The Billionaire’s Surrogate Wife

Like a Fuzzle

Ariana thought that after having a real marriage with Samuel, her life would run smoothly without any problems. Just started sipping happiness, his household was suddenly disturbed.

Starting from the return of Samuel’s ex-lover from abroad. Then followed by the emergence of one by one other problems. What’s even more astonishing is that he uncovers an old secret that Samuel has painstakingly buried. Until finally caused a stir in the general public.

Samuel and Ariana are so compact hand in hand. Trying very hard to work together to find solutions and solve one by one the problems that arise.

Until the moment arrived where everything was one step away from ending, Arabella came and then gave Ariana a task as well as a punishment. Her mother-in-law succeeded in making Ariana not move. Even when she was sent to another country to be temporarily separated from her husband, there was nothing Ariana could do but obey.

Now, after being overcome by deep sadness, Ariana was a little happy when she saw a man who she knew very well, was sitting and looking at her. The man smiled even clearly said his name.


That second relief also came to Ariana. At least, after this he no longer need to feel lonely. He almost forgot that in a country far away in his eyes, he had acquaintances who might be relied on or asked for help.

“Oh my gosh Rosalinda. I finally got to meet you too.”

Darwin Pranata Salim is a male figure who was a guest that night. After receiving news from Arabella regarding Ariana’s whereabouts, after work, Darwin decided to go straight to the residence that Ariana would live in while in Korea.

I don’t know what Arabella’s main goal was to exile Ariana all the way to Korea. More than that, Darwin also received an assignment from his aunt to take care of and supervise Ariana while she was there. And most surprisingly, Arabella asked Darwin to keep this all a secret from Samuel.

Astonished and curious, Darwin naturally asked. However, Arabella only answered modestly. There is not the slightest intention to explain in detail.

“Why do you need to separate everything, Auntie? When Darwin sees it, Samuel really loves his wife. And now? Separated like this, he must be confused.”

On the phone, Arabella could be heard chuckling. Not the least bit sad, let alone regret that he separated his son and daughter-in-law.

“Alright, you don’t need to ask too many questions. Just help your aunt watch over Ariana while in Korea.”

“Really, how long is this going to take? Two days? Three days? A week? A month?” asked Darwin curiously. He had to make sure how long Ariana was here so she could adjust to her work schedule and personal activities.

“Auntie can’t be sure. It all depends on how fast Samuel finds Ariana.”

“Jeez, Auntie.” Darwin subconsciously exclaimed. It didn’t take long for him to imagine how dizzy Samuel must be right now, who must be looking for his wife’s whereabouts. “Later, if Samuel does anything, my aunt will regret it,” he said.

“You don’t need to be afraid. Everything that Auntie does has a purpose and benefits. Later you will find out for yourself why Aunt Ariana put it in a far away place. Now, your task is only to help Aunt to look after and watch over Ariana.”

Another loud laugh escaped Arabella’s lips. That being said, for any sort of matter or plan, that Empress Palma must have calculated it very carefully.

“Darwin, you know I’m here?”

Darwin’s thoughts were immediately broken when he heard Ariana call his name. He was sure, his cousin’s wife must be curious why he was suddenly there.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“Yes, I know from Samuel’s mother. I’m also sorry if I visited her too late. You know, my work was just finished 30 minutes ago.”

Ariana nodded then smiled.

“Honestly, I’m actually glad to see you here.”

“You have eaten?” asked Darwin then.

“Not bad,” Ariana shook her head. Previously, Rachel, who served as Ariana’s assistant while there, had also offered to eat dinner. However, he immediately refused because he still felt annoyed.

“Okay, then how about I accompany you for dinner? Incidentally, I brought food for the two of us to eat.”

Ariana looked thoughtful. Considering whether to agree with the offer that Darwin just made. But, considering that his stomach actually felt hungry, he couldn’t help but finally nodded in agreement.

The two then walked together to the dining room. Assisted by a household assistant who was on standby there, the food that Darwin brought was immediately served and ready to be eaten.

“I brought beef bulgogi, crispy chicken, and Ramen. You can choose which one you want to eat.”

Darwin said while pointing one by one the food on the table that he had deliberately brought before. Because he himself had not eaten dinner, he thought about buying it and then eating it together with Ariana.

“I’ll just eat ramen,” muttered the woman, then took a bowl of ramen and chopsticks, preparing to eat the menu of her choice.

