The CEOs Possession


June stared wide-eyed at her best friend, Veil, wielding a bat with so much ferocity in her eyes. She was still in her office clothes and looked like she had only just returned from work. When Veil had told her that her boss was a pain in the ass, June only just realized how serious her best friend must have been.

“You aren’t supposed to be back until the weekend!” Veil yelled back, dropping the bat at once. “I thought you were a thief?”

“A thief making toast and jam? Really? Come here!”

Veil ran into the arms of her best friend, relishing in the familiar smell of her shampoo and perfume. She didn’t realize how much she had missed June until now when she was standing in the middle of the kitchen. It felt like ages since they’d last seen each other.

“You look like you’ve lost a lot of weight since the last time I saw you,” June commented, holding Veil at arm’s length. “What has Kingston Group been feeding you?”

Veil didn’t even want to think about work right now because then, she would have to think about Anders. And that was a bad idea since she was trying so hard to get the thought of them kissing out of her head.

So, instead, Veil swiftly and expertly changed the subject.

“How’s your father?” She moved to the kitchen slab and started making toast for herself. “Didn’t he try to stop you from returning?”

“You know him too well,” June muttered, sighing. “He even threatened to remove me from the will, but I cannot stay with them forever. My father is super unbearable.”

“The man scares me,” Veil agreed, grabbing the ham. “But I’m sure he was glad to have you with him.”

“At first,” June answered, shrugging. “But soon enough, we started our usual bickering, and Mom started reconsidering their decision to have me come by. Dad didn’t allow me to leave until I told him you needed my help with something.”

Veil had always been the ticket out for June since they were kids, and they had stuck by each other through thick and thin.

“Now, tell me, how has your life been going around here? I feel like we barely had enough time to speak when I traveled. It was so hard getting a hold of you.”

“That’s because I get to work by 5 am and don’t leave until after 9 pm. I’m always going to one meeting or the other or preparing documents for some presentation. Mr. Rodriguez…”

“Oouu!” June cut in as we set up the kitchen table to eat. “The sexy CEO that has been rumored to date the President’s daughter. Tell me everything about him.”

Trust June to do her own research on Kingston Group.

Veil cringed as she remembered how drab she looked beside Sophia De Alonzo. “I met her earlier today.”

“The President’s daughter?” June asked disbelievingly.

“Maybe the rumors are true,” Veil muttered, shrugging. “They look so good together, and she was in his office all morning.”

“You snagged the best job on earth,” June said, her eyes lighting up in excitement.

“I would have said that if Mr. Rodriguez isn’t such a jackass.” Veil’s face turned a bright shade of red as his face came into her head, and that moment didn’t pass by June’s hawk eyes.

“There’s something you’re not saying.” June was always the person who hit the nail on the head, never mincing words. “Tell me. What happened with your boss? It’s more than him being cruel.”

“Did I say this has anything to do with him?” Veil questioned, busying herself with the suddenly interesting arrangement of the toast on the plate.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“You’re avoiding my gaze. I’m right. Something’s up.”

“Nothing’s up, June,” Veil said curtly, then sighed. “I…”

The doorbell rang suddenly, and Veil almost danced in excitement at the intrusion. She wasn’t ready to confront what happened at her office and needed time to do something else other than remember Anders Rodriguez.

Veil attended to the person at the door, surprised to find Orleans leaning against the door frame.

“You left your gloss in the car.” Smiling up at her, he handed her the pink tube. “I figured it was important. Your day might be ruined if you don’t find it in your purse tomorrow morning.”

“Oh!” Veil didn’t know what to say. It was just a lipgloss. He didn’t have to drive all the way to give her that. “I have a lot of tubes since I keep losing them, but thank you. I really appreciate this gesture.”

“Anytime.” Orleans looked into her eyes as he spoke. “Do you have a visitor around?” He looked at the BMW parked on the driveway. June hadn’t gotten around to taking her car into the garage, so why hadn’t she noticed it the first time?

“No. That’s my roommate and best friend, June. She traveled for a bit and just returned.”

“That means I’m ruining the reunion, right?” Orleans said casually, stepping off the porch.

“No! No!” Veil laughed, the carefree sound making Orleans heady.

“It’s fine. I’ll leave you be for now. See you soon.”

Veil waited for him to get into his car before returning inside. She laughed again when she saw June perched by the window, caught in the act with a glass of orange juice.

“Tell me everything about that handsome man. What’s his name? What does he do? He likes you, you know? The way he stared at you! Jeez! That’s the exact way I stare at chocolates, and you know how much I love those.”

“Calm down, June!” Veil chuckled and breezed into the kitchen, certain that June was going to follow her. The only thing she loved outside her chocolates and her job was a good story.

“Orleans doesn’t like me,” Veil said as she plopped back on the chair. “At least, I don’t think he does. He’s just being nice, which almost got me into trouble, by the way.”

“Okay!” June slurped on her juice noisily. “This story just took an interesting turn.”

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