The Claiming By Cooper

The Claiming By Cooper Chapter 133

The Claiming By Cooper Chapter 133

The Council by Cooper (Jara & Mason)

Chapter 40


I’m excited to meet Isabella. I don’t know what it is about her, but her voice, her confidence even over the phone, is obvious. She said her daughter is a warrior, which doesn’t mean that she’s doesn’t have the blood of a ranked member. It just means that a warrior caught her in the claiming, which isn’t unheard of, but it is unusual, especially if she is descended from a ranked bloodline.

Title of the document This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

When we get to Alpha Jonas borders, we are welcomed and one of their patrols escorts us to the pack house. I get out, looking around. Where my packhouse is tucked up against mountain side, his is actually in the mountains. From here, you can see down into the valley below and up to the snowy mountain peaks. It’s a beautiful area.

Alpha Jonas comes out of the pack house to greet us with what I can only call a glamorous woman beside him. She’s older as I expected, closer to my mother’s age than mine. But she’s so beautiful, it’s hard to tell her true age. What is obvious is that she exudes confidence and s*e*xuality.

The patrol that guided us here heads inside and kisses Isabella on the cheek as he passes her. I look to see if Alpha Jonas will act jealous, as it seemed clear on the phone that they were close, but he ignores them, keeping his eyes trained on me and my group of guards.

“Alpha Jonas.” I say, walking up to him, my hands extended. He takes my hands and busses a kiss on both of my cheeks.

“Luna Jara. Let me introduce Isabella, you met over the phone.”

“Yes, of course.” I turn to her as I go to shake her hand, she pulls me into a hug. “Sorry, I’m a hugger. I hope you don’t mind.” She says.

I laugh. “I don’t mind. Has Hana arrived yet?”

I see both hers and Alpha Jonas eyes go unfocused.

“She’s just reached our borders. Come, let us get you settled so we can enjoy this beautiful sunny afternoon once your sister-in-law arrives.”

She hooks her arm through mine and expertly guides me into the packhouse leaving Alpha Jonas to greet Hana.

“We’ve put you in the guest wing. I hope that’s alright. We figured that this way, your guards’ room would surround yours and that might help your Alphas feel more comfortable while you’re here in our unknown territory.

“That is very thoughtful of you, thank you.”

“Well, with both of you pregnant, and with she-wolves no less, we want to make sure that you are well looked after.”

“Again, thank you.”

I drop off my things, making sure that Elijah and Lewis are in the rooms on either side of me. They are my day guards, so they will be sleeping when I am.

I’m just finishing up when I hear Hana coming down the hallway.

“Jara!” She says, rushing to hug me.

I hug her, then step back and gesture to Isabella. “This is Isabella. Isabella, meet my sister-in-law, Hana.”

“Hello.” Hana says and is pulled into the same hug that I was pulled into “Your room is right across the hall from Luna Jara’s and your guards have rooms on either side of you as well. This way all of your guards can protect you together. Of course, we don’t anticipate anything happening, but one can’t be too careful.” She says to us.

“You are welcome to wait for us, Luna Jara, or you can head downstairs. I’ve had the omegas put out some refreshments for us.’

“I’ll wait, I want to call Mason and let him know we’re here safe and sound. He’s feeling a bit…”

“Overprotective?” They both ask at the same time, making all of us laugh. “Exactly. I’ll be quick.”

“Not to worry, I need to call Seth too, but I’ll be quick. From the brief glimpse I got, your pack lands are gorgeous.”

“They really are. I was lucky to be claimed by a man who lived here.”

“Where is your mate?” I ask, wondering at the familiarity she has with the other pack members.

“He died, many years ago. A bear attack.”

“I’m so sorry.” I say, not meaning to bring up a sensitive subject.

“It’s okay. Over time, I learned to care for Bradley, but we were never in love. Not like what I see in your eyes when the two of you talk about your mates. I’m very interested in hearing more about the changes that you are planning. Jonas has told me some of it, but I’d like to hear it from you.”

“I’ll let you get settled and then Patrick here will show you to the veranda. It has a spectacular view of the snow-capped mountains.” She says, and she stops, kissing Patrick’s cheek as she passes, his arm wrapping around her waist as she does so.

I look at Hana who has the same look of confusion on her face. I turn, going into my room and calling Mason to let him know I’m here before heading out. Hana walks out of her room at almost the same time, and we follow Patrick to the veranda.

When we get there, Isabella is reclining on a lounge chair, her feet crossed at the ankles and a tall glass filled with an icy drink in her hand. Another

man, one that looks a lot like Jonas is sitting on the chaise facing her. “Lunas, let me introduce our Beta, Jared. He is Jonas brother, but he is the younger of the two. He’s an excellent Beta.”

“Lunas, I heard we were hosting some very important people overnight. No one warned me that you’d both be so beautiful.” I smile, so Jared is a flirt. I feel Elijah step up behind me protectively.

“Careful, Jared, both of these she-wolves are pregnant with a she-wolf pup, by their mates. Their very protective mates.” She tells him, eyeing Elijah’s position next to me.

“Forgive me. I didn’t mean anything by it Lunas. It’s my nature to flirt. I hope I didn’t offend either of you.”

“Not at all. Don’t mind Elijah, he’s my Beta and like you, he’s excellent at his job.” He nods his head at Elijah. “I hope that one day, I will also have a Luna to protect.” Jared says to him.

“It’s definitely fulfilling, and on occasion, entertaining.” Elijah says, teasing me now. I swap him with the back of my hand. “Stop telling my secrets, Elijah.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it, Luna.” Jared turns, leaning over and taking Isabella’s mouth in a passionate kiss. Now I’m even more confused.

“I’ll see you later, beautiful.”

“Yes, you will.”

We sit and Isabella pours us a lemonade from the pitcher on the table. “My daughters will be joining us soon. They are off frolicking with the pack.” She says. Hana and I look at each other. Her willingness to let her daughters go with the pack members speaks volumes to the type of pack this is. If she’s not worried about them, then this pack is probably doing well with their she-wolves. “I’ve seen the looks you two are giving each other. I should start by telling you that since I lost my mate, I have developed something of a polyamorous relationship with the men in this pack.”

“All of them?” Hana asks, echoing my shock.

“Most of them. Sometimes it’s a comfort for them when they need it, other times I enjoy my time with them, as with Jonas and Jared who I frequently spend time with, and sometimes it’s because I like a little excitement. A reverse h*arem situation, if you will.” She says, watching us as she takes a sip of her drink. “A reverse h*arem, meaning you sleep with more than one at a time?” I ask. “Well, that is sometimes the case, but it means more that I’m in a relationship of sorts with many of the men in this pack.”

“How does that even work?” Hana says. I’ll admit, being with Mason doesn’t give me a lot of time or energy to be with anyone else. I can’t even fathom sleeping with a second person who might have his level of stamina. I glance over at Elijah who is actively NOT looking at me, but his lips are twitching.

Isabella laughs, a lovely sound that I notice has many of the men in her pack turning their heads toward her, smiling.

“Well, you have to be open to it. Literally and figuratively.” She says, a mischievous look in her eyes as she sips her drink again.

I burst out laughing. “Oh, I think we’re going to be great friends.” I tell her.

“I do hope so. I was a bit worried, especially hearing what you said about the other she-wolves, but Jonas told me that what they are experiencing isn’t voluntary. I can a*s*sure you, that everything that I do in this pack, is with my full consent.”

“Cheers to that, sister.” Hana says, reaching her glass over and clinking it with Isabella’s.

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