The Carrero Heart - Beginning (Friends to Lovers)

Chapter 153

Chapter 153

“Sophs, wake up.” Arry’s voice draws me out of sleep, along with the ungraceful shaking of me he has going on and I literally smack him in the face with a rogue hand as I wake up in alarm. I groan when I catch him over the top of me, cheerfully awake and annoyingly chirpy. I blink at the dazzling light of day and realize we probably slept for most of the morning.

“Whaaatt?” I groan out slowly, pushing his face away as he starts biting at my neck and ear in the most annoying way known to man. He has obviously recovered a lot, while right now I’m in my ‘not a morning person. Go away’ state of semi awake.

“Get up, beautiful… Up, up, up!” He pulls me down the bed with him and meets my struggling limbs of refusal as I shield my eyes from the torture of rude awakenings.

“Why? I’m sleeping… What do you want?” I lift my legs to try and dislodge him from my lifeless body, but his arms are already around me and lifting me up to prop me at an ungodly high height around his waist so that I slump over him like a dead doll and flake out.

“I hate you.” I sigh, giving up the fight and let him deal with my deadweight in the way I had to deal with his.

“We both know that’s not true… You love me more than shoes. We’re going to have ourselves a date. Come on, baby, it’s almost noon and we’ve slept most of the day away.” He is way too chirpy a guy when he wakes up, it’s one of his most serious flaws and makes me want to stab him in the head with anything to hand. Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

I completely forget all my woes and worries from earlier when he is like this. Somehow Arry being this way makes me feel like I’m just worrying myself for nothing and we don’t really have anything to talk about concerning us. He’s fine, we are fine. I’m just over thinking and getting affected by loneliness and long months of living somewhere that makes me miserable. We’re fine… We are.

“We could just sleep some more, then have sex, and sleep again.” I breathe out, exhaling heavily with the realization he has revived his batteries and is raring to go. He’s like the Energizer bunny sometimes, just plug in a new power pack and boom.

What was I even worrying about?

“Or we could go out to eat, wander around the city of love, have sex somewhere exciting and new… Have ourselves a little trip up the Eiffel tower then come home for a sex marathon to tire us out for tonight. We still haven’t visited Notre Dame.” He smacks my ass a little vigorously and I lean up to scowl at him. It’s clear he’s been on the porridge or something as he is far too zingy for a guy who spent eight hours on a flight after a full day’s work at his office.

“What kind of food?” I ask, homing in on one of the very few things that ever make me more receptible to missing out on sleep.

“Any kind you want, anywhere you want. Wear something pretty, suns out.” He slides me down on my own feet, completely naked, while he’s shower fresh and wearing chinos and a button down already. He’s shaved, looks refreshed and smiling, way too much. He looks like my normal, happy, and chilled Carrero. In a way it’s comforting, because god knows I need to see this version of him right now. It’s been absent for way too long.

“Are you on something?” I ask suspiciously, aware that my half-baked boyfriend of two years hasn’t been this happy and bouncy in six months of life here. I have no clue why he is this upbeat today.

“I’m happy as hell to be back here with you. We need this… Some time for us, to relax, and spend it chilling out today. I miss my girl and I realized this morning that you have only one month left of school and we’re done! We can go back to being glued together on the daily in no time at all.” He leans in and smacks his lips on me, hitting me with a passionate kiss that almost winds me, but I push his face off

and screw it up at him. Ignoring the pounding wave of guilt that punches me in the gut at his mention of school. I try to deflect before he sees something is seriously up.

“I haven’t even brushed my teeth you weirdo.” I giggle when he dives at my neck and jawline instead, kissing and nibbling as tickling hands get me around the waist.

“I would kiss you even if you just licked the floor, Sophs… I am that hot for you.” He laughs too as I try and poke him in the face, right in those sexy dimples and run for the bed as cover when he scoops me up and starts delivering more tickles. Fighting him off with slappy hands, which is futile when you’re up against a man with lightning reaction speeds.

“You’re disgusting, and weird. Stop it, Lame Head. Why do I even put up with you?” I squeal as he manages to pull me across the bed by one foot, stopping my escape and maneuvers me flat on my back so he can straddle me.

“Lame Head? … And you call me weird? Because I’m sexy as hell, and you’re totally weak for me.” He smiles at me, leaning down to catch my wrists and pins me to the bed effortlessly, laughing at my giggling outrage and feeble attempts to fight him off. He’s in playful mode, my favorite kind and I try and let all the doubts go for right now. However, panicking that he may typewriter me, as he seems in that kind of mood. He loves to make me flip out when he tries that extremely juvenile maneuver.

“You’re lame and big-headed, hence Lame Head, and I can withstand you anytime I feel like it.” I smirk at him, turning away when he leans in to kiss me, trying like crazy to fight him off by bucking my hips, but he just stays put.

