The Alpha’s Arranged Bride

Chapter 62


Without wasting a single second, I jumped up to my feet, and they led me to what they had found. Since the end of the fight, I had not stepped into my study as I had to find Lavender. That’s where they were leading me to, though. I tried to guess what it might be, but I had not thought it would be something as gruesome as what was being shown to me.

A guard torn up like an animal. His hands and legs were completely shredded. A part of his head was visibly broken. It must have been smashed a couple of times. It seemed the fight happened in the study too. There were blood splashes scattered around, ranging from my desk to the door itself. It was a tough fight from how scattered the room was. My study is soundproof, so I understood why no one could hear the fight happening when it did. It was for confidential reasons that I made it so.

“Someone had nailed him to the back of the door, and when we pushed it open, he fell. That’s not all,” Beta Asher said, then walked over to the body before opening the chest. He moved to the side to allow me to see what he was showing me. I moved closer, and that was when I saw it. A message. I bent over to have a proper look at what was written. It read, “A little gift. This is just the beginning. My next strike would take you and your pack.” I squinted my eyes at the message. It screamed Alpha Toot. There was no other person I suspected to have done this.

“You are sure none of Alpha Toot’s men came into the mansion?” I inquired. If none of them got into the mansion, how then were they able to do this to one of our own? There was no way Alpha Toot did this personally because he did not leave my sight for one minute. This was the main plan. He wanted to distract me. I should have suspected that was the plan all along. How could I have missed such an important detail? No wonder he was not putting in much effort during our fight. For someone like Alpha Toot, it should have been hard to pin him down, but it was so easy during the fight.

“I asked the teams, and they informed me no intruder got in,” Beta Asher told me. I had asked this question numerous times, and it has remained the same answer. Things were not adding up. I needed to know who had done this. This mansion had five gamma teams, and then it added five more for the entire pack. I tilted my head to the side, staring at the guard’s face for some time, trying to remember which team this man could have possibly been in. “I need to have a meeting with the gammas. Call them,” I said, rising to my feet. “Wait.” I kept my eyes on the dead body before me.

I still needed to speak to the gammas, but I needed to know which team this man was in. “Call them in instead. I need to know what team he was in,” I said, and Beta Asher bowed before leaving the room to get the gammas. I waited patiently, my eyes not leaving the dead body. Everyone stayed quiet and within a minute, the gammas walked in with Beta Asher, leading them in. I glanced at all of them before asking, “Which team does this man belong to?”

The gammas walked one after the other closer to the dead body before all of us, their eyes scrutinizing the man. Each of them stepped back while shaking their heads, showing that he was not part of them. I would have guessed that he was an intruder, but I had seen him a couple of times in the mansion, so I knew he was part of the pack. However, if none of the gammas agreed he was part of their team, what team did he belong to?

“Alpha, Gamma Finn is not present,” one of the gammas said and I turned to face them. Indeed, they were not complete.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Where is he? Get him. I need to know before the body is moved from here,” I said, and Beta Asher nodded before leaving. We waited for a few more minutes. “I think he belongs in Gamma Finn’s team. He is the closest to Finn. I hear he is the second in command,” another gamma said, which made me turn to the body. I paid little attention to the gammas because they were trained and trusted by me. We’ve been through a ton together, so I let them decide who would be on their team without me getting too involved.

Was this man the traitor? Did he get caught and then killed? I paused my thoughts as we waited. There was not a place to sit or stand without getting stained. We were alert, eyes on the dead body. Beta Asher walked into the room but without Gamma Finn. “Where is he?” I inquired. “I could not find him,” he replied, so I turned to the guards. “Join him and find Gamma Finn,” I instructed, and they all walked out.

Was he taken too? I wondered. A few minutes later, two guards rushed in. I didn’t have to ask, as they immediately told me what had made them rush in with such haste. “A maid just walked into the premises, Alpha. She looks badly injured,” one of them said and I stepped out of the study, quickly heading for the living room. Mother and Axel were present and the moment the guards helped the maid into the living room, they stood up. The maid held her stomach where she was bleeding. Some blood also left her mouth every minute. “Careful,” my mother said as the guards gently laid the maid on the ground. She groaned before coughing, releasing more blood.

“She is badly injured,” Beta Asher said. “Get the doctor,” I instructed and in minutes, the maid was being moved to a room so she could be examined. She was a fighter because, even with so many injuries, she was still alive. We all stood behind the door as the doctor examined the maid. However, ten minutes after, the doctor stepped out with bloody gloves. “The maid had refused to let me work. She says she needs to speak with you, Alpha,” he informed me and I got in. The lady was trying so hard to breathe. From afar, one could see the difficulty of doing so.

“The doctor needs to check on you so you would feel better,” I told her, but she shook her head. “I” she struggled to speak. “I need to tell you,” she said after a while. “You don’t have to be in a hurry. Let the doctor take the pain away,” I said. I knew I was in a haste to find Lavender, but I did not want this maid or anyone else to suffer because of it. “Gamma Finn,” she said, ignoring my words. “He… He is the one,” she said, and I instantly frowned. “I saw him. He… He took them. He killed…” She coughed out more blood.

She tried to speak a couple of times, but the blood was not letting her. “I don’t think she can take it anymore, Alpha. She might die,” the doctor said, and I was about to leave when the maid spoke. “Alpha, no,” she said, her eyes barely able to stay open.

“I won’t make it. He killed everyone. I know where he is,” she said. “Tell me” I crouched down but at that moment she stopped talking and her eyes were closed. The maid was no longer breathing.

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