The Billionaire And His One Night Stand


I opened my eyes and groaned. The soreness between my legs made it impossible for me to immediately stand up. My eyes went to the right side of the bed, only to find it empty. I felt a painful jab in my heart. I thought we were making love. I thought he had said ‘I love you.’ But I guess when the morning came, he realized his mistake. After all, it was just a one night stand. No feelings involved. But why do I feel like my heart is shattering into tiny pieces?

I shook my head wildly when a burning smell entered my nostrils. Shit, is the yacht on fire? I grabbed the white shirt that was under the bed and threw it over my head. It didn’t even cover my whole butt, but now is not the time to look for shorts. Talking about shorts, I was wearing Calvin Klein mens boxers. How did I ended up in these? And where the hell is Flynn bytheway?

I limped my way out of the room and the smell led me to the kitchen. When I entered the kitchen the strong smell of burned eggs greeted me. Flynn was running from the stove to the sink to stop the fire, that somehow reached the curtains. When the fire finally extinguished, he turned around and look at me sheepishly. “Sorry, I was just trying to be romantic.”

I chuckled and made my way towards him. “Really? By putting the yacht on fire?” He pulled me towards his bare chest and placed a kiss on my forehead. “I was trying to make breakfast, but oh well. Good morning pudding. Have you slept well?”

I nodded and buried my face in the crook of his neck. “Yeah, I did. I’m just sore.” I looked up at him and asked: “Did I pass out?”

He smirked and winked at me. A typical Vasilios thing to do. “You did. The dick was that good huh?”

My cheeks flamed up. “Oh god.” I covered my face with my hand and Flynn bursted out laughing. “Don’t be embarrassed, at least you can brag to your friends that your boyfriend’s dick can let you see heaven.”

“Vasilios!” I playfully pushed him away and walked to the fridge to get a drink. I am so not having this conversation with him. I bent over to grab the lemonade and when I turned around Flynn’s big boy was standing up pointing at my direction.

I let out a loud groan and ignored it as I walked passed him to get a glass. “You better get rid of your boner. I can barely walk right now.”

“Pudding.” He whined, looking at me with puppy dog eyes. “One round?”

“Nope, we all know that one round leads into five.” I poured lemonade in the glass and took a big gulp of it. I didn’t realize I was so thirsty. Probably from all the screaming last night.


I shook my head.


I turned around and placed my hands on my waist. “No, I’m still tired. Maybe tonight.”

His eyes lit up when I said the last part. “Tonight? Oh hell yeah.”

I rolled my eyes at his excitement. “Don’t get too excited. I can still change my mind.”

“You better not. Anyway, can you change into something else?”

“Why?” I asked, looking down at the white shirt I was wearing. It was big and short for me and that’s when I realized it was Flynn’s shirt. The one he wore the night before.

“Because it barely covers your butt and you’re wearing my boxers. You’re not helping to get rid of my boner.”

I let out a loud sigh. “Fine, I’ll go take a shower. I want food when I come back.”

“Everything for you pudding.” he walked over to me and spanked my butt. “Because you will need energy for tonight.”

I flipped my hair in his face as I was stroking the place on my butt where he had spanked me. It stung. “You’re such a bad boy Vasilios!”

“I never said I was good.” He yelled out laughing as I walked back to the bedroom. I closed the door and stripped down to get in the shower. After I was done, I wrapped myself in a towel and blow dried my hair in the bathroom mirror.

I came out of the bathroom dressed in a oversized sweater and shorts. I combed my hair and applied chapstick before making my way back to the kitchen. On my way back my eyes spotted a huge golden door and through the glass I could see shelves with books.

My eyes widened at the sight and I immediately opened the door. I inhaled the sweetly fragrant vanillin smell of the books and let out a contented sigh. This was what I call heaven.

Literally the same exact library I saw in the movie beauty and the beast. I always wanted to have one.

The books reached the top of the ceiling and there were ladders everywhere. I walked around the library, scanning the books. Some of them were old and some of them were new. There was also a desk in the corner of the room, stacked with books and book markers.

I walked over to the desk and picked up the first book.

A thousand Splendid Suns.

