The Billionaire’s Son Chose Me!

Chapter 78_ Fake concern

Naomi’s eyes brimmed with tears as she patted the kid’s back..

She pulled off her eye glasses and wiped her eyes gently..

“I’m very upset with you Arya! I won’t talk to you anymore!”

Naomi placed a palm over his mouth to stop him from saying anything anymore, if Charlotte were to hear that name, then everything will be ruined..

“Shh.. speak softly.. how can you be upset with me? don’t you want me any more? or have you gotten used to your new mum?”

Ray shook his head violently and embraced her once more, he was finally happy that she was here, with her here everything will be alright..

“I don’t like Charlotte, she doesn’t know my favorite food or colors and she’s very bad at cooking”

Naomi chuckled and planted a kiss on his cheek, she suddenly fell into a deep thought..

If little Ray could recognize her, then it means anyone could do that also, she needed to be careful especially around Charlotte..

Kyle needed her the most in his life now, she had to save her family from Charlotte and there was nothing she wouldn’t do to achieve that!.

“Listen Ray, nobody should know about my identity okay? your daddy needs our help and we have to help him before the bad lady gets him”

Ray nodded eagerly in understanding, he didn’t care what he had to do but as far as Charlotte will be gone, he will be willing to do it..


Sam chuckled on seeing Chloe’s annoyed expression, he pulled her left cheek only to receive a glare from her..

“And who made you this upset?” His gentle gaze was fixated on her..

Chloe breathed out as she twirled her straw in her cup, she couldn’t help but recall what happened at the hotel with Bryan..

“Forget about it! you can’t help..”

Sam shrugged nonchalantly, he didn’t want to push her further either..

“Okay suit yourself then! but just so you know, there’s no slacking off work! remember? Arya left me in charge.. so you better respect me so that I can ease your work load”

Chloe rolled her eyes, she wasn’t really ready to run a restaurant because it was a huge burden, so Arya had to give the task to Sam who couldn’t stop rubbing it on her face..

“Whatever! as far as I don’t get to do the dishes, then i might have an inch of respect for you”

Sam who was about to speak paused when he saw the person who just walked in..

“Mr Alexander is here.. I think you should attend to him”

Chloe who initially thought it was a joke sent a light punch to Sam’s chest..

“Quit messing around.. I don’t want to hear his name anymore.. he irks me!”

Bryan who was just behind her cleared his throat, he sent an off gaze to Sam who was in close proximity with Chloe..

Chloe turned to him and was left speechless, what on earth was he doing here? does he want to cause more trouble and damage to her mental health?

“What do you want?”

Sam placed both of his hands on Chloe’s shoulder and turned her to face him..

“I believe she meant to say…

“I never asked you!” he said in a hostile tone and suddenly dusted Sam’s hand from Chloe before pulling her to stand next to him..

Sam swallowed back and gave a small bow “I’m sorry if my words seem to have made you upset”

Chloe however, shrugged his hands off her body and made her way out of the restaurant..

“Chloe” Sam called out only to receive a cold glare from Bryan leaving the latter to wonder what he might have done wrong..


Charlotte crossed her arm as she watched Mia and Elizabeth coming into the living room, she swiped her hair to one side of her neck with a small mocking smirk..

“And who do we have here?”

Elizabeth marched to the proud lady in front of her and without a second thought, she sent a slap to her face..

“Shameless woman! when do you intend to release my son from your clutches?!”

Charlotte grinned and turned away from the woman, she had to control herself before she does something bad to the older lady..

She poured herself a glass of red wine and placed it to her lips..

Mia took a glance up the stairs when soft footsteps descended down..

She was a little bit surprised to see a new lady in the house, and that too with Ray..

She didn’t believe that there was any other person Ray could relate well with other than Arya and his dad, but who was this lady?

Charlotte returned back to the two with a smile, she twirled her glass slowly..

“I’m not done with Kyle just yet Mrs Anderson, I’ll make sure I get him back and live a happy life with our son”

Mia slapt the glass off Charlotte’s hold which made a crash on the polished marbled floor, a small part of the broken glass ran across Charlotte’s feet which earned a groan from her..

She raised her hand ready to strike Mia for her inappropriate behavior, only for her hand to freeze in place..

She snapped her head to her side to see Naomi holding onto her hands..

Mia looked up and was a bit surprised to see the unknown lady holding Charlotte’s hand in place, her blue orbs glowed in a different light..

“How dare you?!” Charlotte growled and just in time Kyle approached them with an interrogative stare..

Naomi released her grip on Charlotte “Just because you own a lavish house doesn’t mean you can treat other people the way you like”

Kyle’s gaze zeroed on the nanny who was speaking so confidently like she owned the world itself..

“What did you just say?!”

Mia and her mum were left speechless at the lady’s audacity..

Naomi turned her gaze to Kyle who just spoke “Don’t try to take her side Mr Anderson, she’s an ill mannered lady who doesn’t know how to relate with people!”

Charlotte pointed a finger to the exit “You’re fired!”

Naomi snorted and crossed her arm beneath her bossom, she tilted her head to the side with a small mocking grin..

“Are you that shallow minded? alright! I don’t want to work here either! if you were a real lady you’d know how to pacify your own child!” Naomi added in a stern tone..

Charlotte’s eyes widened, she raised her hand ready to strike Naomi but was held back by Kyle..

“Charlotte! let this go!”

Charlotte turned to him in surprise, let it go? she just humiliated him and he told her to let it go?

“Kyle! she insulted me..

She was suddenly pulled to a distance by Kyle “If you fire her, this house will be filled with Ray’s cries again, haven’t you noticed that she is able to pacify him?”

Charlotte looked towards Naomi who had a sly grin on her lips..

“We will find another nanny Kyle.. this lady is ill mannered and rude!”

Kyle held onto her arm tightly “If he had spent five years with us like you said, why isn’t he addressing you as mum? he never let you come close to him…

Charlotte’s face turned pale, Kyle was begining to doubt her words, she touched his chest gently with a small smile..

“Alright fine.. she can stay”


Mia’s gaze never left Naomi’s face while the latter refused to look in her direction, she couldn’t help but feel that something was off with this lady..

“Who are you?” Mia inquired in a lowered tone..

“What do you mean by that? I’m a nanny of course!” Noami retorted with a loud huff..

Charlotte returned back to them with a look of disdain on her face, she took a quick glance at Naomi..

“You can stay..”

Elizabeth ran up to Kyle who was about to leave the living room, she hugged his waist sobbing gently..

“Are you this mad at your mum that you’re not willing to spare her a glance?”

Kyle took in a deep breath and pulled her arm off his waist, he turned to her with a cold glare..This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“You should have thought about all that when you all rebuked Charlotte and our child!”

Elizabeth’s brows creased in surprise, what was he talking about?

“What? that never…

“Oh please be quiet Mrs Anderson! you shouldn’t try to brainwash Kyle anymore with your fake motherly concern, everyone knew how bad you treated me when I came to ask you for help..”

Mia stepped forward to stand beside her mum “I told you this wouldn’t work! she took advantage of Kyle’s memory loss and turned his mind against us!”

Ray tugged his dad’s pants with a small pout “Grandma would never do that daddy.. she is the bad woman here”

Kyle stared down at his son in anger “Learn how to speak to your mother kid!”

“She’s not my mummy okay?! only Arya will be my mummy and no one else!”

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