The Couple

Chapter 34: His truth

Chapter 34: His truth


I woke up to some groaning and something poking near my core. I am still not wearing my panties and

my black nightie has roden up a little bit and got collected around my waist. Without caring about it, I

snuggle back into the hard body of Chris. It felt good to have him around me. My movement caused his

hardness between my legs to rub against my core, I moaned.

He tightened his grip around me and drew a hard breath on my shoulder, sensing him awake, I turned

around and kissed his lips softly. He moved us and got above me. He deepened the kiss and I got a

hold of his head and pulled him close. I pulled away only to remove my nightie and get back to his lips

again. I got my legs wrapped around his hips to bring each part in contact. He bit my lips lightly and I

opened my mouth to give him the entrance. His one hand was caressing the side of my waist while the

other hand was squeezing and massaging my breasts. I moaned loudly against his mouth with his dick

poking in my belly. I wanted all of him right now. I sent my one hand between us and positioned him at

my entrance myself when he groaned and pulled away. He got above with his weight on his hand,

feeling the air against my skin and missing his warmth. Finally, I opened my eyes in confusion to see

him frowning and hovering above me.

“We can’t do this.” Seeing him standing in front of me and hearing those words reminded me of last

night, brought me back to reality. My legs released his body and my eyes diverted to somewhere else.

He moved and got to his side of the bed and started wearing his boxers and pants. I also got my nightie

and pulled it above my head and then pulled it down to cover myself with something.

“Last time I remember, you slept with your pants on.”

“I felt hot under the blanket and got rid of them at midnight. I am sorry, you felt uncomfortable.” He was

hurt and seeing him like this hurts me. I want to go to him and put my head on his hard chest, hear his

heartbeat, calm him and lay down with him beside me. I want to forget what I saw last night and how

terrified I was with it but I can’t. His face reminds me of that wolf. It reminds me of the wolf living inside

him and him being a monster.

He went out without looking my way and went inside the bathroom grabbing my clothes on the way to

get a cold shower. I came out wearing a blue extra size full sleeves t-shirt and black sweatpants

covering every skin of my body except my face and feet. I looked at my reflection in the mirror which

had puffy eyes due to immense crying in the shower. I don’t know how long I was in the bathroom

crying my eyes out on my ill fate. I carried my phone on my way out to the living room.

I was reading everyone’s wishes and replying to them with the sweetest messages I could think of. I

stopped on my way, when I saw him standing in my kitchen serving the food. I think he ordered food

this early in the morning. I decided not to eat from his order and prepare breakfast myself.

“You can eat this, you know I can’t cook and no diner will sent this early, so Mary sent us.” I tried to

refuse but my stomach betrayed me. I went to the dining table and started eating the plate he served

me. It was only then, it struck me like a lightening, does his family know about him being a werewolf.

Does Mary know about it, does Jeanne do?

“Does your family know?” I didn’t realise when the words left my mouth. He looked up from his plate

and chuckled. I didn’t crack a joke, why is he laughing? I glared at him and he tried to stop and drank a

glass of water.

“They’re a part of my pack. They are werewolves too.” Hearing his words, I choked on my food. I

served myself water ignoring the glass he was offering me. I gulped down the whole glass of water.

The realisation hit me that whole this time I was living with werewolves, hanging out with them. I was

with them this whole time and was unaware of the fact that they are dangerous werewolf monsters.

‘Are they really dangerous Celia? If they wanted you would have been dead by now while you slept in

their house. Think Celia, think.’NôvelDrama.Org content.

The thought was enough to stop me breathing, I forgot to breathe and sat there still without any

movement. I didn’t hear Chris calling my name or felt him shaking me until he threw water on my face

and I restored my senses and was left panting. I tried to breathe when Chris rubbed my back and tried

to calm down. I hugged him back and matched my breathing pace to his. Hearing his heartbeat always

calmed me down, it was relaxing to know I have him beside me until the realisation hit me and I

remember a new truth revealed to me.

“I think you will take some time to let it sink in.” He whispered in my ears after I regained my normal

breathing. I pulled back from the hug and got back in my seat while he returned to his own. “Don’t you

have any other questions besides that one? Usually people talk a lot when they get to know about this.”

“You tell every girl you fuck about your abnormality.” He frowned, I know he didn’t like my statement, it

was more like a question because I want to know if I am the only one or he shares this matter with

others also.

