The Alphas Princess

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Sables POV

My mate Luke brought to me a fussy young princess Tari. "Please mate! Ty and I have tried everything.

We have made faces, offered snacks , and even snuggled her. The princess will not stop whining and

Alpha will kill us if she is unhappy." Luke whimpered holding the bridge of his nose. I smiled at him and

looked to her. "Tari you're gonna be the greatest alpha of all time someday soon." I cooed to her. She

stopped the whining and began nuzzling her small snout into my neck.

My mates eyed me in astonishment. "How did-" Ty started before I cut him off. "She will someday be

alpha and she wants to be reassured her importance in the pack." I said still cuddling my favorite

princess. I sat her down to toddle around me yipping and jumping to play. Ty shifted and crouched to

her at eye level. She eyed him for a moment with curiosity and lunged at him. Tyler faked being

wounded by the young princess and gave a whimper. "Go on, I'll be her jester today" he mind linked

me. I smiled and bent down to kiss Tari before heading to the kitchen. Luke followed me. "Sable wait"

he said trying to control his tone so it wasn't so commanding. I turned to look at him with confusion

plastered on my face. "I'm so sorry." He sighed pulling me into a tight hug. "What ever for mate?" I

asked curiously. "I didn't acknowledge our mate bond as soon as you were of age." He whinned

nuzzling his face into my hair. I took a deep breath to collect my nerves. "I don't want to think of it

anymore." I whispered in a sneer. Luke growled at me grasping my wrist and tugging my body back

against his. "Careful you're still a pup to me and pups don't talk back to the beta." He growled in my ear

as he slid his hands over my hips. A moan passed between my parted lips as I felt the power in his

voice. I had a flash back to my pack members beating me in the gym and Luke was no where in sight. I

shook him off and hurried away from him. I didn't want to think about it. I don't want to remember. I

want to forget it. I was taking deep breaths trying to collect myself and slow the panic attack creeping

up on me.

Isra POV

I laid beside Cerberus breathless. He'd taken me in every position possible now it's as though I'm

paralyzed. "Good. I don't want you leaving our bed if possible." He smirked at me. His red eyes gave a

slight mischievous spark. I groaned and pressed myself more snug against him. "Mate please I'm

worried about her." I whined bringing up our daughters form. There's so many things I'd already began

to wonder about her. Will she ever shift? Will she have the hybrid form similar to mine? Will she act

more like her father? Is she stronger than an average pup? So many questions assaulted my mind I

began to get a headache. "Nefertari is perfectly fine. She will shift when she feels like it and from what I

feel from her now she is currently putting my beta in his place." He growled giving a grin baring all

fangs to me. I instantly felt the heat return to my core and gave a moan as the light cleaned off his

perfect sharp fangs. I began to remember how great it felt as those fangs broke my skin marking me as

his for all of eternity. It seemed as though the beast in him was all I could desire right now. "This beast

is everything you desire." He said with a smirk giving me a kiss on top of my head. "I can still hear your

thoughts princess." He chuckled "Don't worry about Tari she is perfectly capable of holding her own

around others even at only a few weeks old." He said petting my hair.

"We need to address the pack, Love." I said nuzzling in to him. I could feel the confusion and sorrow

plaguing my pack due to Blake's sudden appearance. "Aye if that will please and silence you by all

means I'll address the pack of my state of being." He growled getting out of bed. He lingered standing

over me a moment as my eyes gave a full scan of his toned body. He smirked and a fire engulfed him

until he was dressed in an all black suit with a blood red tie. I gave a laugh at the parlor trick. "Since

when can you do that my love?" I could hardly contain the laugh. "Entertaining?" He snickered as he

pulled me up from bed and into his arms. A fire soon wrapped around my body and I was left wearing

my formal dress and crown. I gave a squirm as if to escape the outfit completely. "Aw not feeling

Princess Luna today?" He snapped his fingers and the flames came back to my body this time putting

me in dark blue jeans tailored so that my tail could swish freely and a red sweater that showed a little

more cleavage than I preferred. "Much better" he mused taking my hand and leading me down stairs.

Cerberus POV

I walked with my mate close at my side. I was looking for Luke to have him rally the pack for a meeting.

I stumbled across Tyler's large wolf rolling on the floor in the living room with my small pup snapping

her jaws at him. They both looked up at me in surprise. Ty stood and shifted throwing on a robe from

nearby. "Alpha" he bowed greeting me. Tari immediately ran head first into her mother's leg and

squeezed her small body between them and looked up at her. "We need a pack meeting this

afternoon." I said bending down to stroke my daughters soft fur. "Where is your brother? I want this

done and over with." I said careful not to let my voice scare Tari. Her mother had picked her up and

was holding her to her face giving her kisses. "He's been out on a run. I think he and I are on bad terms

with our mate." He said lowering his gaze in guilt. "I do not care. You both need to be doing your job

and right now that is rally the pack for a meeting. We will be in the main hall." I spoke walking off with

my wife and pup. As we stepped into the main hall The lights turned on sensing movement. The main

hall was used for pack meetings in the main house. It's the more formal and larger sized living room

minus the flat screen and surround sound theater system. Isra sat on the love seat beside me as Tari

bounced around in her lap. She was whining as though trying to get attention from either of us. I leaned

in to her. "Yes princess what is it?" I asked giving her a kiss. She whined some more and began

shaking. I could sense Isra's panic as she froze too fearful to move and hurt our pup. Taris green eyes

were fading into dark red eyes that looked like mine as she shifted into human child that looked no

more than four years old. Her dark curly hair hung in ringlets to her small shoulders and some covered

her left eye. She didn't have the ears nor tail like her mother. Her skin was a perfect light caramel blend

of mine and her mothers. She was shivering in Isras lap. I stood for a beat jaw dropped and stunned.

"Daddy wolf." She giggled reaching to touch my face with her small hand. I snapped my fingers as

flames appeared and wrapped her in a small silver dress with sparkles on her sleeves and a small

silver tiara formed at her head with a small crescent moon on it. "Daddy I feel like I waited forever for NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

this." She said as she looked into my eyes. "You too mommy! I'm so happy to finally be with you." She

exclaimed tiring to wrap her small arms around Isras neck nuzzling her face into Isras dark wavy hair.

Isra was now sniffling and tears came from her eyes as she stroked Taris back. "Mommy? Daddy?

What's wrong I thought you'd want to be able to speak to me I can shift back if this is too old for you?"

She asked alarmed. "No!" I growled. She whimpered submitting to me and nuzzled her face against

mine. "I'm sorry princess i didn't mean to frighten you." I took a breath. "I'm just surprised." I said. "I can

change my age in my human form unfortunately as a wolf I haven't figured that out yet." She said

leaning back against her mothers chest. "You're so beautiful princess." Isra cooed running her fingers

through Taris hair. "Mommy" she groaned crossing her arms. The hall doors opened and the pack

began filing in. Isra, Tari, and myself stood. "Good afternoon pack." I spoke with enough force to rattle

the windows and door of the room. They all looked to me and my daughter who was nervously looking

down at her hands. They seemed shocked and some even looked irate. I could tell this wasn't going to

go easy

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