The billionaire’s true love


Part 21

Trent eyed the arm Jose had around me, and if it was possible, he grew more livid. The man looked enraged standing at my threshold, but oh so handsome. Trent was stunning; anger suited him. But it scared me.

“Get away from her,” Trent ordered which sounded more like a growl.

I glanced at Jose to see his eyes narrow at my boss. “And who are you to tell me that?”

“The man who owns her.” My heart stopped. He did not just say that. Just who did he think he was?

Jose burst out laughing beside me. “Are you fucking serious, man? Amanda is a free human being not your goddamn slave. Get that through your thick skull.”

Trent gritted his teeth, his rage flashing in his dark eyes. “She is mine. And if you don’t want me to snap you in half you will get the fuck away from her. I’m here to take her, and no one especially you is going to stop me.”

“She is not going anywhere with you. You’re nothing but a spoiled asshole. Get out of here before I lose that tiny ounce of respect that is still remaining for some unknown reason for you and punch the living daylights out of you,” Jose snarled, eyes blazing.

My boss smirked before stepping forward. Jose instinctively pulled me behind him, which had Trent throwing a murderous glare at my best friend. My heart was hammering and I had a terrible feeling in my gut. Something told me that shit was about to go down if I didn’t do something soon.

“Jose-” I began but he immediately cut me off.

“No Amanda. Stay out of this. Somebody needs to show this asshole that he doesn’t always get what he wants,” Jose stated, eyeing Trent with barely concealed rage.

“Yes, that’s right, stay out of this. Because your stupid friend doesn’t realize that I always get what I want.” Before I could process anything, Trent’s fist flew, hitting Jose on his jaw, causing him to hit the wall. I screamed and tried to help Jose but Trent grabbed my wrist in a tight hold and dragged me out of the apartment.

“Let me go! Jose!” I shouted at the top of my lungs but Trent only tightened his grip and increased his pace.

“Nobody is coming to help you. And your friend will be slightly dazed before he comes after us, but don’t worry, we’ll be long gone by the time he gets here,” Trent responded, pressing the button on his keychain to unlock his car.

“You’re a monster! Let me go! I am not going anywhere with you!” I screamed, trying to attract the attention of security guards or anyone for that matter, but there was no one. Where had everybody gone?

“Stop screaming, shady. No one is coming to help you. I created a little diversion for the security guards.” Trent opened the passenger side door and shoved me inside before slamming the door shut. I tried opening the door but it was locked. Fucking child lock!

When Trent slid inside the driver’s seat, I attacked, attempting to scratch his fucking gorgeous face. My actions took him by surprise as I was able to drag my nails through his skin, but it didn’t last long. Maybe it was the anger coursing through his veins or maybe he was just agile, but he had my arms pinned behind my back in less than a minute. He was breathing heavily, resembling a furious dragon.

“Stop with this shit, or I won’t hesitate to tie you and gag you,” he warned.

The thought of being tied and gagged had my stomach twisting. What was wrong with Trent? Why was he doing this? He did not look like the gentleman I thought he was. I mean, he was not a gentleman, but at least he acted human. But right now, I could not see an ounce of humanity in his eyes. What was wrong with him?

“Why are you doing this?!” I demanded, which sounded more like shrieking.

Trent released my wrist and turned to face the windshield, leaving me massaging my wrists to ward off the pain. This man was one twisted fucker, and I could not believe Theodore was related to him. No, scratch that, I could believe the fact that the two billionaires were related, and now I felt like an utter bitch becuase when Hailey was complaining about Theodore, I dismissed her complains and told her how romantic Theodore was. But now that the same thing was happening to me, and it was not the least bit romantic.

“Because you are ignoring me, and I am not going to allow that. I won’t allow you to ignore me, bumblebee,” Trent stated, turning the ignition and zooming out to God knows where.

“Oh for the love of God, don’t you understand the fact that I quit!” This man was truly impossible.

“And don’t you understand that you can’t quit. I won’t allow you to,” he replied.

“Who are you, my father?! I can do whatever I want. Go and work with that Tamara bitch, since you trust her so much,” I shot back.

Trent glanced at me. “What makes you think I trust her?” He enquired.

I laughed in disbelief. This man did not even know half the things he did, and he was a fucking billionaire! Damn it, I felt sorry for the money he earned.

“Uh, you trust her. You trust her so much because you have this notion that she is perfect and can do no wrong. You don’t believe when I say that she slipped drugs in my drink, you think I’m a junkie. So this is why I think you trust her,” I snapped.

Silence. That was the response I got. Trent didn’t say a word, just kept driving way over the speed limit which had me wondering why the cops weren’t following him. Trent was fucking rich and he was fucking spoilt, and I needed to get the fuck away from him because my mind turned to mush where he was concerned. Stupid mind.

Seconds turned to minutes, but Trent did not utter a single syllable. He just kept driving, taking random turns, taking me to God knows where. My heart felt heavy with fear and trepidation as we entered an unfamiliar area. He had basically kidnapped me, and now he was going to take me to a place where he would do bad things to me. Oh fuck me, I was doomed.

Get a hold of yourself woman! You are strong, stop acting like a damsel in distress.

My subconscious was right. Trent was a human being not a supernatural creature. I could defend myself against a human…I think. And I was an independent woman, I did not need some knight in shining armor to come rescue me from the fire breathing dragon. I could do this on my own. I just needed to figure out how.

“Why was he touching you?” Trent asked after a long moment of silence.

“Who?” I frowned as I glanced at him.

“That Jose,” he spat his name out like it was filth.

“He’s my friend, he can touch me if he wants,” I answered him.

