The Author And Her Protagonist

The King’s Purpose

Cheryl knelt parallel to the table and held her position until the procession team dispersed. Cheryl exhaled a sigh of relief when the drums and trumpets were nearly gone. While brushing the corners of her dress, she straightened herself.

Her instincts prompted her to turn around, and she did so, only to discover a young woman sitting next her, one hand supporting her face. The young lady grinned.

“Hello,” the young lady said.

Cheryl hurriedly discarded her surprise. She returned to the young woman’s greeting.

“Hi.”NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

The young lady smiled once again. Her feather duster whirled in her palm.

“What exactly is your problem? Why were you in such a rush to get here?”

Cheryl felt humiliated when she was asked that question.

She did indeed run, completely oblivious to her surroundings. Fortunately, she walked into a tavern. Cheryl had no idea what to say if it had been someone else’s home.

“On the street, there are so many people. So I made the decision to come here.” Cheryl spewed lies with ease.

The young lady appeared to be convinced. She shrugged.

“Yes, this is a very busy day due to the generals’ and troops’ welcome march. The girls were also on the streets because they wanted to see Edgar Baldwin, the famed Marquess of Northland.”

Cheryl was a little frightened when she heard his name called out. “Edgar Baldwin?” you might wonder.

“You haven’t heard of Edgar Baldwin?” the young woman inquired, surprised.

Cheryl hurriedly waved her hands. “That’s not the case…”

The young woman noticed how embarrassed the little girl in front of her was. She pushed menus from a different table in front of Cheryl.

“It’s advantageous to be shy, unlike many young people today. Okay, you can order one without paying. Later, I’ll tell you who Edgar Baldwin is.”

Cheryl took a piece of hard paper with a list of different drinks written on it. In the actual world, this is very similar to a cafe menu.

“This is it.” Cheryl pointed to the cheapest drink on purpose.

The young lady got out of her chair. “All right, hold on a second.”

Cheryl locked her sight on the woman for a few moments before moving her gaze over the room.

Although the space is small, it gives off a very sophisticated vibe. In total, there were just five tables in the shop. Cheryl sat in the seat that was closest to the door. There is a bar in the deepest part where drinks are made.

A tall bookcase stood right beside her. Cheryl considers returning to writing in this world after seeing so many books.

A tray of tea and a platter of nibbles were returned by the young woman.

“Do you enjoy reading books? If you like, you can read “said the woman.

Cheryl was humiliated after being discovered rummaging through other people’s possessions.

“It’s not necessary; perhaps next time.”

Cheryl was not pushed by the young lady. She positioned the tray in front of Cheryl.


Cheryl shrugged. She then realized that it had been a long time since she had introduced herself. Cheryl hastily adjusted her perception before tasting the free food.

“Sorry for being so rude. I completely forgot to say hello. Hello, my name is…” Cheryl couldn’t decide whether to introduce herself as Cheryl or Claudia. She chose the former after a quick thought. “My name is Cheryl,” she says.

“Cheryl, your name is adorable. Emily is my name.”

Cheryl blushed at Emily’s words. No one had ever thought her name was cute in her entire life.

Emily’s opinion of the girl in front of her was not very favorable. She has the appearance of a typical girl, just cuter. She noticed the girl inspecting his establishment with considerable curiosity while she was making tea. No other young girl had ever stared at her business with such awe.

As a result, she agreed to sit down and discuss with her. Emily was curious about the origins of this sweet little kid.

“Are you really unaware of Edgar Baldwin, Cheryl?” Emily had inquired.

Cheryl shrugged her shoulders. It wasn’t that she didn’t know; it was just that she didn’t want to accidentally reveal something. Because she stated in the novel that the public’s opinion of Edgar Baldwin was favorable. If she had unintentionally indicated that Edgar was a violent person, society might have slandered her so badly that he would have drowned in their saliva.

Cheryl shivered at the thought of her vivid fantasies.

Emily stroked the hair tendrils that had escaped her bun. She then began to tell stories.

“I’m not sure where to begin or which aspects you’re unfamiliar with. He is well-known in general. He is wealthy, attractive, strong, and of decent social standing. Aside from that, he’s a generous man. There are several orphanages. He paid for their upbringing. The king recently dispatched him to the northern battleground. You should know that the Northern country is tough and difficult to defeat. When the Marquess was dispatched, however, that difficult war was won in less than a month! On the same day, the king bestowed the title of General upon him. Isn’t that fantastic?”

Cheryl paid close attention. She knew about the other parts, but she didn’t mention the portion when the vicious Marquess donated his money to the orphanage.

Emily said, “Most importantly. This person is not married. This is also one of the causes behind his celebrity. Many families consider him to be the ideal son-in-law. When unmarried girls see the attractive Marquess of Northland, they can’t help but fall in love. It’s only…”

Emily paused and acted strangely. Cheryl was a little concerned.

“W-the– what’s matter?”

“Today I witnessed a true miracle. I noticed a female sprinting back and forth after seeing the Marquess’ smile with my own eyes.” She gave Cheryl a dubious look.

Cheryl was uneasy because of Emily’s stare. She had not anticipated that others would notice her moves. That’s a little frightening.

Cheryl hurriedly shook her head.

“I honestly didn’t mean it that way.”

Emily burst out laughing when she saw Cheryl’s worry.

“You really took it seriously. Don’t worry, I understand you were ashamed at the time. I see, and I comprehend.”

Cheryl : “…”

The three commanders rushed towards the palace gates after the parade arrived at the palace gates to welcome the King. They were greeted by the King’s personal servant, who led them into the King’s hall.

Grand General, Deputy General, and Substitute General were the three individuals. The last was Edgar. Even though he was simply a substitute general, he had a significant effect in the army.

Before standing tall before the King, the three bowed respectfully. Their bodies are strong, and the armor they wear adds to their commanding presence.

The king delivered a brief welcome address. Then lavish them with valuable gifts. The King talked with Edgar after the Great General and his deputy had left.

“A significant contribution necessitates a significant reward.” I aim to marry you off to one of my daughters, Marquess of Northland. Does the Marquess agree with that?”

The king is not someone who likes to mince words. Always use direct language. When the King refers to someone by their title rather than their name on multiple occasions, it indicates that the King does not accept rejection. Any circumstance.

Even though the king had asked for his opinion, Edgar’s only option was to acquiesce.

Edgar wanted to respond to the king’s comments, but a young girl’s terrified face flashed over his mind. Create a trance for him.

The king felt irritated after not receiving a response from Edgar. The king said it once more.

“How do you feel about this marriage, Marquess Northland?”

Edgar focused again. “Of course I agree, His Majesty,” he said honestly.

The king’s discontent faded gradually. He grinned briefly.

“A feast for the official banquet will be hosted tomorrow. The Marquis of Northland should pay us a visit.”

The faint smile on the king’s face vanished after Edgar quit.


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