Secrets, Power and Revenge

“Hello, Edward. It’s nice meeting you once again. The first time we met, I wasn’t able to introduce myself due to the show your wife had put on that day. Now that we have met again, I think it’s necessary I introduce myself properly” Hillary (Ellie) said, ignoring Sophia, who was fuming with anger and her gaze fixed on her.

“I am Hillary, your brother’s wife to be. I hope we have a good relationship together as time goes” Hillary said, stretching her hand forth to shake Edward.

“It’s nice meeting you too and I also hope we have a good relationship together like you had said” Edward said, smiling at Hillary, while taking her hand. Just as he shook her hand, he felt her hold quite familiar and a scene flashed across his eyes; a scene of him shaking a lady in a club whose face he didn’t see. He closed his eyes, trying hard to remember the scene that had just flashed before him and see the face of the lady he shook but the more he tried, the more his head ached. When he couldn’t handle the pain anymore, he let go of Hillary’s hand and held onto his head. He groaned in pain softly, which caught the attention of Hillary, Richard and Sophia.

“Babe, are you okay?” Sophia asked, holding Edward and looking worried.

“I am fine. I just have a minor headache” Edward said, trying to remain strong.

“Should we just head home?” Sophia queried.

“No, it’s fine. Let’s head inside and get the meeting done with” Edward responded, making a move to head inside. Having taken a few steps towards entering the mansion alongside his wife and their son, Edward came to a halt.

“Miss Hillary, have we by chance met before?” Edward asked, turning around and facing Hillary, who was standing still with Richard beside her. Upon hearing this, Sophia’s body became tensed and she wondered what could have prompted him to ask such a question. Before Hillary could respond, Sophia cut in.

“Baby, what do you mean by you meeting with her before? You have never met her before. You know you are not in a good condition, let’s head in so you can relax” Sophia said with a shaky voice, facing Edward and trying so hard to convince him into believing her.

“Okay. Let’s do that” Edward gave in reluctantly and turned around to move towards the entrance.

“Yes, we have. We have met before just as you have suspected” Hillary, who had kept quiet the whole time and was watching as things unfolded, said out of the blue, which made both Sophia and Edward halt. Richard, who was standing beside her was also shocked by her outburst and he wondered if she was about revealing her identity.

“We have? When was that?” Edward asked with keen interest, with curiosity written all over his face. Sophia’s eyes were fixed on Hillary, as if pleading with her not to say anything. She was engulfed in fear and her breathing increased rapidly. She held onto her dress tightly, as if trying to suppress her fear. Hillary took note of all of these and she was satisfied she was able to make the almighty Sophia tensed and scared.

“We first met at Austin’s birthday party. Remember?” Hillary finally replied and the once tensed Sophia became relaxed. She let out a sigh of relief and her breathing slowly began to get back on track.

“Oh, that’s true. I totally forgot about that. Sorry for the inconvenience” Edward apologized.

“No problem” Hillary responded, faking a smile. Sophia, Edward and Austin headed in and as they did, Hillary’s eyes were fixed on them. Pain and anger were evident in her eyes and she clenched onto the helm of her dress, as if she was trying to stop herself from exploding from anger.

“After taking away my joy and my family, she thinks I would let her go scot-free? No, I cant. I am not all that forgiving. Just wait and watch, Sophia. Wait and watch how I trample all over you and make you lose all you have, just like you did to me” Hillary had thought, still gripping onto the helm of her dress, with her eyes soaked with tears.

Richard, who was standing beside her noticed her countenance and reaction and it was at that moment, he realized she was still so much in love with Edward.

“Are you still in love with him?” Richard asked, wanting to confirm his suspicion and which brought Hillary out of her thought. She went silent for some minutes, with Richard’s gaze fixed on her before she finally responded.This content belongs to Nô/velDra/ma.Org .

“Let’s head in. We do not want to keep Daniel waiting” Hillary said, ignoring Richard’s question and afterwards, headed into Daniel’s mansion. With jealously and hurt in his heart, Richard also followed suit.

