The Couple

Chapter 40: Well-plotted Plan

Chapter 40: Well-plotted Plan


Mom and dad left yesterday after spending their complete day with me. I took a leave and Harris also

agreed since I assured him that I will stay at my apartment for the whole day with them and he can

hear and watch everything using his microphones and cameras installed in my apartment. I know how I

spent this time under the surveillance, it felt like a torture to me.

After returning from Dante’s house the other day, I was so scared that my first instinct was to call Linda

and John. As expected I couldn’t connect to either of them. I tried calling them again and again. Finally

I tried Carl and he picked after a missed call. He was sleeping after a tiring day at his office.

“Carl, did you talk to Linda or John in the previous two days?” I asked him, trying my best to hide my

panic and fear of losing friends.

“No, I haven’t. Why? Is everything okay?” He asked me in his sleepy voice.

“I don’t know, I have been trying to talk to them but I couldn’t connect to either of them. It has been two

days since I haven’t talked to them.” I almost cried thinking about the last time we talked.

“They both must have forgotten to charge their phones. Don’t worry, go to sleep.”

“Carl, I don’t remember either of them doing this. They have never been so careless. Can you please

go and check for them.”

“Celia, they must have slept. Leave the two love birds alone.” He yawned and hung up on me. I

couldn’t think of a way to check for them. I can’t leave them in danger like this. I can’t drive to them, it

will be too late to protect them. I dialled again to Carl and pleaded in front of him to check on them for

once. I wanted to convince him to take the police along with him but that would raise suspicions when

they would be found kidnapped in their own house.

It was almost midnight by the time he called me to tell me everything about how their door was

unlocked when he reached there. John was crying for help and Linda was fainted due to weakness and

the torture. They both were admitted to hospital in an emergency and John gave his statement to police

how two people barged in their apartment Saturday and took them hostage. They were given food only

twice a day and that too only one person’s diet. John told them tonight they got a call and ran off

without sparing any minute and soon Carl arrived after to help them. Carl also submitted his statement

while I talked to the police officer over a phone call. I told them I was just trying to talk to Linda and

John which I do once every week and since I could connect to them which was unusual for them I tried

calling Carl. They asked me why I practically forced Carl to check for Linda and John, so I just told

them I don’t know why I did that but I think it was my subconsciousness that I should check for them


It has been two days today, after that incident. Police are trying to get their hands on those hired

assassins but they can’t get any clue to identify them since they all were wearing black masks. Harris

would glare at me each time we saw each other. Linda is getting better while she and John are still

traumatised. John is trying his best to stay strong for Linda. I feel bad for them, they suffered a lot

because of me.

But now Jeanne knows that something is off and she has her own doubts of Harris involving Linda and

John holding hostage at their place and threatening me with their lives. But due to the lack of evidence,

she can’t say much. I don’t know if she had told anyone about her suspicions. And Harris is too careful

now and hasn’t threatened me yet again.

Today is friday, I have a plan with my colleagues to go out tonight for some fun. Jessica and a few are

urging me to invite Harris too. I don’t know if he will even agree but I have to ask him since I am still his

fake girlfriend for them.

I went to his cabin during lunch and he glared at me before going back to his work. I don’t want anyone

to listen to our encounter. I don’t know how he will act or if he will threaten me with another thing now.

“Jessica and others are planning to go to a club tonight.” He looked up at me with a confused look as if

I asked him a mathematics question from high school. I don’t even want to know if he will know the

answer to it or not if I ask him such a question for real. I am just here to ask him to accompany me to

the club and if he refuses, I won’t even ask him twice.

“So, you want to make arrangements for you? Do let me remind you I am not your real boyfriend who

might make your life easier for you.”

“They wanted me to ask you if you would like to join us as they think you’re dating me, they sent me in.”

I looked at him for a few seconds and when he didn’t reply anything, I assumed he would reject the

offer. So,I started living before he mocks me and humiliates me.

“I will take your leave.” I stopped tapping my foot in anxiety and started to leave the office when he


“Stop.”I turned around to look at him. He got up from his chair buttoning up his jacket and standing

straight in front of his table looking towards me.

“So, you want me to accompany you to the club?” I shook my head in a negative way to tell him that I

don’t want his presence tonight at the club while I will be enjoying it with my new friends. “Everyone

thinks we’re dating and it is bad to turn down one’s invitation. Isn’t it?” I don’t know what is going on in

his bastard mind.

“No, it isn’t. You can deny it if you don’t want to.” I told him with a fake smile plastered on my face. I

made sure he knows that I am better without him there.

