The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 131

Chapter 131

Chapter 131 “Is this the part I wake up?” She asks me breathlessly. Nuzzling my head against hers, I feel a chuckle form at my throat. Shutting my eyes together, I sigh out. “No, I’m afraid not. Not this time.” She doesn’t respond in words. She simply raises her head to press a firm kiss to my temple. A kiss so sweet and savory I can’t find it in myself to open my eyes. Too afraid that when I do, it would all just be a dream. She trails her lips to the curve of my neck, laying another one of her feathery kisses at the junction that connects to my shoulder. She smiles. “What happened to taking it slow?” The corner of my mouth lifts up in a grin. “I believe I told you,” I said, kissing her softly. “-if you’re offering, I won’t hold back.” She scoffs but the wide grin on her face warms me. Kissing me again, she gives me a sign she wants to continue where we left off. And I, all too willing to do so allow her the control she sought after. “Alpha Locksworth? I’m not sure if Alpha Selene is here, I’ve been look- Oh my Goddess, Jesus fucking Christ, I am so sorry- holy fuck. I just uh, Goddess have mercy on me. T-take your time. I wouldn’t recommend the desk, it’ll stiffen your back and- I uh, never mind. I-I’ll just go.” Selene and I pull away, staring at the flushed state of her Beta as he looked between us. When realization sinks in, he immediately bangs the door shut and runs down the hall. A few voices mix with his and it didn’t take long for us to realize everyone else was outside. “What happened, Noah?” Someone, who I recognized as Meredith asked.

“Holy f uck balls, Ms. Crestfield. I think your praying at the shrine worked. It’s safe to assume little Bloodhounds will be running around soon. Very, very soon. F ucking hell, maybe even five.” The Beta gushes, sounding beyond truanted but at the same time pleased.

“Bloo-what? Noah, you aren’t making any sense.” “Ms. Crestfield, I believe what Nate here is trying to say, is that my Alpha and Alpha Crestfield are copulating. In other words, f ucking. They are f ucking.” Weston repsonds, I made a m ental note to kick his a ss later, but continued to listen as Selene sat still in my arms. Her eyes glued to the door as if she could actually see the commotion happening behind it. “Or mating. We still use that word too.” Williams pitches in. “F ucki-Oh Goddess, really?” Meredith sequels, clapping her hands in utter excitement. I feel Selene flinch, her arms clinging onto my tighter but I don’t mind. I welcomed it. I loved the feel of her skin on mine. 16:30 The Female Alphala Canetsous “Oh, I have no doubt she’ll get pregnant. I believe in his libido, the man will work her out til she’s out. With a body like his, there’s no way she’s getting out of this not pregnant.” Im beginning to understand what Williams said about grandpups. It’s clearly Meredith who’s hellbent on having them. “Actually, uh, they were just making out.” Noah mumbles, a sheepish laugh following suit. Silence. Selene and I look at each other. A smirk in place with my hands on her hips. “Way to go, Nate. You got me excited for nothing.”

Weston grumbles. “Don’t roll your eyes at me, Preston! It’s not my fault you have a dirty mind!” Noah interjects. The two was an amusing pair. Granted, I wouldn’t want to get stuck in a room with only the two of them, but they really knew how to diffuse tension. Their bickers and side arguments, i could live without. “Presto-how dare you? You’re the one saying stuff like having little Bloodhounds running around! What were we supposed to think? That they were playing Monopoly? Twister without clothes on?” Weston voice raises dramatically. “Anything but that.” “Goddess, you’re annoying.” Weston grits out. “You take the words right out of my mouth, Preston.” Noah counters. “Funny, I was certain we were talking about you, Nate.” “You know what, you straight up suck.” “You know what else sucks? Your stu pid a ss-” “We can hear you.’ !ו T 13 ” 4 I say, keeping my eyes on Selene’s amused ones. The argument outside goes into deaf silence until someone whispers out, “Do you think they hear us now?” “If we stand still, I don’t think they will.” A Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

24 ” T Weston responds confidently. I don’t know how he managed to come up with that logic but I learned questioning his way of thinking will never end well. “But they can’t see us…. can they? Do they like.. have x-ray vision?” Noah asks with a hint of awe. “I don’t know… it might be an Alpha thing. I’ve seen a few dinosaur movies. They do this all the time.” “But isn’t that just for dinosaurs?” “Dinosaurs, wolves psh, what’s the difference?” Weston asks with a scoff, Selene closes her eyes for a second before she she opened them, 16:31 The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary 55.59% “There is no difference. If you stay here a second longer, you’ll be wiped out just like the lot of them.” And just like that, the two run down the hall. Stroking her hair back, Selene laughs when she hears the two’s bickers minimizing into silence. Tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear, she adds,

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