“No. He can not.” Trent gritted his teeth in frustration.

“Yes, he can.” I looked away.

“No. You’re mine, and I won’t allow another man to touch what’s mine,” he stated.

Now I was frustrated. “Okay, you know what, you need to stop this. I am not yours. I don’t belong to you. I don’t know where the hell you got this idea from, but I am not yours dude, so stop saying that!”

“Wrong again sleeping beauty. And I will show you just how much,” Trent said.

“Again? What do you mean by again? When was I wrong before?” I questioned.

“When you said I trust Tamara,” he replied.

“Well I am not wrong. You do trust her.” I scowled at him. People were so blind at times.

Trent shook his head but refrained from saying anything. He parked the car in front of a stunning skyscraper before slipping out, rounding the car, opening my side of the door and dragging me out once again. What did this man think I was, a fucking toy? I mean, he was dragging me out and about as if I did not possess bones in my body. Jerk!

“Would you stop this?! Where are you taking me?!” I tried my hardest to break the hold he had on my poor wrist but the bastard was strong.

“Somewhere where I’ll know no man but me will ever touch you. A place where I will show you just how much you belong to me. A place where you can never get out of.” He told me.

“So you’re taking me to a prison. You are out of your mind Trent Benson and I am going to call the fucking cops on you. There is no way I am staying in that prison for even a second, you hear me?!” I shouted, as we entered what looked like a gorgeous lobby, complete with a mini fountain in the center, and intricate fixtures on the walls.

“Call it whatever you want; prison or your new home, because you’re not getting out of here,” he stated, stabbing the call button which had the elevator doors sliding open immediately.

“This is kidnapping.” Using my other hand, I dug my nails in his cheekbones, wanting to dig them in the flesh of his cheeks. I would not let him to do this. He would kidnap me and imprison me for his own amusements. Goddammit I was not a slave!

“Son of a bitch,” Trent swore before grabbing my wrists and pinning them above my head. He glared at me, breathing heavily as I saw a small drop of blood trickling down the side of his cheek.

Yes! Success!

“This is not right, Trent. I no longer work for you. So stop this. This is not right.” I told him, trying to talk some sense into him. I would not admit it, but this behavior of Trent’s was starting to scare me. And I was not one to cry easily, but when it came to Trent, it felt like my waterworks never stopped.

“You stop it, sleeping beauty. Stop resisting me, or else I’ll be force to do something else,” he shot back.

“Why? Give me one fucking reason to stop resisting you,” I said.

“Fine.” Pushing me back against the elevator wall, Trent’s lips landed on mine, stealing my breath. He kissed me slow and deep, willing me to melt against him. He was not only trying to melt me physically, but he was trying to melt my heart. But I would not give in, not until he apologized for every single thing he’d done to me.

The ding of the elevator was what broke us apart. Trent pulled away leaving me struggling for oxygen. Damn, that man could kiss. I had to build more walls around my heart, strong walls so he could stay away. This man was this close to capturing my heart, and I could not let him do that. And I had no idea how he could invade the walls of my heart only to capture the organ, when he did every fucking thing that pissed me off. Man I was fucked up.

My ex-boss tugged me out of the elevator. He walked with a purpose, his stride powerful and authoritative. We stopped at the only door on the entire floor. Trent slid a key card in its slot, the red light turned green and we entered.

The new place had my jaw dropping in awe. The glossy, marble floor looked new as I could see the reflection of the things through it. There was a flat screen against one wall which an intricate sofa set against the other. A crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling, the sunlight hitting the crystal forming tiny rainbows.

“What is this place? And why did you bring me here? Do you live here? I want to go home.” I frowned at Trent.

“My company recently built this, and now it’s functional for people to live in. This is the penthouse,” he informed me.

“I don’t care. Let me go so I can go home.” I tried to wriggle out, but failed.

“Did you hear when I said you’re not leaving. You’re mine, and I intend to show you exactly that,” he stated.

“Will you stop this?! I’ve had it with you. Let go of me or I swear I am going to get a restraining order against you, and that is not a threat,” I warned him.

“How are you going to get a restraining order against me when you won’t leave the penthouse?” Without waiting for my answer, Trent tugged me along, dragging me forward until we reached a room. He threw the door open and entered with me. Once he slammed the door shut, only then did he let go of my wrist. Damn it, if he kept this up, my wrist would never heal; he might even cause permanent damage.

“What in the bloody hell are you talking about?” I asked.

“Oh, my stupid, beautiful girl, my words don’t need translation. But if you want one, then that is what I’ll do. This is where you’ll stay from now on. And you won’t be able to leave because I’m the only one who has access to this place. So there is no way you can get a restraining order; even though the idea that a restraining order can keep me away from you is ludicurous. So now do you understand what I mean, bumblebee?” Trent gave me a soft smile.

“I can’t leave?” I felt moisture pooling in my eyes. Tears of fear.

Trent shook his head. “No. I told you, you’re mine. And when I make something mine, then it can never leave.” He told me.RêAd lat𝙚St chapters at Novel(D)ra/ma.Org Only

My temper exploded. “Well I’m not a thing, I’m a living, breathing person! You cannot do this to me, Trent.”

“You’ll soon know that I can. And you’ll want it, too, bumblebee.” He pecked my lips.

“You’re utterly delusional if you think that’ll happen. You need to get yourself checked out, because you’re insane.”

Trent kissed my forehead softly, his lips lingering a bit, as if he was a lover and not a ruthless, infuriating billionaire. My fingers curled into fists by my side, and I had the strongest urge to punch Trent in the face. But his next words ceased my mind, rendering me speechless.

“Welcome to your new home.”

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