I remembered when I was younger how I cried my heart out while reading this book. It’s so well written and I couldn’t get enough of it.

I plopped down on the chair and went through the bookmarks. They were all of different shapes and they all had their own quotes. I wondered why Flynn never told me about the library. It was so beautiful with endless amounts of books.

While I was picking up the books and read the summary, my eyes caught something silvery underneath a stack of papers. I removed the papers and my eyes widened in shock.

No way.

###Chapter 18

I was in a state of shock as my trembling fingers picked up the silver heart locket necklace. The same exact one I had lost six years ago.

Now everything I questioned, made sense.

Flynn was the stranger.

The stranger was Flynn.

It was confirmed. My suspicion was right.

But why? Why didn’t he tell me? Why did he had to keep this a secret?

I picked up the stack of papers and gulped when I saw my name in bold letters on top of it. I read through it and I saw all my information. There were even pictures of me. Was Flynn stalking me? Is he a stalker? I shuddered at the thought of it only.

I don’t believe he is, but why did he have all these information about me?

“Pudding I—” Flynn stepped into the room cheerfully with two trays of food. His cheerful mood immediately disappeared and his eyes widened when he saw what I was holding. “I.. I mean I can explain.”

I looked at the necklace and then at him. “So all this time, you knew?!”

Jill Malik P. O. V

I sat there frozen in shock, waiting for Flynn to open his mouth and explain. I looked away, then looked back at my hand to see if it was still there. It was.

The room was silent, the only thing you could hear was the breathing of the two of us.

“I–I’m sorry,” he stammered looking away from me. “I should have told you.” His voice cracked as he said that. I’ve never saw him so nervous and scared in all the time I’ve known him.

“And why didn’t you tell me?” I took a deep breath after I asked that question. “You thought it wasn’t important for me?”

Six years long I’ve been living in misery, because I couldn’t get over the one night stand. It was so hard to step into a relationship, because every time I did, it failed. I couldn’t let go and I hated myself for that.

He looked back at me and I could see the guilt in his eyes. “You couldn’t remember me. I can’t just barge into your life and be like ‘oh hey, you are my one night stand. I love you.’ Would you believe me?”

I would definitely not believe him, at first.

“It’s not that I forgot the one night stand. I didn’t know who you were. I couldn’t remember your face nor your name, because you left before I woke up plus I was wasted.” I fidget with the necklace in my hand as I was trying to remain calm. “You could have show me the necklace and I would believe you.”

“And have you been keeping tabs on me? I asked further, referring to the papers with my information in it. There were three different papers that were all kept together by a broken paperclip. All of three had my information in it. How creepy.

“I was a coward, I should’ve left you a note.” He sat down in front of me and covered his face with his hands. “I knew that the night in Milan was more than a one night stand, but I thought I could forget about it and you would regret it in the morning. You were drunk after all. Drunk people always tend to regret the things they do once they sober up.”

I shook my head. He thought so wrong. “I haven’t forgot and regret anything. Six years later and I still can remember it like it had happened yesterday. But that’s beside the point. The point is why haven’t you told me. You saw me at Ximena’s graduation and I’m pretty sure you recognized me.”

“I thought the love was one sided. I thought you forgot about it and had already moved on.” he admitted.

“You thought too much.” I uttered.

He let out a huge sigh, but didn’t say anything.

“You know this is considered lying right?” I said, raising an eyebrow.

“What?!” Flynn exclaimed looking up at me with wide eyes while running his hand through his hair. “How is it considered lying? You never asked so I never told you.”

“You remembered me and you chose not to tell me? For me, that’s considered lying Vasilios. I don’t care what you think, but you should’ve told me the first time you met me and that was on Ximmy’s graduation.” I catched my breath and continued, “I don’t know what to believe right now. This is something huge. It’s my past and you kept it a secret from me.”

“I was afraid okay and I still am. I don’t know how you would react and if you would run away from me. I fucked up and I know, but I need one more chance with you.” he whispered defeatedly.

“Explain these papers that have my name on it.” I sucked in a deep breath. His devastated look made my heart ache. “You stalked me.”

