The Black Alder Series (Books 1-3)

The Lunar Eclipse Festival

Roland’s POV I hate this place. Here I am in the Black Suns Territory for 2 weeks because of my workers and pressing to expand our business. When I got the invitation to come to the Lunar Eclipse Festival, I almost turned it down. Had it not been for that dream I had the night before-the dream of the girl with the jeweled blue eyes. Flashback

I’m waking up in a bed made completely out of what looks like gold with red drapes. This doesn’t seem like a dream. I usually know when I’m dreaming. No, this is more of a distant memory. In comes kids: 2 twin boys and 1 girl. One boy looks like me, with black hair and gold eyes. So does the other, but his eyes are a blue I’ve never seen before. The little girl’s eyes are the same shade of blue. I know these kids are mine. I feel it deep down. “Mommy says it’s time to wake up,” the little girl says. Just as she said, my heart and eyes were alert at the thought of my lost mate, Raven, coming through the door. I always thought no one could ever be more beautiful than my Raven. However, this girl put Raven to shame. Her hair was curly and long and massively silver with white streaks. She is an absolute vision-the way she walks up to me, looking at me with a lot of love. I somehow know she is mine. I got out of bed and instantly pulled her up into a kiss. She giggles and tackles me into bed; her silver hair is hiding those beautiful blue eyes. I pulled a strand of hair away from her beautiful face. She had a serious look in her eyes. “When the eclipse is at its peak, I will find you,” she says. Hunh? I asked “All will be explained, my darling,” she said again. This time her voice was chilling, and her eyes turned a brighter blue. I woke up in a flash of sweat. I’m not sure why, but I felt like I needed to get to this woman. Moon Goddess, where do I find her? Send me a sign. Please!Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

The next day, I received an invitation to the festival. end Flashback So, yeah, that’s why I’m here. I figured, hell, I’d give it a shot. Even if it is a silly dream or whatever, I’ve never been one not to listen to my instincts. The eclipse is bound to happen soon, and I’ve been searching through the whole territory while attempting to listen to their annoying alpha and his thick-headed son, who will not stop talking to me. My wolf doesn’t trust any of them. I watch as my pack and his intermingle. Some of his pack seemed to find mates with mine. Great. More fucking paperwork. I’ve just realized that looking for this girl is pointless, though my gut is telling me differently. I saw the moon and the sun starting to come together. My wolves start to howl as they turn to the moon, giving thanks to the moon goddess. I see the other alpha wolves seemingly doing the same thing. Just as I’m about to give up looking for her, I see that the full eclipse is almost over and the moon is coming out. I am caught by surprise as I stumble back, feeling this surge of pure power, and it’s unlike anything I have ever felt before. My wolf has never been made to submit before, and I am instantly on my knees like all the rest, but my head’s not bowed. This power doesn’t want me to submit to it anymore, and that’s when I knew. I knew it was her. I looked around until I saw her. Radiant. All of our eyes are focused on this heavenly creature. I am mesmerized. I feel her love. I feel her hate. The eclipse is over, and the moon shines only on her. She seemed to be radiating in it. From a distance, you could tell her hair is brown, but as she walks closer, you can just see a touch of silver in her curls. She has the most intoxicating smell of honey. Pools and pools of honey. I look up and see her jeweled blue eyes searching all of our heads as she walks slowly toward us. She is looking around. Searching. She is searching for me. I just know it. My wolf is howling with a pride I have never seen before. His howls seemed to attract her, as if she could hear them. The moment her eyes met mine, I knew. She knew. Our wolves knew they called for each other. She kept walking towards me as I sensed her aura fading. When she got close, I could see why. She was badly bruised, beaten, and walking with a broken cast on her legs, though I could tell she was wobbling now and was close to falling in her hospital gown. I ran to her. I ran like hell and caught her easily. Those electric blue eyes looked up at me. “Mate,” she whispered, then passed completely out.

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