“Are you sure you can just eat ramen? You won’t be full later. It’s not like you like to eat a lot. Especially before going to bed, you have to snack first, right?”

Ariana chuckled. How could Darwin just believe in the jokes that Samuel had once told that man. In fact, the original Ariana was not as greedy as told.

“Oh my gosh, Darwin. Please don’t believe what Jose Fernando is saying. His mouth is so soft. Besides, it’s so slanderous that I eat a lot.”

Darwin chuckled. The annoyed expression that Ariana showed made her inevitably provoked to comment.

“Even if you eat a lot, it’s okay, Esmeralda. After all, Samuel still loves you, right? It looks like my cousin really loves you.”

Ariana nodded. Seconds later shoved ramen into his mouth without interest. It was as if his appetite, which had existed before, just evaporated when Darwin reminded him of his husband.

“Why?” asked Darwin while enjoying the beef bulgogi on his plate. “Are you thinking about Samuel?” he guessed confidently.

Ariana nodded. Not one bit to deny it.

“I really think about it, Win.”

“What are you missing?” Darwin investigated later. It was a pleasure to disturb and tease Ariana, who was in a bad mood, getting carried away because she had just been separated from her husband.

“Both of them.”

“Just a moment apart too.”

Ariana sighed. He and Samuel had not been separated for 24 hours. But still she thought of her husband who was far away.

“I’m sure now he must be really confused or maybe sad because he was looking for me and couldn’t find him.”

he smiled. He took a sip of the cola from the can he was holding. After wetting his throat, he returned to respond to Ariana’s words.

“Don’t worry, Samuel is a smart person. She will definitely find you soon. I’m really sure about that.”

“Anyway, what do you think Mama Arabella used to separate and hide me here?”

Darwin shrugged his shoulders. He already asked. But Arabella did not give the slightest hint.

“Honestly, I also asked. But Aunt Arabella really didn’t want to tell me the reason.”

“Just so you know, Win…” Ariana continued. “Being with Samuel, I feel so empty being separated like this.”

Ever since Arabella told Ariana that she would be temporarily separated, a lot of big questions had arisen in Ariana’s head. However, instead of getting an answer when asked, her mother-in-law seemed reluctant to give an explanation.

“Well, don’t worry too much,” said Darwin. Once again, the man tried to calm down. Trying to make Ariana comfortable or maybe forget about her sadness for a moment. “Now, you better eat first until you’re full. Tomorrow, I’ll stop by here again to bring you another meal. If you want something, just say a word, I’ll bring it later.”

Ariana nodded. Then back to focus on eating ramen in front of him. While Darwin, who had already finished, chose to continue accompanying him.

Even the next day, the man kept his promise. Together with Celina, he returned to visit Ariana. Don’t forget to bring some breakfast menus to eat together.

In fact, in the midst of their eating activities, Celina managed to capture several moments in photo captures. Then upload the pictures to social media pages.


Samuel was completely shocked by what she had just seen. The man’s netra was fixated on a row of photos uploaded by one of his cousins.

From his own eyes, Samuel found several photos containing moments of his cousin’s closeness to his wife. In fact, when he looked at it carefully and many times, he was increasingly convinced that the woman he was looking for the past two days was indeed far away in Korea.

Exactly at 11 pm, before actually deciding to take a break, that second Samuel also tried to contact Celina. I really wanted to make sure, whether Ariana was indeed in Korea with them.

However, after repeated attempts to contact, Celina did not respond. Like Darwin, the man also didn’t answer all the calls Samuel made. I don’t know if it was on purpose or maybe because they were all asleep, considering that in Korea it was already late at night.

Ignoring her two cousins who were far away, this time Samuel chose to contact Randa. It only took two dial tones, the man on the other end immediately responded to the call he made.

“Why, Ken? Do you need anything?”

Considering that it was already too late, Randa was sure that if her cousin suddenly called, there must be something urgent that the man wanted to convey.

“Ran, I already know where Ariana is right now.”

Randy was surprised. It was he who had offered to help find Ariana from the start, so he was excited to hear the news that Samuel had just delivered.

However, on the other hand he was actually a bit surprised. Was Aunt Arabella really giving such light punishment. The proof, It only took two days, the man had found his wife’s whereabouts.

“Seriously, have you met Ariana? Where?”