He shook his head. “I didn’t. I told my detective to do some research on you. When I got those papers I never went through them, otherwise I would have known about Milan right?”

” I don’t know if I should be happy or angry right now. My feelings are all mixed up.” I leaned back on the chair and let out a deep sigh. So much information in one morning.

“I’m so— Wait, did you just say happy?” he looked up at me and his eyes twinkled.

“I said happy or angry.”

“That means you’re happy you found me?” he asked surprised.

I looked at him with a questioning look. Why was he so surprised, I mean isn’t it obvious how relieved I am right now. “Is that even a question? Of course.”

“Which means you didn’t regret the one night stand?”

I shook my head at his question. “Not at all. You made freaking love with me, why would you think I would regret it?”

Flynn facepalmed himself and groaned inwardly. “If only I could’ve read your mind, things wouldn’t get so complicated.”

“How so?” I asked wonderingly.

“I always thought that you would run away.” he admitted.

“And why is that?” I questioned, and then continued, “That’s why I always say communication is the key. You should communicate with me. I will not just disappear out of your life.”

“Really? You will not?”

“Of course not silly.” I stood up and walked over to him. “I’m not mad, I’m just really disappointed at you for not telling me about this. I’ve been breaking my head for years to find out who you were.”

“Did you figured it out?” he asked, pulling me into his lap. “I mean did you got my hints?”

“Hints? Well not really. Some things you did or some things you said, reminded me about that night. But something just didn’t add up. And that was you, your lie, and the necklace.”

“Stop referring to it as a lie.” he grunted, lacing his fingers with mine.

“It is a lie. Even though I didn’t asked you, you know that I was the one. But you just pretended to not know me. You pretended like we have never met.”

“I’m sorry.” He apologized once again.

I sighed and gave him a peck on his lips. “It’s okay. You’re forgiven. I’m glad I finally solved this mystery.”

Flynn smiled widely and kissed the tip of my nose. “Thank you pudding.”

“That wasn’t hard, was it?” I asked, looking into his bright blue eyes.


“Admitting that you were my one night stand. Telling the truth. Communicate like normal couples do.”

He pinched my thighs and I let out a yelp. I glared at him and he chuckled. “No, it wasn’t. But I was scared that it would be only one sided. I was scared to lose you… Again.”

I squeezed his hand. “I’m still here. I promise, you will not get rid of me that easily.”

He laughed. “That’s my pudding. Do you want to have breakfast now?”

“What do we have for breakfast?”

“You.” he blurted out.

I looked at him dead in the eye and he laughed. “Just kidding, since I burned those eggs I told my maid to get us some fruit salad, froyo, and vanilla pudding.”

Flynn handed me the bowl with fruit salad. “It’s a berries and banana fruit salad, I hope you like it.”

Before I start eating I looked back at Flynn. There was one question, I forgot to ask. He noticed me staring at him and cocked an eyebrow. “Yes?”

I cleared my throat before asking him the question. I hope It will not sound awkward. “So about the one night stand. How did I pass out?”

A sly smirk made its way to his face. “Because the dick was that good, pudding.”

My face turned fifty shades of red and I immediately regretted that I asked that question.

Oh god !

Jill Malik P. O. V

“I told you!” Reina yelled as she jumped off the counter and hit the table with her hips. I could hear the loud thud, but she didn’t even flinch. Instead she ran towards me squealing like a mad woman. Her bright orange dress was stuck between the crack of her butt and she didn’t even bother to pull it out. “Oh god! I can’t believe this world is so small!”

When I arrived home yesterday, Reina knew exactly what had happened the night before. Not that I was hiding it or anything. First of all I was walking limp and my neck was showered with hickeys. Second of all, I was wearing Flynn’s clothes, just because It was painful and exhausting to wiggle into a pair of jeans. She immediately asked me to spill everything, but I told her to wait until tonight, because I was just worn out. I needed a warm bath and at least twenty hours of sleep.

“Can you please calm down.” I pushed her away from me as I held the hot spatula as my weapon to defend myself from her. “There’s no need to act crazy.”

“Really?!” She yelled out totally out of breath. “You found the guy you had a one night stand with. And he happened to be your boyfriend ! That’s a miracle !”

