The Billionaire And His One Night Stand


I chuckled. “Bitch is somewhere in Australia I think. Or maybe in some poor neighborhood in India. I don’t know, I don’t care. She should have never messed with me.”

“She was hopelessly in love with you.” Rodrigo remarked. “Damn, you two were once inseparable.”

Inseparable. “Haha, you think?” I laughed. “Friends can turn into snake. Tssk. Tssk. She turned into the biggest one.”

“Leave Zoe. Hell, what happened to that Sera chick? The one you cheated—,”

“I know which one you mean,” I grumbled annoyed. “Probably with her sugardaddy somewhere in the middle east. I don’t know, I don’t care either. Both their personalities are ugly as hell.”

“But still you couldn’t—,”

I didn’t let Rodrigo finished his sentence, because that means another insult. This guy cannot get enough of insulting me. I almost wanted to stab him in the face and then rush him to the hospital.

“Can we stop talking about the past? I cannot change anything. I’m still thinking about ways how to win Jill’s trust back.” I looked out of the window. “She’s such a precious thing. Do you know how much I hate myself right now? God, I sound like a pussy.”

“You sound like a man.” Rodrigo corrected me. “A man who wants his woman back.”

Rodrigo phone went off. He checked it and sighed deeply. “I don’t regret to be a married man, but damn your sister can be such a goddamn tease.”

I scrunched my face. “Disgusting. Don’t talk about your nightly adventures with me.”

Rodrigo laughed out loud. “Seriously? You’re the one with the daddy kink.”

“I don’t do it anymore. I just realized how fucked up it sound. Geez, why did Jill even called me that.”

Rodrigo stood up and ruffled his hair. “Well, I will see you later. Wifey wants pizza.”


What colors roses do Jill like? Pink? Red? Why are there even so many? Damn it. I gave up and picked out a pink bouquet with roses for my princess and a red one for Jill. Yeah, both for my girls. They deserve it.

I paid for the roses and went back to the car, driving to Jill’s apartment. I couldn’t wait to see them. I have missed them so much, especially Amari. She’s growing up so fast.

I parked my car and grabbed the roses from the passenger seat. I got the key from her apartment and opened the door. Jill insisted that I should have a key, because I often brought Amari home late. Sometimes she didn’t wanted to get disturbed since she had to work the next day.

When I closed the door behind me a squealing Amari jumped on me. “Daddy! You’re home.” She looked up at me excitedly and smiled. “I missed you.”

I squatted down and hugged her tightly. “I missed you too, princess. I brought you roses and candy? Do you like candy.”

She shook her head. “I love cake.”

Oh of course, how could I forget that. “Well,” I said. “Maybe we can get some cake after dinner.”

Amari’s eyes lit up and her cheeks turned pink. So cute. “Yes! Mommy, mommy!” She grasped my hand and dragged me to the kitchen. “Mommy! Daddy says cake.”

Jill wiped her hand on a table cloth and looked up at us. “Oh, hey there. Did he brought cake?”

Amari shook her head. “No, he said—,”

“We will get cake later. Right, princess.” I said smiling, as I looked down at my little princess. “Why don’t you go play? I brought you a new toy.” I handed her the gift bag and she immediately ran to the living room.

“You’re spoiling her.” I heard Jill say next to me. “Food, toys, outings. She doesn’t need that, she just needs your time.”

“I’m a busy man, Jill. I was in Singapore for three days, you didn’t want to come.”

“Of course not.” she said frustratingly. “I’m not going to give up my work just for you.”

“And you don’t want us back. I don’t have a choice. I cannot wake up next to Amari every morning.”

She sighed and continued setting the table. She wore a pink dress that reached her thighs. So beautiful, even after she gave birth to my daughter. She had a kind of understated beauty. In her presence I felt showered with love and in her eyes shone a gentleness that told me that, at last, I was home. She was home.

“What are you thinking about?” She asked softly, her beautiful eyes looking up at me. “I’m not ready yet, you know that.”

“When will you be ready then?” I was getting impatient. I just wanted to come home. Not to an empty mansion. But to her. I loved her so much. I don’t want one stupid mistake to ruin everything. Communication is the key. And I’m trying to use it for once, but it’s only killing me.

“When I’m ready, I’ll tell you. If you think it’s easy, then you’re wrong. I don’t even want to think how many girls were in your life when I wasn’t.”

