The Dark Secret of the CEO

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Thankfully, we don’t get to argue more than this; Lancelot walks in just as we’re still glaring at each other. He chuckles.

“Whatever this is about, I don’t want to be asked to take sides. Come on guys, time to go home.”

I ignore Bart, and walk past Lancelot to get into the car, hearing the latter scoff when Bart also just growls in response.

“…You two ungrateful brats do realize I had to wake up in the middle of the day to come and get you, right?!”Daily Latest update

It doesn’t really get better in the car. Bart’s sulking and avoiding looking in my direction, while I do the same, my eyes on Rick’s card once again. Did I make a mistake involving him in this…? Perhaps. Perhaps I acted like an idiot with the hope that he’d stick around for a while longer, but then, what the fuck am I hoping for? This is pointless. I’m a vampire now, I’m Hera Heartgraves. June’s dead. I should wish him well and let him go on with his life, not give him crumbs to hold on to…

I keep getting mad at myself as we go home. I don’t even care much about Swithin getting Charles’ attention anymore. I can hear about that later. I just climb to my bedroom angrily, most people will be asleep at that time anyway. To my surprise, when I reach it, it’s not exactly empty; there’s a black cat asleep on my bed. For some reason, the vision of the small bundle of fur on my bed immediately calms me down. I slowly close the door so as not to wake the cat, and gently climb on my bed, next to it. … Did Beatrix leave it there? Or are the cats used to just going wherever they please? …It’s the same cat she left in my hand, isn’t it? Most of them were all black, I have a hard time telling… Gently, I start petting the smooth, soft black fur. A satisfied purring soon comes from the cat. Yep, definitely used to vampires petting them. I let out a faint sigh, and try to calm down, steering my thoughts away from Rick. I lie down on the mattress, actually a bit tired.Daily Latest update

I managed to fall asleep, which shouldn’t surprise me too much I suppose… When I wake up, the cat’s gone, but I hear voices downstairs. It’s past night time too, so I’m guessing most of the house is already awake. I get up to take a quick shower, and change into something more comfortable. I can’t believe I fell asleep still fully clothed… I need to get used to my new sleeping schedule. I slip into some straight high-waisted camel pants and a black tank top, dry my curls and add a headband before going downstairs. Because it’s nighttime, and probably way past sunset, most of the family is awake. Cata is chatting cheerfully with Rebecca and Lancelot in the kitchen, and I hear at least two people typing in the living room. I wonder if the lack of more communal spaces is to force us to spend time together when we’re awake.Daily Latest update

My walk into the kitchen is actually greeted by a loud burp.

“Ugh, Greyson, seriously,” Lancelot grimaces. “Try and act civilized, will you?”

As he sees me, Greyson wipes the beer foam off his lips and glances at me, giving me a quick nod. I don’t know if he likes me or not, but I’m pretty sure I do not want the mountain of big muscles against me. He looks like he belongs in the depths of the forest, with an axe and a wooden cabin… Or in a biker’s lair. Next to him, Cecily chuckles.

“Come on, big guy, let’s go hunt for some real drink. I’m starving after working for Baby Vamp all night. Hera, your pictures are ready if you want to see them, but I’m out tonight. See ya everyone.”

She grabs him by the collar, pulling a guy twice her size like some dog behind her, and they both exit the room.

“Don’t mind Greyson,” Lancelot sighs. “We’re pretty sure he’s genetically linked with a bear…”

“That’s cool,” I shrug. “Do I dare ask what’s between him and Cecily?”Daily Latest update

“Oh, they sleep together,” Rebecca shrugs. “But nothing more, as far as we know. Tried more, didn’t work out. The usual.”

I did expect something like that… I guess we’re just siblings in name only after all. I glance at Cata, who didn’t say a thing, but gives me a little greeting smile.

“The pictures?” I ask Lancelot.

“Cecily and I did work hard,” he smiles. “You’ve got two auditions and a photoshoot tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?” I gasp, shocked. “Seriously?”

“Didn’t you want to work?” Rebecca tilts her head. “Time to shine, Baby Vamp.”

I chuckle, and move on to the living room. As I expected, Swithin’s there, sitting in the middle of the couch, while Agnes is curled up in the armchair with a new book and, to my surprise, a woman I’ve never seen before is seated on the floor. She is very muscular, but with a thin build, like all of us. Her hair is cut short, and she has a black tattoo on her dark skin, running from her lip down her throat. I wouldn’t be able to tell where she’s from, perhaps Middle East or Egypt? It looks like she just arrived, she’s got a long leather coat on.

“…So you’re our youngest little sister?” She smiles at me. “Nice to meet ya’. I’m Vivian!”

She’s got one strong american accent for someone who looks from the other side of the world. At least, she looks very friendly.

