The Billionaire And His One Night Stand


“Okay guys, siblings fight is for home. You can go all WWE on each other for all I care.” I interrupted their oh-so-wonderful conversation. I was not feeling to listen to their endless insults towards each other.

Ximena laughed. “Oh remember Flynn, when I pushed you down the stairs when you were six. Hilarious!”

“My leg was in a cast for a month, what was so hilarious about that?”

“Okay guys. Seriously stop it” I said in a huff. “Anyway, we were talking about Barcelona and my answer is still no.”

“Come on.” Ximena pouted. “Think about how much money you can save.”

“I don’t want to be a burden to anyone.”

“Who says you’re a burden? I offered you; it’s not the other way around.” Flynn said reluctantly.

“But still.” I protested.

“Oh please, stop overthinking Jill.” Ximena said, pushing a strand of hair away from her face.

I let out a frustrated groan as I was silently thinking if this was a good idea. Even though it wasn’t there was no way I could talk this idea out of their heads.

“Fine, so Friday morning?”

Flynn’s face lit up and he nodded. “Yeah, I’ll send a driver for you.”

“I can drive myself Vasilios.”

He chuckled. “I know you can, but where do you want to leave your car?”

I haven’t thought of that. “Okay, send me a driver then. What time?”

“Ten in the morning.”

“Okay good.”

“That’s settled then, so big brother why are you here again?” Ximena asked with her hands on her hips.

“I just wanted to hand you this.” He gave her a stack of papers. “Go through them, you might find it interesting.”

Ximena nodded as she eyed the huge stack of papers Flynn shoved in her face. “And why couldn’t you send someone to deliver these to me?”

“I just came from a meeting and happen to pass your workplace, so why not stop and pay my little sister a visit on my way back.” He said, giving her a cheesy grin.

She shook her head like she didn’t want to believe him. “Excuses, excuses.”

“Hey, you have to admit those are valid excuses. Anyway, I need to go now. I will see you Friday Jill.” He gave me a wink and excited the office.

“So…” Ximena said when Flynn closed the door behind him; I’m pretty sure she saw the wink.

“What’s going on between you and my brother?”


Jill Malik P. O. V

“Do you need anything else Miss Malik?” the flight attendant with bright red lipstick asked.

“No, thank you very much.” I replied as I watch her taking the plates of my table. I just had a deliciously unhealthy breakfast. Pancakes with a lot of syrup and whip cream.

“Oh well, if you need anything else don’t hesitate to call me over.”

I smiled sincerely at her. “I will not.”

“Enjoy the rest of the flight.” She said and walked back to the kitchen.

I pulled out my laptop and decided to finish my work before I arrive in Barcelona. I still had five hours to go.

This morning Flynn had send a limo to pick me up even though I told him to just send a regular car. But no, he had to send a freaking limo. How extra can someone be? Everyone who sat in the lobby stared outside, wondering which celebrity arrived.

Sadly I disappointed them when I walked out of the elevator in my sweatpants and crop top, as I pulled my suitcases behind me. The driver, who was standing casually at the counter talking to the receptionist, just watched me struggle as I made my way outside. I don’t think he knew that I was the one he was supposed to pick up. He finally realized it when I was opening the door of the limo and start stuffing my stuff inside.

To say he was shocked was just an understatement. I couldn’t blame the poor man too, I looked like crap anyway.

First of all I woke up late and second of all I got my period which meant cramps. I don’t get cramps often, but when I do they are the worse.

I shook my head and focused back on my work. I don’t know for how long I had work, because a cough stopped me from typing. I looked up tiredly and saw the flight attendant hovering over me.


“Miss Malik, Mr. Vasilios wishes to see you” she said politely.

“Why?” I asked. Since I stepped into the plane I haven’t seen him. When I got out of the limo I saw him quickly disappearing in the plane. The flight attendant – who showed me my seat and store my suitcases-, told me that he didn’t want to be disturbed.

