The Alphas Princess

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

*Blakes POV*

I ran my fingers through my hair and let out a frustrated sigh. "My mate is distressed!" My wolf whined

to me. I blocked Blade out and focused on Luke and Tyler. "Look guys I'd rather not have the pack

know I found my mate, at least not until we figure out what she is exactly." I told them, knowing if

anything I could always trust my beta and gamma. We've had each other's backs since we were pups.

They nodded in agreement and gave each other a side look they thought I wouldn't pick up on. Just like

the brothers to do their own internal communication with each other, its not as though I cant understand

though. "What?" I growled my wolf was feeling so many emotions now because he didn't like being

away from our newly discovered mate.

"Well Alpha we just don't know it's that great of an idea to hide her away especially from the pack.

She's our new Luna we need her dearly too for our pack to prosper even more." Luke spoke up. "But

her appearance and behavior may surprise the rest of the pack and especially if you allow her around

humans, sir." Tyler added in. I looked at them both letting a low growl slip out but I knew they were right

Isra is different and to hell with what anyone else thinks of her I just don't want her to get hurt at all or

feel bad about her appearance. I thought hard about what I could do logically since my wolf was far

from helpful in the logic department. "Maybe ask your father bro." Luke said patting my shoulder,

snapping me out of my thoughts. He's never seen this side of me before, he's never seen me show real

emotion at all until today. I could tell he was hurt that I'd keep their Luna away from the pack.

Thinking to what he said about my dad, maybe the old man could help me out here. I mind linked my

dad and told him to meet me in my office. "sure" he responded swiftly. I motioned for Luke and Tyler to

follow me to my office. I sat down in my chair letting my mind wonder about her. "Isra" My wolf purred in

my head. Oh shit he's purring now this is extremely new. I let out a quite chuckle as my father strolled

in casually. "Early morning to ya son." He said. I looked at my watch. shit I thought, it's damn near 2 in

the morning. Fuck it I just want to curl up with Isra and sleep for the next week or so. "Your mother

won't shut up about you finding your mate and kept sending me mental images of her. Is that why you

wanted to see me?" He asked alarmed, no doubt considering Isra's appearance. "Yes. Dad I don't

understand who is she why is she so different and how the hell is she able to move water with her

mind?" I started spitting out questions none of which I expected a real answer for. Luke and Tyler just

looked down as if they too were feeling my pain.

"That's probably not all she's capable of." My father sighed out. "What do you mean?" I barked at him.

He gave me a look telling me to watch it. Alpha or not that's still the man that raised me to be Alpha.

"Son think hard about everything you've ever learned as a pup all the legends and stories your mother

and I told you. Do you remember a specific story your mother would tell you before bed about the moon

goddess Selene?" He asked me slowly.

I tried to think hard back to all the stories mom told me as a pup honestly there was just so many. Every

pup heard these stories growing up but that's just it they were all stories to put us to sleep at night.

"Which one?" I asked him, lowering my head embarrassed to have not really been paying better

attention to my mother's bed time stories.

"Long ago the moon goddess was said to have been lonely for a time, when she looked over all of her

descendants and how they had all wandered begin having families of their own and generation after

generation had come to be werewolves. She was said to have used her wolf form to give birth to a

female pup whom she loved fiercely and allowed her to run the earth freely as a wolf only, until one day

when she was older she fell in love with a human. The daughter pleaded with Selene to make her

human so she could communicate to the human. Her mother forbid her to release her wolf form fearing

that it would cause her to forget who she really was. Though she couldn't stand to hear her daughters

howls of sorrow at night. She permitted her a half wolf half human form. The daughter was filled with

such joy that when she cried it was said that one of her tears formed what's now known as the northern


He continued to speak "She returned to earth to meet the human she'd fallen so madly in love with. He

saw her and fell in love instantly. It was said their relationship is when the moon goddess saw the need

for all of her descendants to have a mate that they were destined to be with so they wouldn't have to go

searching. However, when other humans saw the daughter she was thought to be a demon and

brainwashed the man she loved dearly. The humans tried to reason with the man to get him to see that

his lover was a demon. When they realized he wouldn't give in they sentenced him to death. The

humans forced the daughter to watch her love's life be taken from her. She was said to have grown so

angry that she terrorized humans for centuries, killing them in their sleep through dark nightmares she

conjured. She was in such despair she refused to allow her mother to lower the moon and make room

for the day time. Her mother noticed her daughter's despair but also had to do what was best for every

living being on earth. It was said that she imprisoned her daughter in the moon and that's why the

craters form the pattern of a face when full."