“No human knows this truth except you in this town and I would prefer if you also keep your mouth

shut.” He said through his gritted teeth. His eyes were glazing fire, I shifted in my seat uncomfortably.

He has never been this angry in front of me, even when he beat the shit of Harris back in the club or at

the party.

Seeing me uncomfortable because of him, he shook his head and apologized. “Try and understand, no

one in the world knows about our existence except a few… whom we trust more than our life.” His last

words made me look at him in his eyes. He was sincere, his eyes were filled with love, care, trust, pride

and nervousness. Trust me I want to trust him back but I can’t bring myself too close to him. It feels like

he will turn into that smoking white wolf any moment and I will be dead next moment.

“Why do you hide your existence?”

He took my hand from the table and held it tightly in his both hands. I tried to pull it back but as he put

his forehead down at our hands tangled I stopped. I couldn’t pull it back and hurt him knowing he is

already hurt with my reaction to his truth but I can’t help it if I am scared of his reality.

“We’re born werewolves. There are many packs all across the world in different regions. We all are

living hiding our identity, our truth. A very few humans know of our existence, mostly are partners of a

shifter. There are other shifters too werefoxes, weretigers, werebears, witches and vampires. There are

even mythological folks and lores indicating our presence... Our records, I mean books, say that a few

centuries back, humans were aware of our presence, they knew we existed but when they started

exploiting our powers and performinging different experiments upon shifters. We felt threatened...” He

cleared his throat and I pushed a glass of water in his direction, he took it and gulped down the whole

glass before continuing. “We felt threatened and they left after destroying their whole villages overnight

with just a few people left behind dead sometimes to make humans believe we all vanished from earth.

Later, we set up our world again but silently. We never trusted humans again until we trusted them with

our life.” He smiled at me and I know he trusts me with his life. I smiled back.

I might be afraid of his reality, his one part while I love the other but I am sure I will never break his trust

whether I stay in his life or not. But his reality will go with me from this world.

We stayed like that for sometime before my phone rang and broke our moment. I took the phone from

my side and looked at the caller id. It was Jeanne. I remember now, I had my whole day planned with

Mary and Jeanne who are apparently werewolves like Chris. Do I still want to spend time with them,

can I still hang out with them without freaking out?

I looked up at Chris and let it ring thinking what to do.

“Chris, I need sometime to sink in, think about it. I need to… I need to think if I still want to be with you.

If I want all this.” His eyes fell down, he felt like his heart broke in a thousand pieces. I don’t want to

hurt but I can’t be with him right now. I need to think and I want him away for that. I need him to leave, I

want some space without him distracting me.

He got up and went to the couch where his shirt is still lying on the single seat sofa beside my panty

from last night. Remembering the scenes from last night on that very couch where we both came twice

for each other, my cheeks heated up and I am sure I was red as an apple. He turned while buttoning

his shirt and suddenly looked up at me catching me off guard ogling at his insanely sexy body. He

smirked and continued buttoning his shirt. I got up from my seat and walked up to the front of the dining

table and stood there holding the table behind me.

He walked up to me with the box in his hand. He opened it up in front of me and pulled out the ring

while he looked at it and smiled. Last night, I was so frightened that I forgot he actually opened up to

me so he could propose to me but now all is ruined and I didn’t look at the ring he bought for me. I

looked down and found a beautiful small ruby with small diamonds studded around it. It was beautiful, I

bit my lower lip thinking what he was going to do next.

“Dad bought this ring for Mom when he proposed to her. She is no more but I always held this ring

close to me thinking of it as her love and now I want you to have it as her blessings.” I don’t know if he

really wants me to wear his mother’s ring but right now, I can’t. Before he could hold my hand and slide

it in my finger, I pulled it back.

“I can’t wear it right now. She might not like it if I wear it now. I will ask what is rightfully mine when I am

ready. Hold it till then.” He smiled and I am happy he understood my feelings, my fears and kept the

ring back in the box and box in his pocket.

“Open the windows, Little might smell me here even after I leave.” I frowned, not understanding what

he meant but he continued. “We have sharp senses.” Hesmiled and left. As soon as he passed through

the door and closed it behind him, my phone rang again, this time I picked it up.

“Hey, birthday girl, wake up already. We need to go to the spa, remember vampires don’t sleep.” I

yawned before speaking, indicating I just woke up.