“Nice to meet you,” I nod. “West Coast?”Daily Latest update

“Chicago! I’ve lived in Illinois for the last century.”

“Great. Then you should let Bart know that New Amsterdam’s got a new name…”NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

She laughs loudly.

“Ha! Old Bart’s still a nosey mess!”

Yep, like her already. I go to sit next to Swithin, who clearly pretends not to notice my butt moving the couch next to him, his eyes riveted on his charts. Why does he wear those red shades all the time?

“Anything?” I ask him.

“Anything what?Daily Latest update

“You know. Charles Williams. What did I miss? You got anything new?”

“No, Hera, I don’t have anything new. I showed him the flat, he liked it, then he left to go to his hotel with his staff. That was it. I’m busy catching up on my work I missed while working on your case.”

“He didn’t let out anything that could help me corner him?” I insist.

“You know, you’re cute as a little sister, but you could learn some patience, darling. You’re going to need it in the next four or five decades to come…”

I pout, not too happy with that short answer of his. This is not going how I want. I can’t just be like Agnes, grab a book and calmly stay at home waiting…Daily Latest update

“…What hotel is it?”

He finally stops typing.


“What no?” I protest. “I just want to check.”

“I’m not telling you,” he scoffs. “I’m not getting you out of a police station again.”

“You got arrested?” Vivian exclaims, amused. “Already?”

“…Charles’ got a huge ego,” I mutter. “And he likes luxury… He always wants what’s best. …He’s got to be at the Savoy.”

He flinches. It’s very brief, barely a twitch in his jawline, but I see it.

“Ha! I’m right, aren’t I?”

“Hera Heartgraves, I swear, if you dare to go th-”

Too late, I’m already running back to my room to grab some of my stuff, a pair of boots, a big coat and my phone. When I run back downstairs, Swithin’s standing there, and I have to stop right there and then. I can’t move. I can’t take a single step closer to the threshold. He’s using his Domination.

I gasp, and as I try to look up, I realize I can’t. I can’t look him in the eye. I force myself to breathe in, try to fight it. He’s old, but not as old as Beatrix. I feel it’s slightly easier. I manage to move. I move just a little, just a little bit, but it won’t be enough. He won’t let me take another step…

“You need to learn your place,” he hisses.

His voice makes me scared. Really scared. I feel the weight of a man centuries older than me, and I lower my head more, forced to cower. I shiver.


The pressure is released without warning, and I almost fall forward, unsteady. I glance back. Richard’s standing in the hallway, Beatrix one step behind him like a shadow. The patriarch greets me with a faint smile.

“Hera,” he gently calls out.

“…I just want to go and take a look,” I mutter.

“I know. Be careful.”

I hesitate. …Does that mean I can actually go? How come? Richard doesn’t say anything, but it really looks like I can just walk out. I cautiously step back, and as no one is holding me back, I walk past Swithin and get outside before somebody changes their mind.

Just like that, I’m out. …That’s it? I have an odd feeling, but I just keep walking, headed to the Savoy. It’s quite a walk from here, if I remember the hotel’s position somewhat right. Should I take a taxi? For a while, there’s no chance to. I just walk along the streets, crossing paths with a few humans. For some reason, I can’t help but feel nervous. Is it because I’m out alone again? It’s not the common fear a female human could have walking alone at night, it’s… different. Like I can feel something’s off. As if… I’m not alone. I stop, and glance back, but there is literally nothing but the darkness. Did one of them follow me? They would show themselves instead of playing this game. Plus, I wouldn’t have such a nerve-wracking sensation… Who the fuck is it then? Or is it me just being paranoid? I can’t hear anything abnormal, and I can’t see anyone hiding. What the heck is going on?

While I’m busy glancing back and watching over my shoulder, I almost miss the silhouette walking up to me, and I take a hard stop.

“Hera,” he chuckles, amused. “You look like you saw a ghost. Are you alright, Darling?”

“John,” I sigh, a bit relieved to see him. “Yeah sorry, I just… I felt like I was being followed until a second ago.”

“Followed?” He frowns, glancing over my shoulder. “…Doesn’t seem like it. Anyway, what are you doing out alone?”

“Richard let me. Just going on some… personal errand. You?”

“Oh, I went out to get some drinks for Juliet…”

He shows me the pair of bottles he was holding, and as one would suspect, it’s not wine. Still, I’m a bit confused. He lets out a faint grimace before I ask the question.

“Sorry, I just don’t feel too confident letting her out, with what happened to Atticus… She’s pretty weak to other vampires’ Domination.”

She did seem more fragile than I am… Is that normal for a vampire, when she’s over a hundred years old? I can’t remember the specifics, but Bart did say some of us have a better sense of Domination or charming than others.

