The CEO Alpha King

Chapter 13 In Tears. Happy.

Chapter 13 In Tears. Happy.

Writer's POV


"Hold on. Wait!" Isaac said to Serena nervously as she opened her mouth to read off the result.

Serena chuckled, looking up at him.

"Why? It's a DNA test. Why are you so nervous?" Serena asked.

"It's just that...I..don't.."

"Come on, I'm sure the person you are testing him or her..."

"It's her." Isaac corrected and she shrugged, looking back at the piece of paper in hand.

"Okay, her DNA must be lucky to match yours and have you as a father or sister." Serena laughed

and Isaac rolled his eyes.

"It's a sister." Isaac corrected once more.

"Okay a sis. Woah, that lady must be really lucky. Let me read it out." Serena said before taking

her eyes back to the result.

"It's's positive." She announced, lifting up her eyes to Isaac once more.

"Are you okay, Isaac?" Serena inquired worriedly seeing that he was not moving.

"Were you praying against it or something? I don't understand." She asked when she didn't get a


" don't know how happy I am right now. After a long time, I've finally met my sister." Isaac

responded, staring at Serena, his eyes filled with love and relief.

"Okay then, can we go to her now? Can I meet her? Do you know where she is?"

"No, you don't need to look for her. She's right here." Isaac said, she looked around the entrance

of the hospital, in search of any female who looked like Isaac.

When she found no one she stared back at him, her brows furrowed in confusion.


But Isaac didn't respond as his gaze never left Serena's, his eyes filled with care and love that she

could almost feel it.

Then it hit her.

"Wait, what?!" Serena shrieked in realization.

She started to point at herself doubtfully

"Me?" She shrieked again.

Isaac finally smiled before pulling her into a bone crushing hug. She pulled away after some

seconds, confusion clouding her features.

"I don't understand, Isaac. What type of game are you playing?" She asked, her eyes starting to

well with tears.

"You love. You are my sister, the sister I've been searching for. I've been searching for you for so

long." Isaac explained but she shook her head in confusion.

"But..but how is that possible? How am I your sister, Isaac?" She asked.

"Let me take you somewhere. I'll explain there," Isaac pulled her along with him back to the Jeep.

They got in and drove to an Italian restaurant nearby. And unconsciously, she registered in her

mind that Isaac was the first person taking her to one.

Taking a seat close to the window, Isaac ordered a food off the menu she couldn't read.

An awkward silence filled the air as the waitress brought the food, but she couldn't touch her meal.

Thousands of thoughts flew through her mind.

"Isaac, please. Please say something. This meal won't be digested if you don't explain things to

me." Serena pleaded, dropping her spoon.

Isaac smiled at her before dropping his as he was about to dig in.

"I scented you to be my sister the very moment you stepped foot into the king's castle. Your scent

seemed so familiar, so much like my father's.

Your scent, sister, was the only thing aiding me in your search and once I perceived it, I had to get

close to you. I had to become friends with you to really confirm my suspicions." Isaac explained.

"My scent. so, so you are my biological father's son?" Serena asked, blinking hard and

trying to understand.

"Yes love. I am and I've been searching for you since I learnt of your existence." Isaac said, a huge

smile plastered on his face.

Serena sighed and fell back on her seat.

"It's all making sense now. I have a brother from my father's side. I never really thought about

other siblings aside Kate. Then what about father then, where is he? I want to meet him."

"Um..sis, I'm sorry to break the news to you but he is no more. He died a long time ago. What of

your mom?"

"She is also dead," Serena replied, tears gathering up at the back of her eyes, her heart clenching

in pain.

"You know all my life. I've been wondering, thinking about my biological father. Why hasn't he

come to get me yet? I thought maybe he doesn't know I exist or maybe he just doesn't want me like

everybody else." Serena said in a whisper, blinking and letting the tears drop.

"Hey, don't cry." Isaac hushed then reached his hand toward hers, intertwining them and Serena

gasped. Something passed between them.

"I never thought he'd be dead. So automatically I'm an orphan who doesn't know both her parents.

How worse can my life get?" Serena sobbed.

Isaac squeezed her hands in his, making her look up at him longingly.

"Your life is only gonna get better from now on, sis. I promise you that. I'll make sure of that. You

are the last blood of our line, I'll make sure to keep you safe." He said, reaching her cheeks with his

other hand and wiping off her tears.

"I'm..happy. I'm happy it's you, I'm happy that you are my brother. At least I know I have a better

sibling who is a wolf like me and who will understand and fight for me." She said, leaning towards

Isaac, sniffing back her tears.

Isaac smiled at her words.

"Of course. I'm also glad it's you, Serena. You know I was thinking what I was gonna do if the

results came out negative. I have come to love you as a sister, I was wondering what I was gonna do

without you in my life." Isaac said and under the bright light she could see tears glittering in his eyes.

She chuckled, biting her lower lip.

"Thank you for making me your friend. I have never really felt comfortable with anyone aside from

you. You know I had wished that you turned out as my brother too. I never knew that wish could come


Now I understand the reason why your scent created fear in me the first time I saw you. It wasn't

supposed to create such fear, your scent was telling me something else. It was telling me that you are

my lovely brother but I didn't understand. I'm so so happy." Isaac." She finished, squeezing her hand

between Isaac's.

"Come here. I'm dying to hug you again." Her brother beamed standing up and walking to her

ignoring the stares he received from others as they hugged.


As they left the restaurant, hands intertwined. Butterflies flew about in Serena's belly. She could

hardly contain the joy leaping inside of her. When last did she feel this happy? She couldn't remember.

There was nothing that had ever made her so happy as this.

