Shane smirked, watching Derek’s shocked face as the latter stared at his mother. He had been shocked too when the Luna had requested him to follow her somewhere; a somewhere that had turned out to be the human’s house.

He wondered whether she knew aforetime that Derek would be here, or that she came to see the human; perhaps to ask her to vacate the territory because of the impending pack war. He concluded that it was the latter.

“Hullo Derek..” He said, still smirking as he walked over to stand behind his Luna. “Didn’t you get my message?” He asked.

“I did. I was about coming.” Derek whispered, knowing that his little witch was just behind him.

“Why are you whispering?” His mother queried, looking amused.

“She’s inside.” He muttered.

“Derek, who is there?” Emma asked, tired of the silence that ensued since he opened the door. She had heard some mutterings she couldn’t decipher, but that was all.

“It’s Melvina and Shane.” Derek replied, pleading with his eyes, his mom who looked aghast for a moment at having her son call her by her name, to play along.

“Melvina!” Emma shrieked, pushing Derek out of the door. She looked happy as she stared at the woman who had been so polite to her even though she had been a stranger.

“Emma, How are you doing?” Melvina asked, smiling fully now as she looked on the human; happy that she was happy to see her.

“I’m great. Come in.” She said, creating a space for the older woman to step in.

“Shane, you too.” She stated, smiling at him.

“Alright.” Shane mentioned, before stepping into the sitting room. He withheld his laughter as he sighted Derek looking so confused. He thought his soon to be alpha could be a clown at times.

“Melvina, how are you doing?” Emma asked, dropping a cup of water she had collected from the refrigerator on the table. The duo were now seating on the couch.

“I’m sorry that’s all I have for now.” She said, referring to the cup of water on the table.

“That’s okay, my dear… I’m great too.” Melvina replied, lifting the water glass to her lips and taking a gulp. “I hope you’ve eaten?” She asked, worried that the human girl mustn’t have eaten, if she had only water to take.

“Yes, I have. My friend, Derek, prepared spaghetti few hours ago.” Emma stated, smiling at Derek who stood by the door with Shane watching them. It seemed to her that he was nervous. She couldn’t help but wonder if it was because of Melvina.

“Oh, that’s nice. I see you’re making new friends already.” Melvina pinpointed out in smiles.

” Yeah.” Emma chirped.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Derek..” Melvina called.

“Yes.” He replied.

“Go with Shane. He has a message for you.” She said.

Derek nodded and jabbed Shane who was still smirking a little. “Let’s go.” He said, before they opened the door and left.

“Do you know them very well?” Emma asked Melvina as she had watched her deliver commands to her boyfriend.

“Yes. They are my workers.” She replied, annoyed that she had to lie to her daughter in law.

Her son had mind linked her earlier when Emma had gone to get her a cup of water, that she should not tell her that she was his mother; citing that he had already told her that she wasn’t. It hadn’t go well with her. She had always been against lies; they had a way to come back taunting you.

“Oh, okay. You have a company then.” Emma stated, now understanding why the older woman commanded much respect. She was rich.

“Are you holding a governmental position too?” She asked.

“Yes, I’m assisting the governance of this county.” Melvina replied, biting her cheek as she wondered what would happen when the human finally knows the truth. It is said that hell hath no fury compared to a woman who was scorned. She was a female too, and she knew that the statement couldn’t be less true. She had gone berserk whenever Peter lied to her; Emma wouldn’t be any different.

“Oh, that’s awesome.” Emma said, staring in awe at the beautiful older woman sitting beside her. She considered it as an honour and a rare privilege to sit beside such dignified personality.

Perhaps I should take a picture with her for my Instagram page. She thought, bringing out her phone.

“Would you like to take a picture?” She asked.

“Yes. But you have to promise me something.” Melvina said carefully.

” Okay. What is it?” Emma asked, ready to do anything it takes to have a picture together with a government personality. Her father would be happy at least, even though he might not like to show it.

“You have to promise me that you wouldn’t post it on your Instagram page.” She replied, with a serious note to her voice.

” Oh, okay.” Emma said, a little bit sad. Well she would show it to her family when she went home for holidays. She thought, consoling herself.

“Alright, take a snap then.” Melvina said, smiling now.

Emma nodded, struck a pose, and took a snap.

Taking a look at it, she could see that the picture was a little bit dark because of the indoor setting, but it still came out beautiful. She thought Melvina’s smile to be angelic.

“Do you have something to eat in the night, or perhaps some ingredients?” Melvina asked, as she watched the human girl fawn over the picture that she had taken some seconds ago. She already knew that she couldn’t cook.

“There’s some..” Emma muttered, hoping that Melvina wouldn’t ask her to cook.

“Okay. let’s cook then.” Melvina stated, standing up.

“But I can’t cook.”

There, she dropped it. Emma thought; playing with her fingers.

“I know.” She heard Melvina said, and sighed in relief.

“But you wouldn’t want your boyfriend to cook for always.. or do you?” She asked.

“No, I want to learn.” Emma said, blushing at the thought of cooking something delicious for Derek.

“But he isn’t…” She tried saying, as she understood fully the implication of Melvina’s statement but she was interrupted immediately.

“Yeah, Yeah. I know that too. Let’s go.”

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