“I just have to do this…” He leans in and runs his mouth and tongue up my throat from collar bone to ear slowly and my body almost explodes with the sudden intense tingles that catapult through me. One thing Arry knows how to do, its press every one of my buttons, especially when he hasn’t actually had proper sex with me for weeks and last night only served as a huge tease.

“Nobody likes a showoff.” I reply huskily, breathlessly as I try not to close my eyes to the sensation of his breath on my skin, still hovering over me like a predator watching his prey.

“You like me… That’s all that counts.” He moves so his mouth finds mine again and this time I clamp my lips shut and shake my head at him, trying not to smile until he gives up and goes back to sitting up to stare at me. Holding his weight over me without actually crushing me this time.

“I only like you sometimes… Marginally.” I point out with a very serious and snotty tone and get the full force of his Hollywood special smile, all white teeth and dimples that are designed to floor you with their beauty.

“You really like playing hard to get, don’t you? … Go, do your thing, and get ready. If I have to wait to kiss you then I will literally carry you to the bathroom and stick your toothbrush in your mouth.” He plants a chaste kiss on my mouth, despite my protests, ruffles my hair and hauls me up once more, eyeing up all my nakedness with a dirty look and a bigger grin. I know where that filthy mind is heading; he may look like a sweet gentleman, but that boy has some seriously naughty bedroom antics and a never dying libido to go with it. I can’t believe I doubted that in the early hours.

“I wouldn’t put it past you… you are so bossy sometimes.” I skip away, dodging the slap aimed at my ass he tries to deliver with a wink and cheeky grin, watching my gorgeous boy eye me up saucily as I saunter my way to the bathroom. There is no denying the way he looks at me sometimes. Still a smitten kitten even after almost two years of rollercoaster life with me. I shouldn’t worry about us, let all the insecurity and missing him so much eat me up, but it’s hard. We spend most of our time apart now, like we are only stealing moments in passing. I should leave all the worrying and over thinking to him—I mean that is his forte.

“Better hurry up then.” He laughs after me, in one of the best moods he’s been in a while and I think he probably needed the nap more than he realizes. He always tries to put it off when he comes home through the night, which is generally always when he gets back. He tends to catch night flights as soon

as he is done in the city, so he can get here before I get up and make love to me before school. He is usually adamant that I never miss any either.

My boy is just exhausted, nothing else.

Totally fine.

In the bathroom I turn on the walk-in shower, feeling lighter, while I put some towels on the heated rack for getting out. The bathroom is one of my favorite rooms in this apartment. It’s modern and huge, always so sparkling clean thanks to Janetta our housekeeper who comes by at noon daily. It has a huge tub in one corner that we have used a lot; inbuilt jacuzzi and the shower is big enough for us both to shower and have a lot of fun in here together.

I love our whole apartment. It’s in the sixteenth district, a chic part of Paris, surrounded by money and gorgeous buildings and Arry did really good in finding us both a pretty large, yet modern apartment, penthouse. He’s a born New Yorker and likes to stay up high.

It’s spacious and open plan, airy. Probably as big as back home and yet has a hint of French design in the detailed coving, sash windows and ornate fireplaces in every room. It has a vibe of old world in the building itself, yet with our combined taste in modern décor and muted tones, after I applied my touch. It’s modern and homely. It’s not like our love nest back home, which I miss like crazy, but it’s a good second best.

I shower quickly and dry myself even faster, wrapping myself in warm fluffy towels and make my way back to our bedroom adjoined by this door. The other door leads to the lounge in the other side and I always found it odd that our bathroom was in between the two rooms with two doorways.

Arrick is standing at the vanity looking down at his jars of hair gel, one handedly opening one of them, completely oblivious to my presence. He is on his cell to Amanda, his PA, and I hear him tell her to book his return flight for Friday.

He hasn’t even told me that he plans on going back in half a week and I instantly feel my insides sink. I hate knowing that’s all I have of him this time and for god knows how long. It’s already Tuesday, that means he leaves me in three days. It’s not enough time, it never is.

My mood dissipates rapidly, pushing down the knot of tears and aching disappointment and remind myself that in one month, term will be over for Christmas. Four more weeks and we get an entire holiday where I can come home with him and shadow him like I did in the short summer break. That was the last time I managed to get out of Paris. That’s all I need, some unbroken no pressure Arrick and Sophie time, back home in New York City. Back to seeing our friends, family, and normal life.

I wander quietly past him, catching his eye in the mirror as he looks up and he frowns. His apology I guess, knowing I heard the plan for his departure once more. I don’t respond, staying deadpan as I make my way to my wardrobe and pull out some long dresses and refuse to let this detail affect our plans today. I don’t want another squabble about him going away; we have one almost every time and it’s pointless.

He can’t help it or change it.