“It’s not. I told you already, Flynn knew about it all along.” I turned around to the stove and continue frying the chicken. The spatula didn’t really help to turn the chicken around since it wasn’t the right kitchen tool to do it, but I was too lazy to search for the right one, so I might as well make this work. It was midnight and I was already in bed when I was craving homemade fries with fried chicken.

I placed the fries and chicken on a plate and walked to the fridge to get ketchup and mayonnaise when my phone suddenly vibrated in my back pocket. I quickly placed the ketchup and mayonnaise on the counter and grabbed my phone out of my pocket. I opened the message and a smile crept on my face.

My day has been hectic, it’s been non stop meetings and I never got to see you. It was hard but the thought of falling asleep without saying goodnight to you was unbearable. Goodnight, sleep tight, I can’t wait until the next time I see you pudding.

I smiled as I typed a reply back. He could be so adorably sweet sometimes. Best part? I’m the only one he shows that side of him.

You’re in my heart tonight, tomorrow and forever. Sweet dreams, Vasilios.

And I could also be really cheesy and lovey-dovey.

I placed my phone back in my pocket and sighed dreamily at the thought of him. Early this morning he had texted me that he would be busy all day, because he would have investors from Dubai and Japan over at his office.

“You’re so in love, I actually want to vomit.” Reina walked into the kitchen and snapped her fingers in my face. “Are we still going to watch riverdale?”

I rolled my eyes at her and grabbed my food and drink. “Yes, let’s go.” I walked passed her to the living room and plopped down on the couch. I saw that Reina had put the episode on pause. “You watched half of it without me?” I shouted at her. I heard her walking out of the kitchen.

“Yes.” She replied as she sat down next to me with a huge bag of doritos. “You were so long in the kitchen, staring dreamily at the kitchen sink.”

“I was not!”

“Of course not.” she replied sarcastically and pressed the play button.

“No!” I yelled out, grabbing the remote from her. “Let’s watch it from the beginning.”

“What?” she exclaimed, trying to steal the remote from me. “No, I’ll fill you in what had happened.”

“No, I want to see it.” I pressed the backwards button and Reina groaned and threw a pillow at me.

“Ugh Mrs. Vasilios, you’re so annoying.”

I grinned and nudged her from the side. “I’m not married yet, Rei.”

“Oh, but soon you will be.” she wiggled her eyebrows at me and winked.

I just rolled my eyes at her and chuckled. I focused my attention back on the tv while eating fries.

“Bytheway, I’m going to Italy.” Reina suddenly said.

“Really?!” I was so happy for her that she will finally meet the rest of Luca’s family. She was talking about it a lot for the past few days. “Is it to meet his family?”NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

She shook her head and bit her bottom lip. “Actually no. I’m… I’m going to school there.”

“School?” I asked surprised. I thought she said she was done with school.

“Yes, uhm I will study Italian at the Dante alighieri Siena school. It’s a multinational learning center of Language, Culture and Gastronomy which offers Italian courses.”

“Wow.” I breathed out unbelievably. “You’re actually going to school again?”

She chuckled lightly and nodded her head in confirmation. “It’s hard to believe, I know. But on the other hand, I would like to learn more about my boyfriend’s language and culture.”

“That’s basically relationship goals.”

“I know right!” Reina laughed. “He takes online portuguese lessons. It’s so funny to watch him struggle.”

“So if you’re going to move to Italy, that means you’re going to move out from here forever?” I asked panicky. To pay the rent of this apartment alone would be hard for me. It was a very expensive apartment and even though Reina and I split the rent it still was a lot of money.

“Yes, but don’t worry. I don’t think I will move out until December. You will have all the time to find a new apartment.” she assured me.

“Oh great, because I was already panicking. Anyway, are you going to live with Luca?”

“Yeah.” She replied smiling. “The school is in Siena, Tuscany. Luckily Luca has a penthouse there where we are going to stay.”

“That’s amazing Rei, I’m so happy for you.” I gave her a side hug. “Hey!” I yelled out as I catched her sneakily grabbing a handful of fries of my plate.

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