The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 1012 Learning the Constellations of Wolf

Chapter 1012 Learning the Constellations of Wolf

Entering the Wolf House.

Following the closed and winding main road, Jack followed Cynthia to enter a main hall.

Along the way.

Jack was curiously observing everything along the road, but Cynthia stopped him every single time.

When they entered the main hall and sat down, then only Cynthia explained, “The matters in the Wolf

House relate to The Hun. By allowing you to enter the Wolf House to learn the Seventy Two

Constellations of the Wolf, it is already Father’s limit. Apart from that, please make sure you do not pry,

or else, Father wouldn’t let you stay!”

With her last few words, Cynthia’s tone was especially firm.

She didn’t want the person that she had waited for so long to be preliminarily killed off because of his

little curiosity.

For her, and for the hundred tribes’ attack down south, it would be a massive loss!


Jack nodded his head.

Just at this moment.

A figure walked slowly into the main hall.

Jack and Cynthia looked up together.

Although the person was still donned in the symbolic beast robe of the Snow Fields, but his silhouette

was different from the burly bodies Jack had seen before. The body of the person in front of him was

lean, and slightly small and thin, his height was only about 1.7 metres.

A goatee hung on his chin, his cheeks were meatless, his nose was like a hook, his narrow eyes made

his eyes look particularly small, but they were on the contrary, sparkling.

“Guy Wilson greets princess and Your Highness.”

Once he entered the hall, the goatee man immediately knelt down to greet Jack and Cynthia



Jack furrowed his brows lightly, mumbling, “Is he from the inner territory?”

“He’s not from the inner territory, it’s because his tribe is near the Territory. Therefore, their culture and

habits are not like those of the Snow Fields. They have a little more of their own habits within their own

territory. Their surnames also follow that of the Territory.”

Cynthia explained patiently, “Guy’s tribe is very small, there’re not even 10,000 of them. In order to

survive, to prevent themselves from being destroyed by the other tribes, Guy came to The Hun in the

past, asking for protection from The Hun. He then became the vassal tribe of The Hun. He then

continued to stay here. But Guy is very smart, he is excellent in knowledge and in strategy, therefore

Father has as an exception, included him in Wolf House. He is now a general who can lead an entire

troop by himself.”

While speaking, Cynthia indicated for Guy to get up.

Guy smiled humbly, “Thank you princess for your compliments. For me to become what I am today, it

was all because of the King and The Hun’s cultivation.” Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Stop being humble, if they had to cultivate, you have also got to be that seedling, in order to

successfully cultivate you.”

Cynthia said smilingly, and said to Jack immediately, “From now on, whenever you enter Wolf House,

Guy will bring you the place where the Constellations of Wolf are located, and Guy will also accompany

you with the learning.”

“Alright, Guy, there is much to learn from you from now on.”

Jack gave Guy a hug.

Guy gave a laugh, “This time Guy is also because of Your Highness’ grace, that I can join in the

Constellations of Wolf.”

When talking, Guy turned his body, and made a welcoming gesture, “Please follow me Your Highness.”

Jack and Cynthia greeted him, and followed him out of the main hall.

Seeing Jack off, the smile on Cynthia’s face disappeared. In her eyes were filled with aspiration and

anticipation, “I hope you won’t disappoint me, and reach fifteen constellations of the wolf within two

months. Hence, when the hundred tribes head south, you would have the capability to delay Zenith.”

The true powers of Zenith, was still a myth among the hundreds of tribes within the Snow Fields.

Even if Zenith had a terrifying record of destroying a city with one shot!

But it is this terrifying record that had infinitely raised Zenith’s combat powers among the hundreds of


It was already clear that his powers were high, but there was no way for the hundreds of tribes to find

out Zenith’s powers.

When Jack entered his zone, added together with his learning of the fifteen constellations of the wolf,

Cynthia’s guess was preliminary on whether he could defeat Zenith.

