The Billionaire’s Lust Love

Chapter 7

Steven woke up in the middle of the night and immediately looked at the girl next to him. The girl who got his attention since she arrived at his house.

He had no idea that a very beautiful lady replaced his maid who just resigned recently. He didn’t know anything about Ria who applied to be his maid because it was his friend who hired her.

He remembered the first day when Ria entered his house carrying a small bag. He was drinking coffee that time. He was shocked the moment his eyes landed to her face. He couldn’t believe that there’s such a beauty that existed.

For Steven, Ria was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. But the girl seemed to be elusive to him which annoyed him. He didn’t have any idea why he felt like Ria putting some distance from him.

He scolded her often but secretly observing her while cleaning. He didn’t know why he’s very attentive to his new maid.

He tried to be close to her but the girl was obviously uncomfortable in his presence.

He couldn’t believe that Ria, a beautiful lady was his new maid. For Steven, someone like Ria might come from a wealthy family. Ria seemed like had a foreign blood and she also had a porcelain skin, that’s why Steven thought, she came from a comfortable life.

So he wondered why the girl was here at his house and working as a maid.

If Steven is obsessed with Ria’s beautiful face, he’s even more obsessed with her eyes. The eyes that caught his attention. He said to himself that he had seen those eyes before but he just couldn’t remember where and when.

When he woke up, he couldn’t stop caressing the girl’s cheek. He was happy to be with her last night, especially that Ria surrendered herself to him.

He was about to get out of bed to get water when Ria’s cell phone that was in her bag suddenly rang. Steven frowned wondering who was calling the girl at this hour.

“It’s already midnight. Who is it?” Steven asked himself curiously.

He knew it’s not good to meddle about other people’s stuff but curiosity ate him. So he took Ria’s cell phone from her bag and he saw the caller who made his jaw tighten.

‘MyLove’ was the one calling Ria, but since Steven didn’t know who it was, his system is filled with envy, jealousy and annoyance. He was about to answer the call, when it stopped.

While on the other hand, Hivo was lying in bed with Ria’s friend named Lia. She was the one who looked after the child because she doesn’t have a job every night unlike Divine.

The child woke up and asked Lia if his mother called him while he was sleeping, but Lia answered no because Ria didn’t actually call her son since she was doing something ‘sexy’ earlier with Steven.

“Aunt Lia, is mom okay?” Hivo asked.

“Yes baby. Why are you asking?”

“Why is she not calling me earlier?” Hivo wondered, Lia also wondering why her friend didn’t call them which is unusual because she always calls to say hello to her son.

“Do you want me to call mom for you?” Lia asked to calm the boy down.

She took Hivo’s cellphone that was on the table near their bed to call Ria. But it wasn’t answered because Steven was the one holding the phone and he’s just staring at it for a long time reading the contact name my love all over again.

‘What happened to you Ria? Why are you not picking up the phone?’ Lia said in her mind. Because Hivo was still sleepy, he slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

She didn’t call Ria again but she sent her a message then went back to sleep.

“Why aren’t you answering the call, babe?” Lia’s style is to call her friends babe which is sometimes misinterpreted by others.

After Steven read the message from ‘MyLove’ he immediately left and didn’t bother to reply. ‘She has a babe and yet, she let me f*ck her? Great! Just great!’ Steven thought.

‘Is he her first? It doesn’t matter to me if I’m not her first because I respect her. It makes me proud if I’m the first one to touch her, but if not, it’s okay because she is a great, beautiful and amazing woman, so I’m happy that she responds to my kisses without hesitation.’ He continuously mumbling while going to his car.

After he read the message, his mind just blew up. It’s too much! ‘Is she taken? Okay fine, I’ll get her from whoever the hell that man is.’

“Man, why are you here?” his friend Philip greeted him. It’s a miracle that his friend stayed the country and not in another one. Of all his friends, Philip was the one who can’t stay in one place.