“Tell your friends, I will be there. What time is it? I will pick you up.”

“Will text you.” I left the office sneering without looking back but I am sure he must be laughing right

now as he got his another chance to mock me, humiliate me, torture me. He knows his mere presence

can bring the hell out of me, so he will do his best to annoy me and make me run out of patience. Since

that day he has done nothing but make do mistake so he can do something to torture me or should I

say my loved ones. I promised to Linda and John in my heart that I will take their revenge.

After 6, we all left early for our homes only to meet again soon in half and three hour near the club we

decided on. I got home and took a quick shower to get rid of the sweat that I got all day just thinking of

tonight. The moment he accepted the offer, I was bathing in my sweat because of anxiety. I decided to

wear a silver cowl neckline dress with fake diamonds studded on the straps. I wore 4 inches of silver

heels to match my dress. I did my makeup just perfect for the club night and to lure Chris because he

might not be at the club but we will definitely meet tonight at some point.

Harris picked me up, he wore a simple white button down shirt, sleeves rolled up and blue faded jeans

to have a casual look. He drove us to the club where we met my new friends. Everyone had their

mouths wide open as they saw me coming out of Harris’ car. I think they all really considered the talks

just rumors till now. I don’t know what attracted the girls to him, I guess I never noticed him that way but

he was pretty handsome.

I know why I never saw him before. First, I had Christian Dante who is much more handsome and sexy

than him and second, I was never into bearded guys, it was always a turn off for me. I think I would not

have noticed him even now if it wasn’t Jessica and other guys literally drooling over him and giving me

angry glares. Harris put his hand on my back which stiffened under his touch and pushed me forward. I

just shrugged in front of the girls and moved forward. I know there was one more pair of eyes staring at

me and him with anger which belongs to Tyler. No, he was not jealous of me for having Harris but

angry for betraying his leader.

We all got inside and headed to the bar. It is too loud and there are already many grooving on the

dance floor but no one is drunk yet. Everyone is in the mood of having fun all night but here I am all

nervous and alert. They ordered vodka shots while I went for the orange juice. Jessica gave me a

questioning look and I gave a sorry smile. I am not taking any risk of getting my drink spiked again by

Harris or anyone else and today I will not accept any drink from anyone.

I was standing on one side of the bar while everyone was trying to get themselves drunk. Harris got

behind me and holded my waist, I tried to push him away and got successful too but he bent down and

whispered near my ear, his breath falling on neck was irritating the hell out of me.

“Don’t resist me darling or who knows what will happen when your new friends will know about your

boyfriend’s reality or the old ones will get the truth that it was you who is responsible for their


I controlled my fast breathing when he again came behind me and pulled me into his chest. He even

gave me his drink to drink, I refused but he took one more sip and glared at me reminding me of his

threat. I took it and swallowed it at once. It was scotch, I had it before but this time it tasted too bitter.

He ordered two more and gave one to me to swallow. Until now, I didn’t know I needed it so hard. I saw

my few friends moving towards the dance floor while others headed towards the table to sit which was

already booked for us. I really don’t know why a few just come to sit in the club and look at the dance

floors. All they do is complain about how the music is too loud or mock others who are dancing funny

but enjoying it. Tyler is one of those who is sitting at the table right now.

I didn’t realise when Harris took the glass from my hands and stood in front of me with his hand to hold.

I took it and he pulled me to the dance floor. It was the least thing I wanted for tonight, dancing with


He pulled me close to himself and put his hands on my back. He gave me a gentle push towards

himself to put my hands around him as well. I stretched my hands and wrapped them around his neck.

I feel numb, I stopped feeling anything, I wasn’t feeling angry or annoyed, humiliated, disgusted. I just

want to hug Chris right now and cry, ask him to forgive me and cry more.

“Good girl, god knows what I might do if someone doubts our fake relationship.”

I moved my gaze away from him and unconsciously found Tyler glaring in our direction with fire in his

eyes. It was like I could feel his pain and his eyes burning my skin. I didn’t realise when a tear rolled

down my cheek. His eyes softened seeing me crying and he looked down as if he was embarrassed.

Dancing on the floor for some time, Harris’s hand was now on my ass and I felt a burning sensation

there not sensually but more like a burning hole in my ass because of his touch. I pulled myself away

from him smoothly and asked him to eat something as it has been quite some time for us dancing and I

feel a bit tired. I requested him even because I was afraid he would deny and force me to dance for

more time. But he agreed much to surprise and pulled me to the table holding my elbow.