It’s sunny out but not that warm as it’s late in the season. I pull out some sweaters and long boots to go with a thicker dress and throw them all on the nearby chair, trying to focus on only getting dressed. He ends his call and I try to stay on task.

“Hey.” Arrick comes up behind me, sliding his arms around my waist gently and nuzzles my neck from behind, making me tilt my head so he can gain full access, uncaring about my wet hair. Like the traitorous wench she is, my body gets the immediate surrendering sag of muscle and bone as tingles span every inch of skin.

“So, you’re leaving Friday?” I sigh, completely hollow inside, so used to this that even the pain of it is numbing out. It’s become more of a sad acceptance nowadays and despite telling myself not to

mention it when we’re planning a nice day, it’s out almost automatically.

“I’m sorry baby. I thought I had more time with you but the new contracts for the merger are being poured over on Saturday with the entire board of directors. This merger affects all shareholders and it’s a huge deal. Even Jake is working crazy hours and driving Emma insane.” He sighs, tightening his hold over my towel and squeezes me gently. Tone apologetic and soft and I refuse to let this ruin our day. He was in such a great mood and he is right; one month and then we get a real break from this life. We can talk about next term later. I have time, I have a month to give them an answer.

“It’s my show in eight days, my final show… The one you promised you would be here for.” I turn in his arms and blink up at him, heart in my mouth and complete pleading fear running through my head. I haven’t asked him or expected him to be at anything else all year, just this one thing, because it matters more than anything.

I’m showcasing my very own line of designs in front of not only my school and tutors, but notable names in fashion. All the year two students have a slot and mines up at eleven am in just over a week. He has known about this for six months and knows it marks the wrap up to my year and goes towards my final gradings.

“And I’ll be there… I promised, didn’t I? I’ll be on a flight home the day before and back here in bed with you that night. I’ll walk you in there myself.” He’s serious, no hint of doubt and I relax a little. I need him there, for moral support, to stop me going to pieces with nerves, and just to be the grounding force he always is for me. The only ally among a class of people who barely tolerate me yet have never really accepted me.

“You better… I need you there. It’s one date I wouldn’t forgive you for breaking, Arry, I mean it.” I sound sterner than I mean too but this is something that matters almost as much as graduating my second year. I have a lot of people to impress and a lot of hopes pinned on something I have been working so hard for. All this bullshit we have put ourselves through, all comes to rest on this important event. I’m

not someone who wants to use my families name or money, or even Arry’s, to achieve my success; I want to be known for my skill and my designs and this show is a start to something on that path. Something I did myself.

“I know you do… I can see that little scowl right about here.” He presses his thumb between my eyebrows with a cute smile and I can’t help smiling too, breaking the tension, and hating, yet adoring how he always knows how to get around me.

“That scowl will get a lot bigger and fiercer if you let me down.” I prod him in the abdomen, smirking at the little flinch, which turns to outrage when he whips my towel off me in a split second and throws it away behind him.

“You were saying?” He grins, letting go to stand back and admire me. I throw my hands on my hips and lift my chin a little higher.

“You think this makes me vulnerable and less likely to go hell cat on your ass?” I ask outright, but my eyes immediately follow him sliding his shirt out of his chinos and slowly unbuttoning it from the top. Looking at me with absolutely no veiling of how much he wants me back in bed.

“Nope… means I am about to distract you in ways I know you are powerless to resist.” He gets three buttons down and slides it over his head instead, all tanned glorious muscle on show that tenses and move as he does. I can’t help the way my body reacts to the perfection that he is.

“What happened to going out on a date? … Eiffel towers and all that city of love stuff?” I move back as he comes at me, slowly unbuttoning his pants, eyes glued on mine with crazily dilated pupils. I am all for this change of plans, but he still has to work at it a little. I like when my boy chases me.

“Think we might just hit the sex marathon part and order some food to stay in bed. French cuisine, easy on the snails, right?” He leans out and catches my wrist and hauls me back to him at speed. Colliding

softly and immediately lets his hand roam over my ass and grips it firmly so he can butt my pelvis into his.

“Any objections?” His eyes move to my mouth and like a switch that he knows how to flick, all I want is for him to kiss me again, devour my body and take me back to that place between us when we have sex. Our little bubble of complete contentment and I wonder if maybe that’s all I need. Maybe I’m just suffering from lack of us being intimate and it will restore some sense of security if we spend a day making love. I watch his mouth move achingly close and shake my head breathlessly in answer. Urging him to close the gap and kiss me, but he stays just out of grasp and smiles slowly.

“Do you want me?” He asks softly, unexpectedly and I glance up at those perfect hazel eyes questioningly. He knows I always do; I don’t understand his need to ask. He’s smiling with that half smile of his, dimples on show, making me breathless.

“I always do.” I answer softly and am rewarded with that mouth on mine, kissing me so passionately that my knees give way and I’m left clinging to him.

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