pushing to escape down my cheeks. Our shoes were almost

touching, and I know this because I was staring at them. I had a wave of extreme fear wash over me so

I couldn’t muster the courage to look at him.

A rough hand pulled my chin up and I blinked back the tears as my vision cleared and I was staring into

the beautiful cold eyes of the master king himself.

He clicked his tongue and said “I know sweetie. But you still will be punished severely.” I nodded in

response and looked down again. I felt his warm lips on the crown of my head before his hand found

my arm and he ushered me out of the door. I didn’t even look back at Lillian.

The guards were close behind us and the hall was silent except for the pitter patter of our shoes

against the tiled floors.

We went through the second kitchen and then through the first kitchen and then into the dining room

and I was brought to the side of room. Waiting there were at least ten more armed guards, Charlie,

Ben, and Kat. The two other men that were in the office and Draco were also there. The one I hit with

the halloon was cleaned up and wearing a yello

polo shirt and black pants. Kai was still covered in food that stained his grey suit and white shirt in large

brown. and black spots. Charlie and Ben had clearly showered and changed into black shirts and

matching dress pants

I noticed there was a large area on the floor covered in a clear plastic sheet. In the middle of the plastic

sheet was a metal armchair. And with seeing that, the invisible knot in my throat had returned and my

heart sped up to match the pace of a cheetah. My breathing became heavy but I couldn’t stop moving.

Jason brought me to the chair and pushed my shoulder down.

That’s when I freaked out. He moved slightly and I jumped up and tried to run to the door. I had to get

away. He caught me so effortlessly. I began to sob and thrash in his arms, clawing at the arm wrapped

around my waist and trying to propel my body forward.

I know I connected my foot with his shins because I heard a painful grunt behind me. Charlie and Kai

along with Draco and two other guards stepped forward and somehow they all managed to get me in

the chair. I was too busy screaming “please don’t kill me” and “let me go” to notice that they put cuffs

around my wrists and ankles and

attached a leather belt around my torso.

They all stepped back once I was secure and I continued to thrash, barely noticing the pain that the

metal cuffs were


30–Messy Punishment

causing when they dug into my tender flesh.


His w

guys stepped away and started talking to themselves. Thomas appeared and approached them.

His whole face was red almost as if spent two days in the Sahara Desert without sunscreen. His eyes

were not just puffy, they were swollen. I really felt bad at that moment.

Ghost peppers can burn a house down if you don’t handle them properly. I did not think that it would

get in his face. That was really my bad. It was supposed to burn their mouth if they tasted it, not put it in

their eyes!

I heard Kai say, “what the fuck happened to you?” I didn’t bear Thomas response, but all the guys

looked at me.

At one point in their hushed conversation, Jason called over two guards and gave them some

instructions. They left for the kitchen.

A few minutes later the guards returned with a trolley, and they wheeled it to the edge of the plastic

lining. I could make out different condiments and spice bottles.

At the snap of Jason’s fingers, the guards all around me back off and head to different spots around the

room, leaving me strapped to a chair and now I have eight very angry serious faces staring at me

Jason comes forward and leans down so we are eye level with each other. He placed both of his arms

on top of mine to steady himself. “Do you know what rules you broke?” I nod very subtly in response.

“Words Aurora. Always words!”

“Rule three” I reply.

“Which is?” Jason questioned.

“Be respectful and kind.”

“And what other rule did you break?”

Another rule? I didn’t break another rule. Rule one was don’t escape, rule two was don’t leave the

compound, rule three was be respectful and kind. Rule four was curfew.

I shook my head while saying “I didn’t break any other rule.”

“Wrong Aurora. Rule one: do not try to escape. You broke rule fucking one!” Jason started getting

agitated new 1 had to calm the beast down.

“N–no, sir. I never t–tried to escape.” 1 began shaking. My whole body was physically manifesting my

fear. “In–never tried t–to escape. I just opened the door and ran away m–making you th–think I did so I

could hide. I only wanted

have a l–little fun. I’m s–so sorry. I–I took it too far.” I hate it when I stutter!

They all raised their eyebrows, but it was Kai who spoke: “You little brat! You knew we would be pissed

off and you still decided to cause so much chaos?” He had a hint of amusement on his face.

I stayed silent and pierced my lips together. I know I’m guilty.


30- Messy Punishment

“You crossed a line Aurora. You pushed your luck too far. Even if you technically didn’t attempt to

escape.” Jason said sternly. Again I stayed silent and lowered my head.

Jason stood up in front of me and then said: “We will give you a small reprieve. You are going to get a

taste of your own medicine. But before we do that, you need to understand that your actions today

caused a lot of problems. It is only fair that we give you a permanent reminder so you remember the

next time you want to pull a stunt like that, there will be grave consequences. Kai is going to carve our

initials onto your wrists. You will never try something like that again, you hear me?”

My body continued to shake and tears rolled freely down my face as Kai approached.

He kissed my forehead before taking my left arm in his left hand and applying an insane amount of

pressure to keep my arm from moving, I felt he was going to break it. I looked away as the tip of a small

army knife touched my skin. I felt it dig into my skin and it was sharp and searing pain as if I was being

burned by a hot dish on the stove. I tried to be brave by clenching my fists and screaming all the nasty

profanities internally. Eventually the burning sensation was too much and I screamed in agony. Charlie

had found his way behind me and was petting my head and whispering

sweet nothings in my ear trying to keep me calm.

The pain stopped and when Kai moved away, I saw blood dripping down my forearm. He had neatly

carved JOD CDP KA BV. The cuts were deep enough that they would leave a scar, a permanent

imprint of their claim to me.

Jason and several of the men then walked over to the trolley cart and picked up various condiments.

The proceeded to

pour and throw food all over me. It was embarrassing to say the least.

Draco cracked a few eggs on my head. Thomas rubbed salt in my open wound, that made me cry. I

was drenched in creamer, chocolate syrup, maple syrup, whipped cream, tomato sauce, vegetable oil,

various spices were thrown on me like turmeric, pepper, Italian seasoning, paprika, and mustard.

I felt disgusting and weak. They then left me there under the supervision of snickering guards. I

eventually fell asleep to the sounds of my own sobbing. Ben and Charlie woke me up sometime later

and helped me back to my room.

They stripped me and helped me shower. I was so physically and emotionally drained that I didn’t even

care that they. saw me naked. I felt numb. They cleaned me up, bandaged my arm, and dressed me for

sleep. I barely remember them taking me to my bed, placing the chain around my ankle both kissing

my face goodnight. My eyes closed quickly, and I let the darkness take me. My last thought was that

was for you Brianna. It was worth every second!

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