“Hello, I am not sure if I can come. I think I have a fever. My body is aching too much. I don’t think I can

come to the spa and for a movie later.”

“What? Its your birthday and you fall sick. How bad luck can it be? Did you check your temperature?

Leave it, I am coming myself. You just rest.”

“No, you don’t ne...”

“Oh shut up already, I am on my way. You just get up to open the door when I come.” She hung up after

that and I stared at the black screen of my phone before realising she is on her way and I need to open

the windows as Chris said, change back into night clothes, clean up the dishes and make the

apartment look normal. I even have to stabilize myself. They are werewolves, they will sense when

something is wrong, she might even kill me when she finds out about my affair with Chris.

I moved quickly and prepared my apartment for their visit. I can’t afford J to know about our

relationship. And since I still don’t know what to expect from this relationship and what I can give in to

it, I don’t think letting her know or even hinting at her is a good option. I opened my windows and

sprayed air freshener in the whole apartment as well. Maybe it can help, he said they have high

senses. Shit, I am a fool I could ask him so many questions about his abnormality but I chose to keep

my mouth shut and wasted all this time on being scared.

I changed back into different clothes which I might wear at night, changed my beddings and threw them

in the laundry. After running and settling everything back to normal, I went to the dining table and sat

down on the chair, pouring down a glass of water for myself when the bell rang. I got choked on water

as I was caught off guard.

Opened the door to worried Jeanne and Mary. Seeing them in front of me, panicked me. I couldn’t help

myself and I started panting to breathe as I couldn’t fill my lungs with air. I held the door to support

myself and Mary and Jeanne helped me inside my room. They sat me down on the bed while J left to

get me water. Mary was looking at me with concerned eyes and rubbing my back to help me breathe.

After drinking the water, they let me lay down on the bed, and J started checking my temperature with

the back of her hand on my forehead and neck. Damn, I am a fool. I told her I have a fever and forgot

about it completely.

I looked at Mary for help and she offered to check it with temperature as it can be internal fever. I don’t

know what she has in her mind. I told J where the thermometer is.

“Give it to me, I will check her temperature. While you go and serve the soup for her. I would have done

it but too much movement is not good for me.” She told her jerking the thermometer to bring down its

mercury and pouting as if she felt sorry for J. I almost laughed as I knew it was only to send Jeanne


As soon as J left, Mary put the thermometer under the blanket and grabbed its head in her fist to raise

the temperature around the metallic tip of the thermometer. I give her a salute for such a quick decision

and problem solving skill.

‘You sure, Celia, you are afraid of them for your life. They are taking care of you when you lied to them

about your health. Think you dumb.’

“So, Christian told you, huh?” She whispered, keeping her tone low enough to hear me. I doubt I could

have heard it if she wasn’t sitting this close to me. I nodded in response wondering if I could keep my

voice low enough so as not to be heard by J. I kept my gaze low at my hands fidgeting each other as if

fighting their own battle. She put a hand on mine and squeezed it a bit. I looked up to her only to see

her holding the thermometer close to my mouth for me to take it in.

“Just trust your instinct, if you want him just be with him without thinking of anything much. Maybe, it is

the only right thing to be done.” She whispered in the same low tone while I took the thermometer in my

mouth and held it there when Jeanne came in with a bowl in her hands.

She put it down on my side at the bed and took the thermometer from my mouth reading the

temperature. Well, I think Mary’s trick worked since J looked at me with a worried expression and put it

down on the side table.

“Drink this soup. What did you do to yourself girl, just yesterday you were fine jumping around the

house? It was all my fault, I shouldn’t have allowed you to shift. Mumma will kill me.” She sighed, I can

hear disappointment in her voice.

‘You doubted this family who cares for you with everything. You spent a month with these people here

and three years with J in New York, you shouldn’t have doubted them.’

They spent the day with me taking care of me. Neither Mary nor I talked about Chris or werewolves

after that, just spent the day like before this truth. Mary winked at me a few times when she sent J to

bring something from the kitchen and to put something back using her pregnancy. It was funny how

Jeanne took care of both of us and did all the chores when she never did much work back at home.

Meanwhile, I slapped myself many times in the whole day for being scared of them and pushing Chris

away. I want him back but right now teasing J is a lot more entertaining than Chris. No wonder, it is one

of my best birthdays.

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