The Billionaire And His One Night Stand


Los Angeles, Mia

The private jet, usually a symbol of luxury and comfort, felt more like a prison as I sat beside Patrick in silence. My thoughts swirled with the tormenting idea that it was all my fault. The deep-rooted sense of responsibility for what had happened to Sebastian gnawed at me, leaving me with a heavy heart and a mind clouded with guilt.

Patrick, ever perceptive, seemed to understand the turmoil within me. He had been there since the moment I received that life-altering call, and he knew the turmoil that had taken hold of my soul. Although I wanted to ask for more details about Sebastian’s condition, I couldn’t bring myself to utter the words. The fear of hearing the worst was overwhelming, and I remained quiet, letting the weight of uncertainty hang in the air.

As the jet touched down in Los Angeles, I felt a rush of anxiety. We were met by a car waiting to whisk us to the hospital. The city lights outside the window blurred into a surreal backdrop as my heart raced in anticipation of what lay ahead.

The drive to the hospital felt like an eternity. The sense of dread hung over me like a dark cloud, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was about to confront a life-altering reality. My thoughts returned to the accident, the unspoken details, and the questions that gnawed at my mind. How severe were Sebastian’s injuries? Would he be okay? Could I have done something to prevent this?

The thoughts racing through my head as we arrived at the hospital were an intricate web of worry, guilt, and overwhelming relief. The heavy weight of uncertainty about Sebastian’s condition had haunted me during the entire journey, and now, standing before the nurse, I felt a rush of apprehension.

When she asked for “Mrs. Thornton,” I nodded in acknowledgment. I followed the nurse to Sebastian’s room, each step taking me closer to my husband’s bedside.

As I entered the room, the sight of Sebastian lying in the hospital bed with a cast on his hand was a poignant reminder of the accident and the injuries he had sustained. But the most important thing was that he was awake, and that fact alone filled me with immense relief. My heart soared as I ran up to him, his eyes glistening with emotion.

“You’re here!” Sebastian exclaimed as I embraced him. I held him tightly, unable to contain the flood of emotions that welled up within me. The sense of guilt that had plagued me was temporarily overshadowed by the joy of seeing him conscious and aware.

I couldn’t help but feel a profound sense of gratitude for this moment. Every apology, every doubt, and every fear that had plagued my thoughts seemed to dissipate.

Sebastian winced as I hugged him tightly, a reminder of the injuries he had suffered. “Aw, my ribs,” he groaned.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’m so sorry,” I said, pulling back slightly. Guilt resurfaced as I realized that even my presence might be causing him discomfort.

Sebastian’s eyes softened, and he shook his head. “You don’t need to apologize for anything, Mia. I’m just glad you’re here.”

But I couldn’t stop apologizing. The guilt still lingered, and I felt the need to express my remorse, even if it wasn’t entirely rational. “I’m so sorry about everything,” I repeated, my voice heavy with regret.

Sebastian’s gaze held mine, filled with understanding. “Mia, you’ve done nothing wrong. It was an accident, and you couldn’t have prevented it.”

His words were a soothing balm to my troubled conscience, and I took a deep breath, trying to release the weight of guilt that had burdened me. “I just wish I could have been here sooner,” I admitted, my voice trembling with emotion.

As I sat at Sebastian’s bedside, I couldn’t help but wonder about the details of the accident. My curiosity about what had happened was overshadowed by my desire to ensure Sebastian’s well-being. But I couldn’t help but ask, “How did this happen?”

Sebastian’s expression grew somber as he recounted the details of the accident. “It had something to do with the brakes of my car. They failed, and I lost control.” The explanation brought a shiver of unease, as I couldn’t help but imagine the terrifying moments that Sebastian had endured during the accident.

In the midst of our conversation, Sebastian’s gaze shifted behind me, and I turned to see Patrick standing there.

“Brother,” Sebastian said, his voice tinged with emotion as he acknowledged Patrick.

Patrick stepped closer, a mixture of relief and concern in his eyes. “Sebastian, I’m so glad to see you awake and talking.”

Despite the gravity of the situation, Sebastian managed to summon a hint of his usual humor. His eyes twinkled mischievously, and he quipped, “You know, Mia, I always wanted to learn how to tap dance, but I think I overdid it with my car’s ‘brake dancing’ routine.”

His lighthearted joke elicited a warm smile from me, and I chuckled softly, grateful for the brief moment of levity in the midst of the heavy emotions that had enveloped us. Sebastian’s ability to find humor in even the most challenging circumstances was one of the qualities that had endeared him to me over the years.

Patrick joined in, offering a chuckle and saying, “Sebastian, you’ve got to teach me that move sometime. But maybe with a less dramatic backdrop, preferably on solid ground.”

The weight of guilt and fear that had hung over me began to lift, replaced by a sense of hope and camaraderie.

In that moment, we chose to focus on the positive, to celebrate the fact that Sebastian was alive and on the road to recovery.

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