The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize

Chapter 116

Chapter 116

116 The Distraction


I watched as my lovely wife and Jason entered the car and then drove away with the assigned escort.

Ben, Charlie, and

I start making our way to the main warehouse next door.

My wife. I love the sound of that title. But my poor baby looks so tired even after six hours of sleep.

“Do you think we should call the doctor for Aurora? She’s been sleeping a lot more and seems a little

spaced out.” I asked the guys as we entered the side of the building using Ben’s keycard.

“Hmm. Yeah, you’re right. I don’t think it would hurt to make sure everything is okay. Dimitry coming

back is hard on

all of us, but I can only imagine what she is going through right now. We need to finish this once and for

all.” Charlie

said with a sad smile on his face.

“I agree. Aurora will be safe at home. Jason has already ordered triple reinforcement. The first plane

will arrive within the hour and two convoys have arrived and already checked in and on assignment. I

am going to go to check in with the Nerds and see if I can track that bastard down.” Ben said and

walked off.

“See you at home later?” Charlie asked and I hummed and nodded, still thinking about Aurora.

Something doesn’t feel right and I can’t put my finger on it, almost like she is hiding something. But that

can’t be right. She is always with us. It’s not like she can keep a secret from us.

“I think Ben put the new sharpshooter guns in your lair. Try not to have too much fun, okay?” Charlie

smiled and started walking towards his office.

“Who? Me? Never.” I replied sarcastically with a shit–eating grin on my face. I love new toys! I happily

increased my pace and headed downstairs and through the labyrinth of corridors until I got to the

Omega headquarters. I scanned my handprint, retina, and embedded wrist chip and the door clicked


I walked in and saw the best and brightest hanging out at the tables and sofas, all of them laughing and

talking while sharpening or cleaning their weapons. “Honey! I’m home!” I sang, with my arms

outstretched. The guys stopped their chatter and immediately stood at attention.

“At ease soldiers,” I commanded and they relaxed but still stood, ready for orders. I began to slowly

walk around the space, addressing my men. “Marco has gone too far. He attacked us on our

honeymoon and could have hurt Aurora. We are going to find him and kill him, for real this time. No

mistakes gentlemen. We will not stop until his head

room for hangs on the traitor’s post outside.” A chorus of “ho–rahs‘ rang out in the hall. “Get back to

work. I want all our weapons and go–packs ready to go in two hours. Stay armed and ready.” I ordered

and headed to the weapons room. Oscar and another one of my favorites, Patrick, came with me.

We spent the next hour inspecting the new guns and another half hour having fun in the range, testing

them out. These bad boys were military–grade rifles with a fifty–round magazine with bullets that could

pierce an armored car; they were light as a feather and as durable as steel. They had an invisible heat

sensor and a thousand–foot shooting


We were packing up when the building started to shake dramatically and then the breech alarm began

to bläre. The lights turned red and the sirens started to sound off. I went straight to my office, gun in

hand. My men were geared up


116–The Distraction

and several of them took shooting positions around the room for security. My six lieutenants are in my

office waiting

for orders.

Oscar pulled up the CCTV footage of the warehouse. Several cameras are out black and several

others are covered in smoke. I see many men running around and in two cameras there is a shootout

happening near the main dungeon

entrance. There is rubble and steel everywhere.

“Can you pull up another angle? See if we can get a better look at their faces.” I command Oscar while

pointing to covered men in the corner of the screen. “On it!” he responded and began clicking away like

a madman. The video switched instantly and we have an angle behind them.

There are six men, clad in black, but there are two dead men behind them. Oscar zooms into one of

the dead men’s

faces. “Look boss!” he exclaimed and he pointed to the neck. There is a visible tattoo and it’s the

insignia of the Marco mafia. These are Marco’s men. “Fuck!” I shout.

Turning around to see my soldiers, my mind goes military immediately. “Omega One and Three–secure

the south

side: Teams Two and S. N

Five high top support for Rho and Gamma. Oscar you and Elvis on

comms, keep the bunker. Team

move bitches!” I don’t wait

be with me. We are going to the dungeon. I think they are here for Alexi Let’s their ass out of my office

before I grab my bulletproof vest and bolt out the

and cock my gun and head down the corridor to our secret door. “No

door. I shout for Team Four as I

survivors!” I shout to the rest of the teams as they gear up and head to their respective secret doors.

We have secret tunnels and doors all over the facility. Only the Omega Team, lason, Charlic, and Ben

know about these

tunnels. It’s one of the reasons we are called

We can pop up out of nowhere. We have a tunnel system even

back to the house as a way for emergenc

pom and an escape route.

I open the secret panel and my tve–man team stealthily enters, guns up and ready. They pull down

their night vision glasses and begin checking every nook and cranny of the blacked–out cemented

corridors. There is another violent shake of the building. We hasten our pace and m our way through

the halls and come to a steal door with many

nobs like a bank vault. I am in the middle of the

gan also at the ready. The lead men wait for my signal and I silently give it by tapping my guard on the

right three times on the shoulder.

These tunnels run on manual locks. Each door is a different combination of levers and moving pieces

on the door like a puzzle. If you get the combination wrong, it releases booby traps that will render you

incapacitated for hours. Part of Omega training is receiving the wrong combination on purpose to

experience what happens when you don’t pay attention. We are the best for a reason.

The guard puts in the combination and we hear the beautifull sound of the three locks clicking open.

The door cracks open and we waste no time rushing in. The door is hidden in a fake cell. We head to

the bars and open the door with ease. The entire dungeon is laced with a dark red light, casting a very

eene glow on the iron bars. The smell of blood and decay would be revolting to most. We make our Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

way through the cell Boot, hearing the moans and pleas of our

prisoners as we pass

The two men stop before we reach the next turn, halting all of our silent steps. The one on my left holds

up his hand nd signals silently that there is a disturbance up ahead and to wait. He creeps up the end

of the wall and removes a small camera from his vest. He clicks a few buttons and a small screen

enters my glasses so we can all see what is going on. Three men are trying to open one of our prison

doors. It’s Alex’s cell and they are talking quietly while wiring the door frame.


I use sign language to communicate with my men who are looking at me. Take them out is all I say.

Within two

116 – The Distraction

breaths, all five of my men took their positions in a pyramid formation in the open hall and trained their

guns on the men who were too busy arguing with each other.

With a simple snap of fingers: POP, POP, POP, POP, POP. Three thuds echoed softly and a small “not”

could be heard down the hall. The men made their way still in formation to the bodies. I followed behind

them lazily. They come up to the men and two of them put their guns away and removed the zip ties

from their pockets, securing the dead bodies With another simple snap, the three remaining guards

with guns fired another few rounds at the corpses just in case they twitched.

I turned my attention to Alexi who was slumped by the bars. He looked up at me in defeat and said

“This was distraction. Dimitry will not stop until he has Aurora. He is convinced she belongs to him. He

was supposed to rescue me two months ago. It was all a trap. I have a chip in me and the kid named

Wes in your tech group works for us. He put a virus in the system with the key I snuck in for him. I was

never supposed to stay here but everyone betrayed me He has no loyalty so I will show more loyalty to

him. Find Aurora. Kill him. Now please, kill me.” Alexu said, his breathing labored and weak.

I raised my loaded gun and said “Thank you for your cooperation. You are free.” And I pulled the

trigger. A nice perfect hole now rested in the center of his forehead.

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