Finding out she had a brother. She turned to Isaac, smiling before looking away shyly.

They walked side by side like new lovers, holding hands and beaming smiles at each other. The

love was very much visible in their eyes, and both of them were too content and happy to utter a word.

It was a comfortable, happy silence.

"So, you have a lot to tell me sis. How has life been really treating you?" Isaac asked suddenly.

"Um.. unfairly, I won't lie to you. Life has been so unfair to me but I think that is about to change

with you beside me." Serena laughed.

"I'm sorry about that. If we had met earlier then perhaps things could have been much different."

Isaac apologized, squeezing her palm once more. She loved when he did that. There was something

assuring in that small gesture.

"So, when did you find out that you had a sister somewhere?" Serena inquired.

"Um..when I was 13. I have been looking for you ever since." Isaac said, glancing briefly at

Serena, as if checking if she was still there.

They reached a wooden bench and decided to sit on it, Isaac pulled her a little too close as if

expecting her to be snatched anytime soon.

"What of your mother?" Serena asked, playing with Isaac fingers. They were slender and long.

"My mom? Well, she also died when I was young. Though I had a chance to know her, I had a

chance to love and to be loved by her unlike you." Isaac said, watching Serena pick at his nails.

"I've been really thinking. How on Earth did our parents leave both their partners for each other.

Why?" Serena inquired, looking at Isaac who frowned.

"I really don't know either. I think they were mates. They met accidentally and discovered this and

probably had a one night stand or something. Whatever happened though, I'm glad it produced you."

There was something about the way Isaac stared at her, like she was the only light in the sky. His eyes

twinkled brightly and she blushed, looking away shyly.

"And I think you really need make-up. As my sister, I won't allow you to dress anyhow from now Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

on. I'll make up for the lost time starting from now." Isaac said, standing up to his feet and pulling his

sister to hers, leading her to the Jeep.

"I think I saw a boutique down the street." He said, as they got in. He started the car and pulled out

of the parking lot.

"Wait, you have money for clothes? All those clothes look really expensive." Serena said, shaking

her head when they reached the rather big shop, with expensive dresses hanging on display.

"I have a lot of money, love. Don't worry, even if I'll have to spend them all on you then I'll gladly do

that." Isaac chuckled at her, shutting the car door, and pulling Serena inside the shop.

They were immediately blasted with the cold AC as they went through an aisle picking out various

dresses. And even though Serena protested against it saying she couldn't wear them all in the king's

castle. He paid no mind to her as they selected more dresses and even headed to the foot wear area.

They selected some shoes that were a foot fit, slippers, bags to match and after much convincing,

Isaac urged her to get wigs and even make up.

He paid for them all.

"How come you have so much money?" Serena couldn't stop herself from asking once they were

back in the car after keeping all they bought in the truck.

"You see, our father left some debts before he died. He owed the king, I had to start working for

the king in order to clear those debts off but my mother is very wealthy. She left all her wealth in my

name. Even now that I've cleared my father's debt off.

I should leave the king's castle but I found it hard to. Probably because the moon goddess wanted

me to remain there until I found you.

I'm glad I stayed. The king pays a huge sum of money to his workers weekly, aside from the

money and business my mom left me. I have a lot of money personally so you don't have to worry, S.

Let me do this." Isaac explained calmly.

A feeling of satisfaction settled in her and she smiled, the gush of air hitting her face as she took

her head out of the window.

She felt loved, and it all started with Isaac. Her brother.


On reaching the castle, Isaac stopped the car, taking out all Serena's things from the truck.

"Isaac." Serena called his attention to Kendrick who just stepped out of the house probably at the

sound of the car. His dark eyes glaring at them.

Isaac peeped at him before turning back to the bags.

"Ignore him for now. I'll go talk to him later." He said pulling out the bags before heading inside,

Serena trailing behind him, holding the smallest bag.

After settling Serena in her room and kissing her goodnight, he came outside to still find Kendrick

sitting on a pavement, smoking.

After that he came out to see Kendrick still standing alone outside and he was smoking.

Kendrick was the first person he spoke to the moment he stepped his foot into the king's castle

and he has been glad to have him as a friend though Kendrick tends to be protective and jealous of

anyone who gets too close to him.

"You know you aren't allowed to smoke outside here, Ken. You never listen." Isaac said, coming to

stand beside his best friend.

"Why do you care?" Kendrick scoffed at him, puffing out a trail of smoke and Isaac smiled.

"You are always jealous bro. I didn't expect you to be jealous of Serena, man." Isaac said, hitting

his friend across his shoulders, not hard enough to cause him pain.

"Who says I'm jealous?" Kendrick scoffed again, rolling his eyes before taking a deep breath from

his cigarette.

"You are and you know it. You don't need to pretend you aren't." Isaac teased.

"If you have got something to say Isa, just go straight to the point and stop annoying me." Kendrick

huffed, trying to ignore his best friend who was smiling at him.

"You should stop calling me Isa, It sounds girlish but anyways. You remember the time I told you

about my half sister?" Isaac asked.

Kendrick turned to his best friend, a frown upon his face.


"I found her and she's Serena." Isaac said, exposing a row of white teeth.

"Your sister. Really man?!" Kendrick exclaimed.

"Yeah. Since she arrived here, I've been busy trying to confirm my suspicions that she was the

one. I ran a DNA test and it confirmed that she is truly my sister today." Isaac beamed.

"Oh fück. I've been so stupid, I was supposed to help you in all this but I let my stupid mood and

jealousy get the best of me, man. I'm so sorry and congratulations." Kendrick said, and Isaac pulled

him into a hug.


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