“Yes, Ran. I just saw the photos uploaded by Celina on her Instagram page. Whether she posted it on purpose or not, Ariana is in the photo.”

“You mean, Ariana is in South Korea?”


“Oh my God. How could your mother send Ariana that far.” Randa exclaimed in disbelief. Completely amazed at what Arabella had done to her son and daughter-in-law.

“I don’t understand either, what did Mama really mean to send Ariana all abroad.”

“Then, do you want to feed him?”

“Sure, Ran. Tomorrow I will immediately go to Korea to catch up.”

“You need my help? Who knows what I need to do,” offered Randa sincerely. Even though he knows Samuel with all his powers can do anything, he still wants to offer help.

“Nothing. All my documents are also complete.”

“But if in the future you need something, don’t hesitate to let me know as soon as possible.”

After delivering the news, Samuel ended her call to Randa. Decided to get some rest so that tomorrow morning you can wake up early.

The next day, around nine o’clock in the morning, accompanied by a driver, Samuel’s car drove towards the airport. With only one suitcase, the man decided to immediately leave for Korea so he could catch up and then look for his wife.

Taking the morning flight, Samuel’s plane takes off at 10. 55. Airing for more than seven hours, he finally arrived at Incheon Airport at exactly 20:30 local time.

As soon as she left the airport, Samuel was immediately picked up by the person who usually escorted her. At that moment, he decided to go straight to Darwin at his residence without contacting him first.

Luckily, when Samuel arrived, her cousin also had just returned from work. Darwin was certainly very surprised. He didn’t expect to find Samuel’s figure, now standing perfectly in the yard of his house.

“Samuel? Are you going to Korea? For what purpose?” asked Darwin casually. In fact, he really knows what is the reason for his cousin to be able to fly all the way from Indonesia to Korea.

“Don’t worry about it,” Samuel scoffed. The man stepped forward, approaching the position where Darwin was standing. “Where’s Ariana, Win? You must know Ariana’s current position, right?”

Darwin shook his head. Trying to deny what Samuel accused him of.

“Ariana is your wife, why did you even ask her position with me? You are sane, right?”

“Precisely because I’m still very sane, that’s why I can think of flying here immediately. Don’t be evasive, Win. I’m sure I know Ariana’s position.”

he smiled. Not the least bit provoked by what Samuel said. From the start, he was trying to put on a calm expression. As much as possible to avoid the accusations that Samuel laid. He had promised Arabella not to divulge Ariana’s whereabouts in the slightest.

“I really don’t know, Ken.”

A wry laugh escaped Samuel’s lips. Squinting, the man then shot his cousin a fierce glance.

“Don’t lie Win.”

“Oh my God. Why should I lie?”

Samuel shook her head. Taking his cellphone out of his trouser pocket, he then opened the Instagram feature then showed Darwin what he saw last night.

“This, you see for yourself. Celina uploaded a photo with Ariana. You still want to dodge if you don’t know where my wife is? Don’t lie, Win!”


Darwin wanted to swear loudly. Trying hard to cover up Ariana’s existence, even trying to keep on dodging it, it turns out that her younger sibling has actually uploaded a photo showing the three of them together while enjoying breakfast.

Darwin should be advised. Celina really doesn’t understand and doesn’t know anything, that Ariana’s presence in South Korea is because she is being exiled, not for the purpose of traveling like tourists in general. It was wrong that he also did not tell this clearly to his sister.

“How? You still want to dodge?” reprimanded Samuel with words that sounded shocking.

Now? Darwin was dizzy himself having to explain what kind of explanation to his cousin. Just telling the truth would make Arabella furious later and even punish Ariana even more with punishments that might be even more severe than before.

“I really don’t know where Ariana is, Ken.”

“Lie!” protested Samuel. The man’s voice sounded raised. “I’m sure you know. Did Mama ask you to hide all this?”

Darwin did not give any response. Unmoving where he stood, the man just kept silent.

“You really don’t want to help me?”

“It’s not like that, Ken.”

“So what?”

“I —-”

“Come on,” Samuel said, waving her hands in the air. The gesture asked Darwin to stop his words.

“If you don’t want to help me, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter at all. I will try to find my wife’s whereabouts myself.”

At that moment, Samuel also decided to immediately leave her cousin’s residence. Leaving Darwin who looked awry because he couldn’t do anything.

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