The Alpha's Curse The Enemy Within

Chapter 178

Sheila's point of view

I screamed back to reality, jerking away from Amelie and her black crystal ball. My eyes were completely blurry with tears, and they never stopped rushing down.

It couldn't be. I shook my head, as my teary gaze met with Amelie's dark hooded ones. She was staring at me with tears in her eyes as well.

"It can't be me. I would have known," I couldn't stop shaking my head, as more tears rushed down. I had wanted desperately to know exactly what was wrong with me. I had even considered this possibility, but now it was difficult to believe that I would be the end of every one. I killed poor Cora, and everyone was next.

Amelie inhaled deeply, also in tears. She shook her head gently. "Everyone has a part to play," she muttered, slowly. "The end for everyone is coming with the war. In two days. You can destroy us all, and save us as well. Be prepared to make a choice, Sheila, and do what you must."

"What choice, Amelie?" My broken voice sounded in a whisper.

"You will know when it's time," she replied, and I managed to push up from the floor at a sudden thought.

"This can't be. I saw Killian alive," I choked back a sob. "He was alive, happy with someone else," I uttered in tears. I didn't understand why in one vision he was dead and in the other, he was alive. "Help me here, Amelie. Which of those visions is real?" "Both," she said in a whisper, bringing her hooded gaze to her crystal ball. "Both are very real. Your choice depends on the future. You must be careful, otherwise, that thing inside of you will rise."

At her every word, I couldn't breathe. The mere image of me being the end of my family haunted me. I hurried out of her chamber, feeling the sudden pains in the deepest cave of my chest. I left the Council's castle, stepping into the evening breeze.

I managed to get to my horse that I had tied to a tree in the woods. But I couldn't get on it. The pain in my chest was weakening me. I reached out to Adie, but I couldn't hear her. The pain was overpowering me with a strong force that made me grip my chest tightly. "Give in," I heard a tiny echo within me. "You can't fight me," It came again, sounding like my own voice. I knew it was the darkness inside of me.

I collapsed on the ground, fighting it, but the piercing pain that shot through my bones defeated me instantly, knocking me unconscious.


Valerie's point of view

It had been hours now since Killian informed us of Sheila's sudden disappearance from the pack, and till now we haven't been able to get to her.

It was already twilight, and I was in the Black Blood Pack, along with Killian, Morgan, Lorenzo, Zena, and the Black brothers. We were in an underground chamber in the castle. It had been previously used by Fiona as her spell room. Leonardo and his mate, Denise, had cleared out the castle for what we had to do tonight. No one needed to know what we were about to do here, for Sheila's safety.

I was standing in between Lorenzo and Zena as they went through my Grimoire, ensuring nothing went wrong as we waited for Sheila. We knew she would come. We had deliberately lied to her earlier today, knowing if truly Shota's magic was dwelling in her, it would take control and come here to stop us from performing the ritual, just like it stopped Cora.

I closed my eyes, holding back the tears in my eyes. I still hadn't come to accept this new possibility that Sheila was the vessel and she had killed Cora. I knew it was the darkness' doing, but Sheila would never forgive herself, and neither would the Council. It scared me to think of what they would do when they learned that Sheila was Shota's vessel and was the destruction of us all. This was bad. It was like history was repeating itself, and this time it was much harder. This darkness had chosen a powerful vessel, a white wolf. I have been with the Council for too long. I know exactly what they would do. They would try and end her, and I would too if it would save our entire realm. But this was Sheila. She was one of us, and after everything she has been through, she didn't deserve this. Neither do any of them.

Even without my eyes, I could feel the sadness and fear for what was to come emitting from everyone. I felt bad for Leonardo, Kaiser, and Killian. I knew this was much harder for them.

I had no idea what would come after imprisoning Sheila here, but I swear to the goddess, I won't stop trying until I find a way to save her. We all will, whatever it takes.

I pulled out of my thoughts, hearing Leonardo's growl. He buried his face in his hands, covering the tears that had no doubt begun to escape. He had been like this all day and had barely said a word. She was here. I knew deep down, he had hoped she didn't come. That would only mean Sheila was not the vessel, but her presence here proved the opposite.

"She's here," he said, and I felt his eyes on me. No one said a word as everyone began to leave the room, leaving only Killian and Leonardo. The place was spelled so that Sheila wouldn't be able to feel the presence of anyone else in here with me.

I inhaled deeply, counting my steps to the center of the room where Sheila had to be for this to work. I counted my steps back to the table, closing my Grimoire and in no time, I felt her presence. I turned around slowly.

"Sheila," I called in surprise, she was different. Her aura was completely different.

"Valerie," she said, and I could tell she was smiling.

"What are you doing here? You shouldn't have bothered yourself in coming here," I said, turning back to the table.

"I wanted to help," she said, moving closer to me from behind. "Where are the others?" she asked.

"They'll soon be here. I wanted to get things in order first," I said, putting my Grimoire aside.

"And Shota's bones?" she asked.

"Zena went to get it from the Council," I replied, as I began to stir the ingredients in the bowl with my magic.

"And what are you doing?" She came so close that I could feel her breath on mine. But I had to be careful. Even if this darkness wasn't completely free, it was ancient and possessed a kind of magic that we hadn't seen. "It's for Shota's vessel. To kill it," I said, continuing to stir.