Jack followed Guy, and walked along the closed and winding main road.

When they reached a room door, under the guidance of Guy, both of them turned and entered. They

then followed this narrow road and continued for another five minutes, and entered a compound.

What appeared in front of Jack, was a compound. In the whole compound, there were no windows or

doors, there were only high walls, and a few ventilation vents.

At the door, there were two men standing and guarding the entrance.

“The Counsellor Guy is following the King’s orders to bring Greedy Wolf to learn about Constellations of


Just when Jack was taking in the compound, Guy went forward, fished out a token and passed it to the

two guards.

The Hun was unable to accept the marriage of Jack and Cynthia all of a sudden, so he had tried his

best to suppress this secret. It was only because Guy had to spend a long time with Jack, therefore he

had been told by The Hung about it.

“Greedy Wolf?!”

When they heard his name, the two guards were taken aback.

Both of their eyes widened, and looked towards Jack.

“You are the Greedy Wolf who almost killed Wolfgang yesterday, forcing the king to save Wolfgang by

directing the City Thirteen doctors to gather in the city? "

“Oh my god! I didn’t expect to be able to meet you so quickly, Wolfgang is The Hun’s number one

warrior, you… No wonder you can come to Wolf House today!”

Their exclamations made Jack lower his head in awkwardness.

He was clear that if he hadn’t entered into his zone yesterday, just like what Cynthia said, he would

really be killed by Wolfgang.

At the end of the day, yesterday’s battle was only won because of luck!

“Yes, this has to be the fastest promotion within the Wolf House ever!”

Guy said sincerely.

Within a day, he can enter the Wolf House, and learn Constellations of Wolf. He was the first person to

have done so since the establishment of the Wolf House!

Even if there was the support of Your Highness, Guy was clear that, if he wasn’t a man of heavenly

talent, it was impossible for The Hun to carve out such a huge exception for him.

The two guards nodded their heads.

Very quickly, the two guards opened the gates.

A waft of rotten soil smell passed through. When Jack walked to the entrance, the smell hit him, it

smelled very bad.

The expressions of Guy and the two guards remained unchanged.

Jack didn’t mind too, he followed Guy to enter the room, and the two guards behind them closed the


“When you have finished your learning, they will open the door for us.” Guy explained.

Jack nodded his head.

Just at this moment.


Following a loud noise, the pitch black room was suddenly flooded with light.

A light from the doorway quickly extended towards the distance and lit up.

Jack was blinded by the light and he squinted. Once he slowly got used to it, he could now see clearly

everything in the room.

Just that, when he saw everything clearly, he was taken aback and shocked by everything in the room.

This was a very long room, following the three rows of light, it extended to about 100 metres.

Beneath his feet was a long carpet that extended all the way.

On both sides, were stone carving figures of wolf heads with human bodies that stood at five metres

high. On the body of every Constellations of Wolf it could be seen faint human patterns with different

actions. On the ground pedestal, there were also clearly marked numbers.

It was quiet and solemn.

The tall and domineering shapes of the Constellations of Wolf, as well as the scary wolf heads that

were baring their teeth, all gave off a very strong sense of oppression.

It was as if in this room, he would subconsciously be silenced.

“Greedy Wolf, there are 72 statues of Constellations of Wolf, carrying the essence of martial arts on the

Snow Fields for thousands of years!”

On Guy’s thin face was a hint of gleefulness and a proud smile, “Let’s start with the first statue, this is

the foundation, every statue’s difficulty would get progressively higher.”


Jack’s gaze was burning, he nodded his head, and walked towards the first Constellation of Wolf.

Guy stroked his goatee lightly, his gaze was deep. He thought to himself, ‘Even though the first

Constellation is the foundation, Your Highness was also a heavenly talent, but he would perhaps at

least need two days to learn it right?



A sudden surprised exclamation suddenly came from Jack who was standing in front of the

Constellations of Wolf.

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