“I don’t know the answer on that ma’am. He’s at the back of the plane.”

I nodded as I closed my laptop. “I’ll be there in a minute.”

“Ok, I will tell him.” with that she walked back where Flynn was sitting.

I stood up and made my way towards the back of the plane. On my way there the flight attendant passed me and gave me a small smile.

In the far back Flynn was sitting casually with his legs on the other seat, his gaze focusing on his laptop. “Why did you call me?” I asked as I stood in front of him.

He beckoned me to sit next to him. I hesitated which made him look up to me. “No funny business.” he grumbled when he saw that I was hesitating to sit next to him.

I sighed as I took a seat. I looked at his laptop to see what he was looking at.


He was looking at suits. “I’m confused. I don’t know which one to pick.” he groaned and looked at me, “Can you help me choose?”

“Do I look like a stylist to you?”

He scanned my outfit up and down. “Definitely not. Those sweatpants don’t match with the crop top, but you can help me with this right?”

I rolled my eyes at him. If I can’t even dress myself up how does he expect me to dress him up? “Why don’t you call Chase, he knows better.”

“He’s at a meeting. Come on Jill, help me out of this.”

I sighed and looked at the suits. They all looked the same, I don’t see the problem. “They all look the same.” I said annoyed, “Just pick one.”

“They don’t look the same.” he protested, “They all have their own minor details.”

I narrowed my eyes and brought my face closer to the screen and I still can’t see a difference. “There’s not.”

“There is. I thought girls were the one who could spot a difference even when there’s no difference.”

“Well, I’m sorry that I failed being a girl.”

He laughed at that. “Nah, you’re not a failure. Just different.”

I rolled my eyes. “Of course.”


“So what?”

“Which one of them should I buy?”

“I don’t know, either one is fine by me.”

“The dark blue or the black one.”

“There’s no dark blue, they are all black.” I said as I fixed my eyes back on the screen.

“No, that one–” he pointed at the center of the screen, “Is a dark blue one.”

“No, it’s black.” That cannot be dark blue, it’s black.

“Do you want to see?” He clicked on it and the details of the suit came up. Dark blue was written in bold letters.

I huffed. “You proved your point can I go back now?”

“No, you haven’t told me which one to pick.”

“Flynn you’re capable of picking your own clothes.”

“I want my pudding to do it for me.” he whined.

I scrunched my nose up. “Stop being so whiny geez, you’re a freaking CEO, richest man in whole America and here you are acting like a toddler.”

“Choose for me Jill!” he sighed, “God I hate when my assistant isn’t with me.”

“Would you be lost without him?”

“I’m already lost here pudding.”

I chuckled. “Why didn’t you bring him along?”

“Well.. uhm he has work to do over there.. uhm in the company.”

I furrowed my brows. That doesn’t make sense; there were so many people in the company who could do it. “I’m pretty sure there were other people there who could do it.”

“I don’t trust them.”


“Yeah, so which one.”

I internally groaned before answering him. “The first one from the top.”

“This one?” he asked pointing with the arrow of his mouse.

I nodded. “Yup that one.”

“Looks good.”

“Of course who picked it?” I sniggered.

“Stop flattering yourself.” he clicked the buy button and then he looked at me. “Have you already eaten?”

“Yep, have you?”

He nodded his head. “Yes, I did. Do you want champagne?”

I shook my head. “Don’t you think it’s too early for champagne?”

“Of course not, are you sure you don’t want it?”

“Nope, but I’m craving chocolate.” I said in all honesty. When I’m on my period I’m always craving chocolate and this morning I forgot to bring a Milky Way with me.

“What brand of chocolate?” he asked.

“Delafee.” I joked. Delafee is one of the most luxurious chocolate brands in the world and I doubt that he will have that, but I can’t help messing with him.

“We’re going for the expensive ones aren’t we?” he teased.

I shrugged. “I did choose a suit for you which probably cost over $50K and I’m pretty sure you will only wear it once.”