They all sat at the dining table eating, with Allison also present. Throughout their meal, Edward’s eyes were on Hillary and he couldn’t seem to take them off her. She seemed really familiar to him and he couldn’t help but to be drawn to her. He examined every of her features and his heart couldn’t help but to race. All the years he had spent with his wife Sophia, he had never had his eyes on any other woman except from her but this time around, it felt different. He just couldn’t explain why he was so drawn to Hillary. Richard also took note of how Edward had been stealing glances at Hillary throughout their meal and he realized at that moment he needed to take action or else, he would finally lose Hillary to Edward.

When they were done eating, Daniel asked everyone to converged in the sitting room, as he had something to discuss with them. They all assembled as Daniel had requested and after making sure everyone was seated, Daniel dived into the matter of discussion.

“I know you all might be wondering why I had called you here. I know we all are confused by the turn of events, most especially Edward. I am here to clear us all today so we all can live in peace and harmony as one big family” Daniel said, while taking a break to take a long breath.

“Edward, just like you have heard at Austin’s birthday party yesterday, Richard here is your brother” Daniel said, facing Edward. He expected to get a reaction or response from Edward but he never got one. Edward just sat still, silent and listened attentively.

“Do you remember Molie?” Daniel asked.

“Yes, I do. How can I forget the woman you cheated on my mum with?” Edward said, which made Allison uncomfortable.

“She is Allison, your step-mother” Daniel revealed.

“She is what? How is that even possible?” Edward asked, shocked by his father’s revelation.

“That’s a long story which I will tell you when we are alone. You know I had a son with her then, right?” Daniel questioned, wanting to make sure Edward was following his narrative.

“Yes, I do” Edward responded, wondering what his father was driving at.

“That son in question is Richard” Daniel confessed. Shock was written all over Edward’s face. He couldn’t believe all what his father had said.

“Did you know all along? Did you know we are brothers? Did you approach me on purpose?” Edward asked facing Richard, wanting to get answers to his questions.

“What if I did? What will you do about that?” Richard responded, raising his brows. His look was daring and unapologetic, which got Edward angry.

“Why are you pretending to be the victim here? I am the victim here!!!!! I am the one who fucking grew up in poverty without my father by my side while you on the other hand, lived in affluence, taking our father all to yourself” Richard yelled in frustration, which got everyone surprised.

“You lost your mother, agreed. But my mother and I lived in shame and fear and we were always on the run our whole lives. Stop acting like as if you are the only one hurt here, I am also hurt!!!!” Richard angrily voiced out. Edward hated people mentioning her mother and hearing the son of the woman who had betrayed his mom mentioning her, got him irate. Clenching his fist, he got up and rushed in the direction of Richard to land a punch on him but before he could attack him, Hillary came in between them, with Sophia also pulling Edward back, restraining him from getting into a fight with Richard.

“I am fucking going to kill him” Edward yelled angrily, trying to get away from Sophia’s hold.

“Baby, calm down. Our son is here. You do not want to act roughly in front of him” Sophia said pleadingly, looking in the direction of Austin, who was sitting in a corner, looking scared.

“Bring it on you fool” Richard responded, wanting to agitate Edward the more.

“My love, let it be” Hillary said to Richard in a soft melodious voice, which would calm an angry person down. Just as Hillary said, Richard kept calm.

“Can the two of you sit down and let’s settle this?” Daniel finally said, when he realized his two sons had calmed down. They obliged and had their seats.

“I know I caused all these and I am willing to do anything to fix this. I know I have offended you both and I want you to find it in your hearts to forgive me. If there is anything you both want me to do, please do let me know. I want you all to let bygones be bygones and live in harmony. I am pleading with you all” Daniel said pleadingly, seeking for the forgiveness of his sons.

“I have something to ask of you” Richard said, before anyone could talk.

“And what is that?” Daniel asked, curious as to what Richard wanted.

“I want I and my fiancee to work in your company. To be precise, I want to be the Vice-President of the company and I want Hillary to be the Team Lead of the Fashion Team” Richard said, with shock on everyone’s face apart from that of Hillary’s.

“What?” Daniel, who had found himself cornered in a tight spot asked, alarmed by Richard’s request.

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