When Love Turns Cold

By the time Ellie and Kevin got married, Ellie was already 23, while Kevin was 25 years of age. After graduating from college, Kevin was able to secure a job as an accountant at the company he used to work as a driver, with the help of his boss. Everything was going on fine after their wedding, until three months after, when Kevin informed his family of going back to San Francisco, the city which they had moved from to Sacramento, where they currently were. Although, he had been frequenting San Francisco, claiming it was on an official assignment, this time around, he would be staying there permanently and would only be coming to visit his family once in a while.

“I have something to tell you both. I will be moving permanently to Sans Francisco. In two days time to be precise,” Kevin announced to his family, on one of those nights they had dinner together.

“What? In two days time? Why is that?” Ellie asked, surprised at what Kevin had said.

“My boss has been transferred to our branch over there, hence, I have been deployed with him,” Kevin responded, munching his food, while avoiding making eye contacts with both Ellie and Carla.

“Really? Never knew your company has a branch in San Francisco,” Ellie said innocently, as she never knew her husband’s company had a branch in San Francisco. “Yes, there is. The branch is newly built and just opened. Maybe that’s why you are not aware of its existence yet,” Kevin said, when he noticed Ellie was about doubting him.

“Oh, I see. So, what do you mean by permanently? Are we also moving back with you?’ Ellie questioned, wanting to understand his resolution. Carla on the other hand, just kept on looking at her brother, as she knew something was off. She had noticed a change in her brother’s behavior, and she had caught him over the past weeks, secretly talking to another woman on the phone, without Ellie’s knowledge. Him bringing up relocating back to their former city, barely two days after hearing him tell his mistress over the phone that he would be in Sans Francisco in few days seemed suspicious to her.NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

“I think it’s best for you to stay back here, alongside with Carla and Ivory. I think you going back there will trigger some bad memories and I do not want what you experienced back then, to repeat itself. Or what do you think, Carla?” Kevin asked his sister, who seemed to be lost in thought. It was at the mention of her name, that she was brought back to reality.

“Yes, I think that’s okay,” Carla said, without thinking much of it. She was still trying to place her fingers on what her brother was up to.

“That’s fine by me too but, I am going to miss you,” Ellie said, feeling down and sad.

“I know. You don’t have to worry much. I will make sure to make time and visit home as much as I can. I promise,” Kevin said, holding Ellie’s hand, while smiling at her.

“Don’t worry, Ellie. Ivory and I are going to keep you company and will never make you feel lonely,” Carla said, promising Ellie of her companionship.

“It’s fine. Thank you for your continuous support, Carla” Ellie said.

“You are welcome. That’s what family should do for each other. At least, he will be visiting us regularly and we will move in with him after some time. Am I right, Kev?” Carla asked, glaring at Kevin suspiciously, which made Kevin wondered what she was up to. He had begged and warned her, not to let Ellie be aware of his infidelity but her reactions at that moment, was pointing at her wanting Ellie to be aware.

“Yes, you are right. After some time, I will ask you to move over too. I just want Ellie to be mentally prepared. That’s all,” Kevin declared, while looking at Carla, who was eyeing him and looking at him irritatingly.

“I understand you. Thank you for always looking out for me. You are the best hubby ever,” Ellie said, smiling at Kevin while Carla on the other hand, shook her head, realizing how fool of a wife she was. After finishing their food, both Carla and Ellie cleared the table, after which Ellie went into the bathroom to take a shower. Carla on the other hand, sat in the living room alongside with Kevin and seizing the opportunity that Ellie wasn’t present, Kevin decided to engage his sister in a conversation.

“Carla, what’s up with the attitude? Thought I told you not to let her be suspicious of anything?” Kevin asked in a low voice, moving close to where Carla was.

“And did I tell her anything?” Carla asked, raising her voice.

“Will you keep your voice low? You didn’t say anything but your reactions are!!! I have explained to you. I just need to be with that lady for a short period of time. She is rich and I am into her money, not her. Don’t you want to live in a big mansion? Don’t you want to go for your Masters overseas? Try and understand me. This is our only chance to getting rich and leaving this wretched life behind of us. Where do you think I have been getting the money to take care of our expenses? Do you think my salary can cater for all our needs? No, I have been getting the money from her. I do not love her, it’s Ellie that I love. She is really into me and this is the only opportunity for me to collect what I want from her. Just play along with me, hun?” Kevin pleaded in a desperate voice, which made Carla wondered if it was truly her brother that was sitting right in front of her.

“Kev, but don’t you think Ellie will be hurt if she finds out? She had already gone through a lot and which you are aware. I do not think you should be doing this to her. You already have a good and well paying job as an accountant, so what else do you want?,” Carla asked, feeling pity for Ellie.

“I know but you have to understand me too. I am doing all these for her, you and Ivory. I want you all to live a comfortable life. Do you understand me?” Kevin asked, getting desperate and inpatient.

“Okay, I understand. But can I ask you a question, Kev?” Carla said, when she noticed her brother wouldn’t listen to her.

“Bring it on,” he responded.

“What brought about this change in you? You were someone who valued family over money. So, what now changed?” Carla asked, out of curiosity.

“You know, I’ve come to understand that money talks loudest in this world. Though family may be comforting, wealth is the source of power and freedom. I will from now on prioritize fortune over emotions, as my value will ultimately be determined by the zeros in my bank account. One must do whatever it takes to get rich, even if it means taking out your loved one out of the way when they serve as hindrance. If I hadn’t done what I did, you wouldn’t be here, seeing the world around you with your two eyes,” Kevin said with a fierce and determined look, which got Carla surprised and speechless. She looked dumbfounded by what her brother had said and as she watched him walked away, she pondered on to what extent her brother would go just to get rich. Although, she had known him for years, but it felt as if she was just realizing who he truly is. She also took her time to ponder on what he meant by ‘If I hadn’t done what I did, you wouldn’t be here, seeing the world around you with your two eyes’, but she just couldn’t figure it out.

Just as he had said, Kevin moved to Sans Francisco two days later, leaving behind his family. At first, he was visiting them every two weeks but soon afterwards, he turned it to once in a month and then, once every three months. It got to a stage he stopped visiting and would only communicate with them on phone. He stopped calling them frequently and barely called. Whenever Ellie called him to lament, he would bring up one excuse or the other for not calling. This went on for a year and by this time, Carla was already done with college. He sent them upkeep every now and then, but Ellie felt his gap missing in her life. When she couldn’t cope with his absence anymore, she decided to let him know of her intention to move to Sans Francisco too. At first, he was against it, but when Ellie wanted to make an issue out of it, he agreed. Carla tried to persuade Ellie from not going over there, but Ellie couldn’t understand her and was hell bent on moving in with her husband.

Kevin suggested for Carla to go oversea and further her education and which she agreed. While Carla headed overseas for her Masters, Ellie headed to Sans Francisco along with her daughter, Ivory. But she never knew that would be the worst decision she had ever made.

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