When she said that my eyes darkened and a piece of my heart broke. Is that how she thinks of me? My woman thinks that she’s replaceable. She thinks that I was dipping my dick in some other girls—

Goddamn it!

I walked over to her and grabbed her by her upper arm. I turned her around so she could look in my eyes and see the truth. The pain.

“I have hurt you, Jill. Damn it, I even admit I did it! But do you even realize how much your disappearance affected me? Have you? ” I gnashed. “I want us back, I would do anything to have us back. Why are you making it so hard!”

“You’re hurting me.” She squeaked and I immediately let go of her arm. Goddamnit! I haven’t even realized that my grip on her was so strong.

“Think about it, Jill. I’ll keep and keep on trying. I’ll not rest until I get my family back. Forgive me, pudding. Please.”

“I told you so many times.” She hissed angrily. “I already forgave you, Vasilios. A long time ago. I mean I knew you wouldn’t change, I was just stupid to not see it.”

###Chapter 27Text property © Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org.

That was the last drop.

After everything, this is how she thinks of me. Yes, I’m a man, but I do have feelings. If someone else would say it, it wouldn’t even faze me. But hearing it from Jill, it hurts. She doesn’t realize how much her words affected me. She doesn’t see it. Because I don’t show it.

Hurt flickered in my eyes, but I blinked it away before she could see it. I took a deep breath. “It hurts that you still think about me like that. You say that you forgave me, but you haven’t. You still hold a grudge against me—,” I pointed with my finger at her chest. “Here. And for your information, I have been celibate the entire time you were gone. Yeah I basically became a fucking nun, male version. I couldn’t do you dirty like that, Jill.”

I took a step back, leaving her speechless. I grabbed the roses on the table and gave them to her, before walking out of the kitchen.

Suddenly I didn’t feel hungry anymore. I was just angry and sad. Guess there’s only one thing left.

Going back to an empty mansion…. Again.

Jill Malik P. O. V

“Ethan…” I sobbed as I held my phone close to my ear. My hands were shaking and I felt a headache coming up. “I’m so confused, I yelled at him and he walked out on me. I still love him, but at the same time…. I’m so lost.”

“Hush, Calm now. It’s already late at night over there. You should be in bed right now.” Ethan said in a soothing voice. “You were not harsh to him. Maybe a little. But you are broken Jill, don’t expect everything to go perfect and smooth.”

I wiped away my tears and sniffed. “But Ethan. I’m so confused, I don’t know what to do. I thought it would be easy , but it’s not.”

I could feel my heart crumble when Flynn angrily walked out of my apartment. I wanted him to hug me, soothe me, convince me that he changed. But I don’t feel like he’s doing enough. Or do I just have high expectations?

I heard Ethan sigh on the other side of the line. “He will come around, okay? Flynn will come around. He loves you, he’s not going to stay mad at you.”

“But I was so mean to him.” I sobbed again, more tears flowing on my cheeks. “I can’t stay like this. It’s too painful.”

“Go to sleep. Tomorrow is a new day, everything is going to be alright. Goodnight, Jill.”

“Goodnight, E.”

I put my phone down and looked at the sleeping Amari. She was sleeping so peacefully, her hair covering half of her face. I should have braided her hair before she fell asleep. I carried Amari inside the bedroom and layed down next to her. My eyes were puffy from crying and my heart was aching, but I managed to fall asleep.

Under the covers I cuddled with Amari to keep the nightmares away. Amari was my peace, when she was close to me I slept peacefully. No nightmares, but a very restful sleep.


I sneezed.

I sneezed again.

What the hell? I felt sunrays kissing my face. Did I left the curtains open last night?

I opened my eyes and blinked twice before I saw a pair of ocean blue eyes staring at me. My eyes grew wide and I woke up instantly. “AAAHHHH!!” I yelled as loud as I could before punching the person in front of me in the face. I was still not fully awake. My eyes were open, but my head was somewhere else.

“Ah fuck, Jill!” a familiar voice groaned in pain. “Jesus, why are you so violent?”

“Flynn?!” I yelled out half surprised, half in shock. Now that my vision cleared I saw that the person I just punched in the face was Flynn. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“I made breakfast for you.” he said, rubbing the side of his face where I’d punched. It turned red and damn I felt so sorry for him. Flynn was dressed in his suit, ready to go to work. He looked so freaking damn handsome.

“Wha–What?!” I was so confused right now. I thought he was mad at me. “You were mad at me yesterday.”