We sat down beside the others and Harris called out the waiter to take our order. He ordered fajitas

with a glass of scotch while I went for nachos with corn and cheese, and others also gave their orders.

Soon after the waiter left, I excused myself from the restroom as I needed some air away from this son

of a bitch and got my senses back.

As I returned, the waiter soon brought our food to us with a wish to bon appetit. Should I tell him that

the man whom I came with has already tortured me enough that I have lost my appetit long before. We

got done with our food and soon Harris looked irritated and annoyed and more angry.

Oliver asked him if everything was okay and he just nodded instead of giving him a verbal reply. Not

much later, he was scratching himself and his half of skin was red, I got frightened as I saw him. I put a

hand on his shoulder and asked him politely.

“Are you okay Harris, half of your skin is red and it looks like your right hand got some swelling too?”

He didn’t reply to me.

“It looks like some allergic reaction.” It was Oliver, right now everyone on the table is worried for him.

“Harris, did you eat mushrooms?” I asked him, panicking.

“Maybe, I don’t know. Fajitas don’t have mushrooms...”

“But some do use it for taste.” This time it was Jessica who returned from the dance floor after some

massively tiring dancing.

“Let’s get you back.” I tried pulling him to stand but he was too heavy for me. “Tyler, would you help me

get him back to the car?”

Tyler got up from his seat but Zachary was quick and by my side helping me. He helped me get Harris

back to the car while Harris was in too much pain and barely realised what was happening. Zachary

helped me sit Harris in the car, I asked him to inform Tyler I am headed to Harris’s house. He looked

confused but I chose to ignore him as I don’t know how to explain to him. I just asked him again to

inform Tyler.

I drove Harris to his building, I asked the guard to help him with Harris. I took the keys to private lift and

his penthouse while he frowned to my action but didn’t say much since he can’t do anything with on his

own and he has to rely on someone to help him but since there is no one here except me to help him,

he has to let me do the things I want.

I sat him down on the couch in the hall of his penthouse.

“Harris, look at me. Don’t lose consciousness... Stay with me.” I tried to wake him as he started to lose

his consciousness and it can be dangerous for him to lose his senses. I slapped him a few times lightly

to bring him back. “Where are your medicines? Where is the epipen?”

“In… in my… roo… room, in... le… left… my bed” He told me the place where he placed his medicines

and epipen for emergencies. I went into the room, I searched for an epipen and medicines. I found a

few medicines and the epipen he told me about and then I went in to search for anything I could find

about the traitor in the pack or any other thing. Right now, I don’t know what I am looking for but I am

sure I will find something important and helpful.

But when I heard his painful moans, I left his room and went out with the medicines and epipen. I was

looking at him in anger, he might be in pain but I can’t forget how he threatened me using my friends

and almost killed two of them. I hate him for that and the pain Chris felt because of him all this time.

“Who is the traitor to Chris? Who told you about him? Tell me the name, who is it?” I shouted at him,

asked him to tell me the name of the traitor. I hope Tyler gets the hint and brings Chris and others here.

“What are you talking about? Give me my medicine.” He said in between his painful moans. He is in too

much pain but till the time he is conscious he is good and can be saved.

“Tell me the name of the person who told you the truth about the Dante family.” I shouted at him and

waved the epipen and medicines in front of him. “Tell me the name or I won’t give you these and you

will die here whimpering and moaning in pain.”

“Stop taking advantage of the situation and give me the epipen.”

“I am not taking any advantage of this situation, I created this situation.” I told him that the reason he is

here is not an accident but my well plotted plan. He looked at me with wide eyes which he closed soon

again due to the pain.

“I took you to the fake dinner to know about your allergies and then I invited my parents so again we

can have dinner together and when I found out it was mushrooms. I planned this night with our

colleagues. And after dancing on my way to the restroom, I told the waiter that you like mushrooms in

your fajitas. Here we are in your penthouse with you moaning in pain and me playing the role of a

sadist which I am not enjoying at all. So, hurry up, tell me the name of your traitor and I will give yo...”

Before I could complete my sentence something hit my head so hard that I fell on a glass table and

then on the floor. My head is hurting so hard but I try to concentrate. I heard a person ruffling and

making his way to Harris. Harris screamed in pain and fell asleep under the effect of epipen but before I

could see more and listen to anything, the blackness engulfed me and I slept on the floor there in my

enemies den.


Hello readers, Content bel0ngs to Nôvel(D)r/a/ma.Org.

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