My father said looking sternly at me, he continued "It was never known what happened to Selene's

daughter. Only the goddess knows now. Not many legends even speak of her beloved daughter

anymore." I took all of this in and panicked. I was mated to Selene's daughter. Me!? Why me how was I

of all people worthy of the great goddess' daughter? I was a brute, a killer, an uncaring and unloving

wolf at best. I felt my body go cold. "Want mate!" I heard her beautiful voice call out to my wolf in my

head. I shook it off for a minute focusing on what my father told me. "Why me?" was all I could ask

quietly. "That I don't know son but there is no doubt in my mind that your mate is the goddess'

daughter." He replied giving my shoulder a hard squeeze. "However, be warned if anyone is to know

that a goddess is upon us your mate will be in an unfathomable danger." I growled at him. The thought

of any danger surrounding her caused my wolf and me a great pain. "For now, mom has her in my

room I hope she can be calm until we can talk." I said. I mind linked my mom and told her I was on my

way up and that she may leave.

*Isras POV*

"Want mate!" I whined allowed. I was in a room that smelled consistently of my mate. That alone

excited me and I let my tail wag. I sat on his bed comfortably, tugging at the "shirt" thing that covered

my bare skin. I looked down at my hands and legs and studied them. No fur I thought, this has got to

be the most inconvenient form. I'm very cold and my tail was not all the much help as I wrapped it

around me. I can't understand how humans can live so efficiently with no fur or claws or fangs. The

confusion of humans frustrated me to no end. I shook my head wanting to shift but thought maybe my

mate would want me to stay in this form. He's so well adapted to his, how are humans and wolves now

one being. I began to feel an ache form in the center of my head.

I heard footsteps approach the door and growled to let the intruder know they were not at all welcomed.

The door opened and my mate stomped and growled back louder. "Don't you dare disrespect me in my

own territory." His alpha roared at me. I let out a whimper and let my ears down and my tail tuck

between my legs. "We are sorry Alpha we did not realize it was you coming." I whimpered lowering my

head to him in submission. "No Isra I'm sorry I got upset and we are mates you don't have to call me

Alpha." He said softly, rubbing the spot between my ears. I loved his touch and especially in that

motion. I let my tail come from under me and swish from side to side slowly. I looked up at him and

could see he was having a long conversation with his wolf. "What does mate worry about?" I asked

allowing my head to fall into his lap as he began to play with my hair.

"Isra do you know who you are?" He asked me softly. I rose up and looked at him, wagging my tail.

"Yes Alpha we are Isra we are the mate of Alpha Blake." I spoke confidently. He chuckled and tugged Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

at one of my ears. "No I mean do you know where you came from or how you came into my territory?"

He asked rubbing one of my ears. I began to feel the ache in my head increase. I tried to remember

where I came from, I truthfully do not remember belonging to a pack at all. I can only remember time I

spent wandering around the woods. I do not recall a family either no mother or father. "No. We only

remember running and then being attacked by your pack members." I sighed and Blake let out a

vicious growl. I nuzzled into his neck to try and calm him. "No mate do not be angry they defended your

territory well." I whispered into his neck taking in his intoxicating scent. He growled again.

"Mate why are you angry, we do not mean to upset you." I pleaded tucking my tail to show him I am

submitting. "I'm sorry it's not that, I'm just so attracted to you. Your touch is killing me." I gasped in

horror and withdrew myself from his body. "Mate we are sorry we did not mean to cause you death." I

yelled, my ears pointing upward. Blake's body was shaking roughly from laughter. I couldn't help but

stare in astonishment. His human side apparently found me incredibly amusing. "No Isra that's an

expression people say." He continued laughing. I huffed in frustration I do not understand human

behavior at all nor their communications either. " We do not comprehend your human side at all. We

will remain in this form if you prefer but we do not think we will ever understand your human as well as

we do your wolf." I sniffled lowering my ears. He smiled and said "We have a lot to teach you little

mate." he said pulling me down to lay beside him. I soon gave into my exhaustion of the day.

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