"Interesting. To kill it," she repeated, almost in a fascinated tone. "I can help."

"I am already done," I stopped stirring, picked up the bowl, and started walking to the door.

I felt her heavy stare on me and she began following me slowly. Just what I wanted. I stopped walking when I had gotten her to the center of the room. I turned around and felt her eyes narrow on me, and I knew she had begun to suspect something. Suddenly she released cackling laughter.

"I guess we are not alone," her soft voice that I always admired hardened, but her smile remained.

Without hesitating, I fell the bowl on the floor, and the instant the crimson fluid touched the floor, it created a circle around Sheila.

"I guess the cat is out of the bag," she said. "Do you think this can stop me? You have no idea what great power I possess."

"This can't stop you, but it can hold you as long as I want," I said, feeling the magic that surrounded her. I pointed at the red glow that had begun to appear on the floor. "Lorenzo, Zena," I called and they stepped into the room, and without being told twice, they began chanting. The chants were weakening her, and they didn't stop until Sheila collapsed on the floor, losing consciousness.

Killian hurried past me to Sheila, and so did Kai.

"What do we do now?" Kaiser said, crouching next to Sheila.

"She remains here, while we figure out how to save Sheila from that darkness," I said, feeling Gwen's presence as she rushed inside the room. "What is it?"

"The Council asked for both you and Sheila, immediately. It's about Cora's death," she finished and I could hear the blasting heartbeats of everyone. It was too soon for the Council to find out Sheila was behind Cora's death. When that happens, it wouldn't take long to discover Sheila was the vessel.

"Take care of everything," I said, especially to the witches in the room. We had to be careful not to let Sheila escape. She was safer here, and besides, her being here will put a halt to whatever preparations the darkness had started. "I will be back."

"I am coming with you," Kaiser was up on his large boots, and I nodded, appreciatively.

Kaiser and I left the Black Blood Pack to the Council. And we hurried to Zeriyah's spell room. The place was crowded with familiar voices of the elders and Council members.

"Zeriyah," I moved closer to her with Kaiser behind me.

"Where's Sheila?" she asked.

"She couldn't come. What happened?" I asked.

"Why is Cora's corpse here, I thought-" Kaiser began and my eyes widened, moving closer to the table and I felt the cold, lifeless body of Cora.

I couldn't stop the fast beating of my heart. I knew exactly what was about to happen. She was about to wander through Cora's mind and get a glimpse of her last moments before she was killed. This was bad.

"I must find out what happened to my sister. This way, we will find out about Shota's vessel. We are running out of time," Zeriyah said, and I felt Kai's body tense up behind me.

"Amelie had another vision. The war is two nights away. We must discover who the vessel is and destroy the magic," Damien said.

"Please, begin," One of the Council heads spoke, and Zeriyah began chanting.

"No, this can't happen. No," I heard Kaiser growl behind me, vibrating with several emotions. His wolf was almost at the surface and his aura became murderous.Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

My eyes widened, realizing what ballistic thoughts were running through his mind. Before he could move, I held his arm, shaking my head against his thoughts. This wasn't the time for violence.

"They can't know," he forced through gritted teeth I understood his concerns and worry, but I wouldn't lose anyone else.

I was about to speak when I felt Zeriyah's sudden aura change. My heart drummed in my chest, as she gasped in shock.

"You should leave now," I whispered to Kaiser.


"Warn the others. They will come for her," I said, "Leave now," I insisted, and thankfully, he didn't argue.

Her outburst caused everyone to rush closer to her side, and forcefully, she pulled out of Cora's mind.

"No," She kept on whispering and her heavy gaze was on me. "No," She knew.

"Tell us, Zeriyah, who killed Cora? Who is Shota's vessel?" Elder Philip asked, and the room became silent.

I felt Zeriyah move closer and stopped until she was before me. She was in tears and still in disbelief.

"It can't be. This isn't how it was supposed to be," she spoke slowly, confusing everyone else in the room, except me.

"Speak up, Zeriyah. Who is Shota's vessel?" Fendrick asked in frustration.

"It's Sheila!" she screamed, and her magic blew everything in the room. "Sheila has been the vessel all along and she killed Cora!"

I shut my eyes as the truth echoed in my ears. Several gasps broke around in the room.

"You knew," She asked in tears, and I knew exactly what she was feeling. For so long since the prophecy, we've had hope in winning this fight when the time came because we had the only one destined to fight against this greatest darkness by our side, Sheila. But what happens now when she was the force unleashing this darkness?

By the time I pulled out from my thoughts, the room was in an uproar, deciding on what to do and they finally decided to have the Council's army bring Sheila in.

I remained in the room as everyone cleared out, leaving Zeriyah and me.

"What were you thinking, Valerie? You should have said something the instant you found out. You of all people should know what this means. We cannot win against her, and by now the darkness has begun to fuse with her soul. We can't save her," she said in tears. "We can try."

"The war is in two days. If we don't stop her now, we will all die. Don't you understand what this means?"

"What I do understand is, the prophecy never lies. She will battle against this darkness and win," I said, "And until then, I will do all I can to protect her," I added, moving to the door.

"Even if it costs everyone's lives? Our entire realm!" She said calmly from behind, and I could feel the conflict in her soul as well.

I stopped walking, closing my eyes. And for the first time, I had no answer to that.

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