The Alpha’s Slave

Searching for the key

Chapter 84


The happiness I had quickly turned into frustration and rage filled me when I reached the cell room and found it locked. How could this be? It’s usually just closed, not padlocked. Who the hell locked it?!

Since Sebastian knew he and his guards wouldn’t be around, he must have locked it and taken the key with him. What an idiot he was ruining what I worked hard to plan out.

I growled in frustration, kicking the door. This was my moment, the perfect time to finally kill this girl and move on with my life. Yet, Sebastian had ruined it for me, as usual. Why? What had she done to make him so protective?

Anger surged in me, hot and intense, like fiery blood. I kicked and banged on the door, even though I knew it was pointless to do so. Losing control, I pulled out my gun from my nightwear’s waistband and shot at the lock. But it didn’t break.

I wanted to shoot at the lock over and over till it broke and forced open. But I managed to restrain myself. Rose said the gun was loaded, but didn’t tell me with how many bullets. And I didn’t have the time to start checking. I didn’t want to waste the bullets because I was planning on filling her head with as many bullets as there were in the gun until the hole in there was as wide as her misery.

Frantically, I wiped my messy hair from my face which was now getting sweaty, thinking hard. Maybe Sebastian didn’t take the key. Since he discovered I cheated with Ken, he’s been staying in his office or the guest room downstairs. If I’m lucky, he might have left the key there.

I dipped the gun back into my nightwear’s waistband and angrily made my way out. The cell room was located in a secluded part of the castle and coupled with the silencer in the gun, I was sure none of the maids around heard the shot or the banging, so I didn’t need to worry about them finding out.

The door to his office was locked, fueling my anger. Letting out a frustrated breath, I checked the guest room he stayed in, only to find it locked as well. Every guest room was damn locked, pushing me to the edge of madness with overwhelming anger. Sebastian can’t be doing this to me!

I decided to ask the two security guards who usually watched over the castle and patrolled with dogs at night. Sebastian might have given one of them the key to keep for him.

“Hey!” I opened the main castle window and gestured to one of them, who was squatting and adjusting the leash on the dog’s neck.

Lifting his gaze, he spotted me, abandoned the barking dog, and jogged towards the window.

“Good evening, ma’am,” he bowed. “You called me, how can I be of help?”

“Yes,” I answered quickly with a straight face. “Where is the key to the cell room?”

He looked away in confusion as if he was trying to understand the question.

Perhaps I made a mistake asking him. I was sure he knew nothing about the cell room where Brianna was kept. He was one of the castle’s security guards. His only duty was patrolling the dogs at night and keeping the castle safe.

“Sorry, ma’am, but Alpha Sebastian didn’t mention anything about the cell room key,” he explained, prompting a louder groan of frustration and desperation from me.

“What about the other guard over there?” I asked, nodding toward the gate where the second security guard was standing with a dog and observing us. The one in front of me tried to speak, but I quickly told him, “Go ask him if he knows where the damn key is!”

Surprised by my outburst, he hurried towards the gate. After a few minutes, he returned, telling me the other guard didn’t know anything about the key.

“Is something wrong, ma’am? Why do you need the cell room key? If Alpha Sebastian locked it, then he must have his reason…”

“You better watch that tongue of yours, before it gets you fired,” I cut him off with a murderous glare, making him look down in regret and defeat.

Frustrated and angry, I trudged upstairs, my mind blazing like an unquenchable fire. Then, a thought hit me. I turned and headed to the storage room where tools were kept. There was no way I could let this opportunity slip from my grasp. This Brianna girl must die tonight!

If I could find a hammer to open that lock or a bolt cutter to cut it, I could get in and finish what I need to do fast. I’ve already wasted almost an hour, and I have to go to bed. Time was running out.

I tried to open the storage room door, but it wasn’t budging. I was jerking the door handle violently, almost to the point of breaking it when a voice from behind stopped me.

“Luna Catherine, is something wrong?”

I turned to see the old hag – the head maid, staring at me as if I were a potentially dangerous patient she didn’t want to disturb. What was she doing awake by this time of the night? Usually by this time, she was already drooling her way to oblivion.

“I’m… I’m…” I stammered in frustration and anger. I took a deep breath to calm down before thinking of what to tell her. “The drawer with my moisturizer and eye cream won’t open. I’m trying to get a bolt cutter from behind this locked door, but it won’t budge.” I kicked the door and added, “Why is it locked? Who locked it?… why is every door in tis castle locked?!”

She stared at me in confusion, as if I was senile and didn’t make sense. What an old hag! I didn’t even know why I told her in the first place. She was old and won’t be of help.

“Have you forgotten, Luna Catherine,” she said gently, making me start rethinking what I said. “About a year ago, you gave the rule that the storage room be locked once the maid in charge is done using the tools in there to carry out her chores.”

I looked away from her, clutching my nose bridge, as if trying to remember if I said that.

“And where is the maid in charge of it? Go call her for me immediately,” I ordered.Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

“She isn’t around. She doesn’t stay in the quarters. She comes from town.”

“Gosh!” I snarled, squeezing my eyes shut so tight they could go numb.

Today was meant to be the day I saved my marriage and became happy again, but it was as if an invisible force was kicking against it. But I needn’t lose hope, after all, there is always a tomorrow.

Sebastian returns tomorrow. I’ll snag that key when he least expects it. I’ll kill Brianna and blame her death on the old lady in front of me. Since day one in this castle, I knew she had never liked me, even though she didn’t show it. I hate her. I can’t stand her and I want to throw her out, just like I did with the green-eyed Amelia.

“Well, the matter isn’t so urgent. We can wait until tomorrow morning until Clarissa, the maid in charge of the room comes…” she talked in a way as if not to add to my anger and frustration.

I didn’t let her finish. I rolled my eyes and walked past her to the fridge. I wasn’t hungry at first, but all this anger and walking around made my stomach grumble.

I opened the fridge, and grabbed a bowl of my special popcorn – air-popped with honey, no sugar, just a bit of salt and butter. At least, I can eat healthy while feeling down. Tomorrow or someday, I’ll get the chance to lay my hands on that bitch of a slave.

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