The Claiming By Cooper

The Claiming By Cooper Chapter 109

The Claiming By Cooper Chapter 109

The Council by Cooper (Jara & Mason)

Chapter 16


When we returned to the pack, Mason goes to check with Elijah, and I checked in with Stella to make sure everything has run smoothly while I was gone. She said that everything went well, but that we are in need of a food run. She had made a list of items that we need.

Title of the document

“Stella, if we need food while Mason and I are away, just get it. We can discuss it later. I don’t want the pack to suffer because we aren’t here.”

“Yes, Luna.” She says.

“Truly, Stella, if there is a problem, we’ll discuss it. But I’ve kept you in charge of the kitchens because I know you can handle it. I trust you.”

“Thank you, Luna. That means a lot.”

After checking with Stella, I go to find Lewis. He’s the pack member I’m most concerned about and was the most worried about leaving so soon after arriving. When I find him, he’s in training, sparring with another warrior.

“Luna! You’re back!”

“I am. We just got back. How is everyone?”

They all stop sparring, finding a way to get closer to me. When I first arrived here, it made me uncomfortable, but after speaking to my mother and having a better understanding of my impact on all of them, I understand it. So even though they are sweaty and shirtless, I make a point of reaching out and touching each of them, noting which ones need more of my time and attention.

Lewis, in particular, seems to have suffered in my absence. When I touch him, I feel the darkness rippling across his back.

So, I sit down, watching as they spar, taking turns having my pack, members come sit next to me.

“Why do I feel worry in your mind, love?” Mason asks through our mind link. “Lewis. He didn’t do well with me being gone.”

“He was very close to going feral before the claiming this year. I’m sure it will take a while.”

“What do you think of a*s*signing him as my guard next weekend when I go to Alpha Davis’s pack.”

It’s quiet a moment before Mason responds. “I would feel better if he were your second guard. Luke is a seasoned and tested guard. I know he would give his life for you. I don’t know where Lewis’s mind is. But, if you feel strongly about it, I’ll talk to him and see if I feel comfortable sending him along with you and Luke.”

“Thank you, Mason. And speaking of Luke, when do he and his mate arrive? And who’s pack were they a part of before, I never asked.”

“I believe they arrived last night. They are still getting settled in. I’ll have to make them an official part of our pack before he leaves to go with you to Alpha Davis’s pack. And, as to which pack he came from, Elder Carson brought him along from his pack.”

“Wait, you mean Luke and his mate were part of Alpha Shawn’s pack?”

“Oh, that won’t sit well when Alpha Shawn gets home.”

“Too bad. You can’t force someone to stay in your pack. It’s against our laws.”

“Didn’t Hana’s guard and his mate move to Seth’s pack too?” Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

Mason chuckles in our mind link. “Sure did. And guess who’s pack he was from.”


“Oh yes, Alpha Gunnar is going to love us that much more now. But I don’t care. Those guards are good men. Their mates are probably thankful to get out of those packs.

“You know what’s even better?” Mason asks me.

“What’s that?”

“Both of those guards have little girls. So, we aren’t just getting another female in our pack, we’re getting two and so are Seth and Hana.”

I burst out laughing and all the warriors stop to look at me. “Sorry, Mason is being funny.” I say out loud, and I hear him snort in our mind link.

“Anything else, my love?” He asks.

“Nope, you just made my day!”

“Always happy to oblige.”

I turn back to Lewis who has been hovering near me. “Lewis, how would you feel about sparring with your Luna?” Maybe I can a*s*sess his abilities while giving him the attention he needs.

His eyes go wide. “I’m not sure Alpha Mason would be okay with me sparring with you.”

“Oh, he’ll be fine. I’m going to go change and I’ll be right back.” I stand and start to walk away before turning back.

“Oh, and Lewis, I don’t plan to hold back, so you shouldn’t either.”

His smile is bright as the sun. “Okay, Luna.”

I change, quickly mind linking Mason to let him know my plan. As expected, he’s fine with it. When I get back, I begin sparring with Lewis. At first, the feral-fever that has started to creep back in, impacted his abilities, but as we continue on, he becomes sharper in his focus, better able to predict my moves and counter them. I still beat him, but once I feel the darkness leave, he’s impressive.

When I knock him on is a*ss again, I reach my hand down and help him up. “I think that’s enough for one day, don’t you, Lewis.”

“Yes, Luna. Thank you, that was a good workout.”

“Do the rest of us get a chance to take on our Luna?” I hear and turn to see a bunch of hopeful faces.

“All of you want to take me on?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.

“Not all at once, Luna. That wouldn’t be fair.”

“You’re damn right that wouldn’t be fair. I wouldn’t want my best warriors to be embarra*s*sed when their Luna kicked all their a*s*ses at once. So, why don’t you all take on your Alpha and Luna at once and see how far you get?” Mason smirks, coming up to the group.

I can tell that the group of warriors is intrigued, wondering if they can defeat the two of us together. Elijah has come outside with Mason. He stands, shaking his head, watching as the warriors decide if

they want to take Mason’s challenge. One of them looks up and sees him.

“Whose side are you on, Beta?” A warrior asks.

“I’m just watching.” He says.

They turn back and finally agree to spar against the two of us. Elijah just chuckles to himself. “Good luck guys, you’re going to need it.”

They stop, looking at Elijah. “Why do you say that?”

“We’ve all seen Alpha Mason, so you know he’s an amazing fighter. But I’ve seen Luna Jara sparring. She beat me in the claiming.”

“Did she beat Alpha Mason?” They ask, looking back at me.

“We tied.” Mason says.

“No, we didn’t. Our Alpha didn’t want to show off my weaknesses in front of the others, so he met me at my level. Which reminds me, I want a rematch.” I tell him, putting my hands on my hips.

Mason turns and looks at me, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Are you sure about that, Jara?”

“Oh yeah.”

“Yes!” The warriors say, settling in to watch.

Mason gets set and gives me the ‘come on’ gesture with his fingers. I flash back to his sparring matches that I’ve seen, remembering his strengths before I go at him. He blocks me, but I swing around and we’re in a hardcore sparring match before long. I notice that Mason is careful not to hit me in the stomach. He, like me, isn’t sure if I’m pregnant, so he doesn’t want to risk it. But he tags me on

the arms, legs and hips several times. I get my own hits on his chest, back, and thighs. I’m not sure how long we spar, but when he finally calls it, we’re both panting, and sweat is dripping off our bodies.

Mason grabs me, pulling me against him. “You are one hell of a woman, my mate.” He says before kissing me to the cheers and whoops of our pack mates.

When he finally releases me so we can breathe, I look at him. “You’d have had me if you weren’t handicapped.”

“I’ll take a sparring handicap every day if it means you might be pregnant.” He says and the entire field goes quiet.

“Luna, are you pregnant?” A daring warrior asks.

I turn and look at our pack members, seeing hope in their eyes. Mason keeps his arms wrapped around me, nuzzling my hair as I answer. “I don’t know yet, it’s too soon, but it’s a strong possibility.”

That gets another round of whoops and cheers.

“And, we have a few new pack members that we’ll be welcoming this week. One is Jara’s guard from the claiming, and with him, he brought his mate and their daughter.” Mason tells them.

The cheers and howls are nearly deafening. This pack is so grateful to have its she-wolves.

And I’m so grateful to be the Luna of this amazing pack.

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