“Nothing. Just wanted to chill”

“Is it because of Amanda?” Philip asked without looking at him

“Of course not. I don’t care about her,” Steven said. He couldn’t understand that girl. After she cheated on him six years ago, he realized that he was so dumb that he gave everything to her. ‘She’s not worthy of the love I gave.’ Steven thought

“Here,” he accepted the wine Philip gave him. They were in the VIP room of a friend’s bar. He didn’t plan to come in the today, but he needed to chill and calm his system.

“Thanks bro,” Steven said.

“Anyway, do you believe me that I saw a child at the airport recently that looked exactly the same like you?”

Philip called him and told him about a kid he saw who looked like him. He insisted that it was probably his child from the girl he had sex with in a one-night stand but Steven didn’t buy that because he always believe that he’s using protection while being intimate with some.

“So you don’t believe me. Man, that’s your son. I’m sure because you don’t just similar to other, you have the same face with that child. If that’s not your son, who is it then? Your youngest brother?” Steven just laughed at his friend.

“That’s too much, Philip. I’m always safe bro. I always use protection,”

“No, that’s really your son bro. Just.. fine.. I’ll find them in Canada and when I find them, I’ll send the photos to you. So for now, be a good man bro and stop the hate,” he said, which Steven didn’t take that seriously. He’s crazy.

Steven was confident that he doesn’t have a child. He always made sure that his name wouldn’t be put in scandal. But if he wants to, then he’ll choose to have a child to the girl he wanted to be with for the rest of his life.

“What are you pointing out, Philip?” they both looked at the newcomer. It’s Steven’s sister, Hannah. Philip sat properly when he saw Hannah coming. Steven thought Philip likes his sister but Hannah was hard to please so Steven’s felt sorry for his friend.

“Because he has a child Han. I saw it!” Philip said. Hannah looked surprised. Well, she knew that already.

“Are you the father of Amanda’s baby, Steven?” Hannah asked her brother, trying to manipulate the situation.

“No. That’s not mine,” Steven answered firmly.

“So who’s kid is this idiot talking about?” she asked.

“Hey,” Philip said when Hannah called him “idiot”.

“It’s true. I saw a child who looked exactly like your brother. I suspect that it was his son with the woman he had sex with from his one-night stand,” Philip said.

‘He’s so sure that it was my brother’s son,’ Hannah thought. ‘Wait. Have he met my nephew? No, Han. Maybe he saw Hivo and Ria at the airport but Steven didn’t believe him.’

Hannah laughed at Philip so Steven just shook his head.

“You just got home?” Steven asked his sister-Hannah. He heard from their mom that his sister went to Canada.

“Yeah. I’m so tired,” Hannah replied. Steven noticed the paper bag she was carrying. Based on what’s printed on the bag, Steven realized what’s inside the bag.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

It’s a toy. ‘Why would my sister bought that? To whom she’ll give that?’ Steven wondered.

“To whom is that for?” Steven asked referring to the toy his sister brought.

“It’s a present, brother. For my friend’s son,” she said and smiled. Steven knew his sister very well. He knew she’s lying.

When Hannah saw that her brother was not convinced, she immediately said goodbye and left. Steven chose to ignore it and just drink.

“So why are you here drinking?” Philip asked again.

Steven looked at him.

“Well, I met a woman. She’s pretty man. She’s gorgeous, beautiful and ugh.. lovely,”

“Are you drunk bro? What you’re saying is just synonyms of beautiful,” Philip said, shaking his head and laughing.

“Ohh.. Really? Well.. She’s indeed beautiful man and amazing too.”

“You love her,” Philip said so Steven looked at him surprised.

“I don’t know. Just, I can’t take my eyes on her,”

“So what’s your problem?” Philip asked.

“I think she’s taken. You know, I’ve been in different relationships with different girls and I haven’t reached the point where I want to have a woman’s attention. If she shows flirts me, it’s good but if she doesn’t, it’s okay. But in my case now, I want everything from her. I always want her to pay attention to me. I want her by myself only,” Steven said and took another shot of alcohol.

“Man, you’re in love,” Philip said seriously.

“So what are you up to now?” he added.

“I’m willing to be her “secret lover” for the meantime. I intend to snatch her from whoever she’s in a relationship with right now,”

“Man, you’re crazy. It’s not so you,” Philip pointed while laughing.

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