“Do you… Have an idea what happened to Atticus?” I ask, a bit curious.

He slowly shakes his head.

“I wish I did. I hadn’t seen him in a while, but he was like a brother… Well, to all of us. To be honest, I have a feeling Richard isn’t keeping us all here in London just for our safety.”

“What do you mean?” I frown.

“…I’m not sure yet,” he smiles sadly, suddenly changing his tone. “Anyway, look after yourself out there, Baby Vamp. Do you want me to come with you?”

“No, I’m good. I’m almost at the busy street anyway.”

“Good to know. See you later, then.”

He walks off, and I stay there, still pondering. What did he mean by that? Why else would Richard have all the Heartgraves back home in London? If it wasn’t to meet me, he perhaps wouldn’t have had a good reason to get them all to come back. In fact, from what I gathered, some are still not home… and their whereabouts are pretty much unknown. Quentin, Susan and Elijah, was it? Are they deliberately staying out of sight? Or did something happen to them too?

I’m grateful for my new body and sturdy legs, as I keep thinking for a while and walk for a long time without feeling tired at all. In fact, I’m feeling much more energized than I was earlier this morning, I guess the nocturnal lifestyle is getting to me. I reach busier streets, and while a few humans make my fangs tingle, I try to stay unnoticed. That feeling I had vanished after meeting John, perhaps my shadow ran away rather than facing an older vampire. Or perhaps I had really imagined that… Just when I’m finally in Soho, my phone rings. It’s Bart… Do I want to answer? Swithin’s probably going to tell him where I went anyway.

“Good Night,” I smile.

“Get your ass back here right now,” he growls.

From the sounds I hear in the background, he’s already out and about. So predictable, Bart…

“Richard gave me permission.”

“Yeah, and he doesn’t know how reckless you are yet! Are you seriously going to confront your ex?”

“No, I just want to snoop around,” I retort. “If that’s all I’m hanging up.”

“No way! You should seriously learn to-”

Yeah, no, I hang up. I don’t have time to get scolded right now. I’ve arrived at the street opposite the Savoy. For some reason, I can’t help but glance around. If this continues I’m going to have myself

checked for paranoia, I swear… At least, I make sure Rick’s not in the neighborhood this time. I check the time. It’s almost eleven.

I walk in confidently, grateful for my thick fur coat that makes me fit right into the luxurious, too polished atmosphere of the most famous Londonian Hotel. I’m used to these places. Shining marble floors, high and long corridors, oak wood frames and lots of lights, chandeliers and fairy lights everywhere. I smile and walk up to the check-in counter, the sound of my heels impossible to miss. A young man in an impeccable uniform smiles at me.

“Good Evening, Miss. How may I help you?”

I slide down my glasses a bit, making sure I get a direct eye contact to use my Charm. He’s well- trained, but young, impressionable. I can tell he’s going to be an easy one.

“Good Evening. I’m looking for my friend, Mr. Charles Williams. Would you be kind enough to tell me which room he’s in?”

He hesitates, as if trying to fight me.

“I-I apologize, we are not supposed to… Give that information…”

“But he’s my friend,” I insist. “I only need to know his room number…”

“H-He booked the S-Suite…”

Of course he did, the Bastard must live like he’s Croesus now that he thinks he’ll get access to my money and my father’s… I intensify my stare. Give me the damn number, I think. Then, I can go and check his room, search for something. Even better if he’s there and sleeping. Then perhaps I can get rid of that wretched human in his sleep…

“Miss Heartgraves?”

Shit. I calmly get back into Hera’s character and turn around, trying hard to repress the instinct to puke. Charles is standing at the Hotel’s entrance, the brunette by his side. Visibly, they both came back from spending the evening outside… They still smell like food. She seems a bit lost, glancing at him. How freaking young is that chick? And that dress on her is a bit short too, isn’t it? I pretend not to notice, and tilt my head.

“…Do I know you?” I ask, faking to be confused.

I cross my arms with a faint, mighty attitude. Hera comes from old money and has a wealthy lawyer uncle who’s a London shark. She wouldn’t be intimidated by anyone, and I need to match the attitude with my clothing, too. Charles doesn’t lose his cool at all; he’s used to that kind of character. On the contrary, he’s best at handling them… He walks up to me confidently, looking amiable.

“My apologies,” he said. “I just happened to see your portrait in your uncle’s office today, how could I not recognize you! Your red hair is quite unique.”

“Oh, thanks,” I smile. “Then, to whom do I owe the pleasure?”

“Charles. Charles Williams, Miss Heartgraves. Nice to meet you.”


I smile, and agree to shake his hand. How I’d like to smash those teeth on the marble right now…

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