He chuckled lightly. “Pudding, you know I cannot stay mad at you. If you think I gave up on us, you’re wrong.” Flynn looked at me lovingly and then took a deep breath. “I had to walk out, because I needed time for myself. I didn’t want to take my frustration out on you.”

I opened my mouth to say something, but next to me Amari moved. “Daddy!” She instantly woke up and crawled towards Flynn. There she goes, stealing him from me again. The corners of my lips curled into a smile.

Flynn smiled at her and took her into his arms. He peppered her face with kisses and she giggled.

I do feel jealous of Amari sometimes. She’s so carefree, she has nothing to worry about. At least not at this age. She doesn’t know anything about what happened between her mommy and daddy. In her head we’re the perfect parents.

And I want to keep it like that. I want us to be the perfect parents for her.

“I made breakfast for you, princess.” Flynn handed her a bowl with sliced bananas and strawberries. “Sit next to mommy and don’t spill it on the sheets yeah… Oh look, I also have cake.” Flynn opened the white box on the tray and showed her the red velvet cake.

“She cannot have cake so early in the morning.” I said and closed the box again. “Later, after lunch.”

“Mommy!” Amari and Flynn yelled out in unison.

I shook my head and chuckled. Like father, like daughter. “You know the rules, babygirl.”

“I also made breakfast for you,” Flynn handed me a plate with a sandwich, scrambled eggs and bacon. “I made you coffee and tea, because I don’t know which one you prefer.”

My heart was so full. This was so sweet. Even though he sneaked into my apartment and I should be mad at him for that, he did make breakfast for us which basically makes up for it. “I’ll have coffee. Aren’t you going to have breakfast?”

“I already had breakfast, I’m just going to watch my girls eat.”

When Amari saw that her dad was not eating she insisted on sharing her fruit bowl with him. Flynn had to convince her that he already ate and if he would eat too much he would get a stomach ache.

After we were done eating, Flynn played with Amari on the bed. He chased her on the bed, making her jump on me and pulling my hair in the process.

I literally saw unicorns and stars passing by. That’s how hard her grip was on my hair.

“It’s enough now, you two!” I grabbed Amari and placed her on my lap while massaging my scalp. “It’s time to go take a shower. Aren’t you supposed to be somewhere Flynn?”

Flynn was dressed very formal. He wore his business suit so that means he needs to be somewhere. I don’t think he would make breakfast for us dressed in a business suit. And if he did… well then, that would be a whole new level of being extra.

“Yeah, I need to be at work at…,” He looked at his watch and frowned. “Right now.” He stood up, straightened his suit and placed all the empty and dirty bowls and cups on the tray. He then turned to us and placed a kiss on both, my and Amari’s forehead.

My body tensed when he did that. It felt so right yet wrong. I want to run towards him, yet stay away. I want to be strong and nonchalant but I cannot be.

I want him. I miss him so goddamn much. Despite what he had done, I still love him as much as I did in the beginning. And that was since the day in Milan. Since the one night stand.

“See you laters girls.”

I snapped out of my trance and saw that Flynn was almost at the door. “Flynn!” I called out. He turned around and looked at me with raising eyebrows. “Yes?”

I gulped and took a deep breath. I thought so long about this. It’s the right thing to do. For me, Amari, and our future. Sometimes I just have to take a chance. And right now, I’m going to do it.

“I… uhmm, I thought about it and…” I bit my bottom lip to stop it from quivering. “I want to give us another chance.”

Flynn Vasilios P. O. V

I cannot believe it ! Fuck, finally ! I don’t think I could live another day without my girls. The happiness I felt when she said that she wants to give us a chance. Damn, it was indescribable. I immediately ran towards her and hugged her tightly. She stiffened when I did that, but relaxed afterwards. It felt so weird yet amazing to hold her after so long. I forgot how perfectly she fitted in my arms.

My queen.

“Your smile is creepy. Stop it man!” Rodrigo snapped me out of my thoughts. His hair was disheveled when he arrived here, probably because he did a quickie with Ximmy. Gross if I think about it. “Care to explain why you invited me to have coffee with you? Did you close another deal?”

I usually invited Rodrigo to have coffee or dinner with me when I close another successful business deal, but this time it was something more important than that.

“Jill is giving me another chance.” I said casually, but inside I was jumping in joy. I couldn’t help but smile a little when I said that. I felt like a hormonal teenage boy who just talked to his crush.

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