“That is… true.” he laughed and motioned to the flight attendant.

“Yes, what can I do for you?” she asked as she approached us. That’s when I noticed her nametag.


“A glass of champagne for me and a box of Delafee chocolate for Miss Malik.”

When Allison left I look wide eyed at Flynn. “You’re kidding right?”

“What?” he asked clearly confused.

“About the Delafee chocolates. You don’t have it.”

“What makes you think I won’t have that?”

“I don’t know, maybe because it’s so fucking expensive.”

Flynn laughed. “Oh really, I make that money every fifteen minutes.”

I facepalmed myself.


He’s a billionaire.

“I keep forgetting that you’re a CEO.”

“And why is that?”

“Because sometimes you’re so whiny.”

His lips twitched in amusement.

“Mr Vasilios here’s your drink and a box of Delafee chocolate for you Miss Malik.” Allison said as she placed the chocolate box on my lap.

“Is there anything else I can do?”

Flynn waved his hand in dismissal. “This is all, thank you Allison.”

Allison nodded curtly and walked away. I stared at awe at the box in my hands. It’s so pretty. “I can’t believe I will taste one of the most expensive chocolates in the world.” I muttered as I opened the box.

“They are delicious too.” Flynn butted in.

“Have you already taste them?”

“Of course, it’s no big deal for me.”

The box opened and I was greeted by delicious looking chocolate covered in edible 24-karat gold flakes. I picked one and took a bite of it. I moaned as it melted on my tongue leaving an unforgettable taste behind.

“So good.” I glanced at Flynn and he was staring amused at me.

“What?” I asked, do I have chocolate on my face?

“Nothing, you just look really cute when you moan. I only wished I was in your mouth not chocolate.”

“Perv.” I shoved him lightly to the side.

In the few weeks I know him I got used to his inappropriate jokes. He usually make them with Rodrigo, but I guess I’m now also on his ‘people I can make inappropriate jokes with’ list.

“Do you want some?”

He shook his head. “Nope thank you, I already ate Froyo this morning.”

After I had finished the chocolates, Flynn and I started a conversation about school and business. He told me about his experience at Harvard, how he was nerdy and how he always stayed out of trouble.

And now he became trouble himself.

He told me that he secretly didn’t want to major in Business administration and instead he wanted to go to Juilliard and major in playwriting.

“But I couldn’t do that, because I don’t want to hand the company over to some stranger. I rather have that it stays in the family.” he said when I asked why he didn’t go with the idea of studying at Juilliard.

Then he asked about me. I told him that I went to school in Barcelona and I lived with my aunt. I got a fully funded scholarship to Columbia University and I was supposed to go back after I graduated, but his sister gave me a well-paid job so that’s why I stayed.

“You stay with that chick named Reina right?” he asked.

I nodded, wondering why he asked. “Yes, why?”

“She’s with Luca Rossi?”

“I’m not sure. She didn’t confirm yet if they are back together.”

“Back together?”

“Yep, they were together in college, but broke up.”

“Oh. Makes sense, that guy was completely lost without her.”

“You know him?”

“Yes, a couple of months ago I met him at the billionaire club meeting and he was constantly talking about this girl named Reina.”This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

“Well, he did try to get back to her in college but she ignored him. I never really liked him, but I guess he’s changed now.”

“Oh yeah he changed big time. Your friend has him wrapped around her finger.”

I laughed at that. We kept talking for a while, when I started to get tired. My eyes started to get heavy and Flynn noticed that.

“Here.” he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I didn’t have the energy to resist him anymore and I just let it be. It felt better like this.

“Sleep a little.” he whispered before I closed my eyes and darkness consumed me.


I fluttered my eyelashes open and saw that I wasn’t in a plane anymore. In fact I was now in a car.

“Well hello there sleeping beauty.” A voice said. I looked up and a pair of ocean blue eyes met mine.

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