Oh God, no.. no. Derek chanted repeatedly, his heart hammering rapidly in his chest as he heard his little witch’s voice.

“Are you going to answer me or stand there like an idiot?” She asked, anger lacing every word that spurted from her mouth.

But he didn’t want to turn yet.

“Maru, what should I do?” He mind whispered to his wolf.

“I don’t know. You started the war. You should end it.” Maru said.

Derek already knew that his wolf was angry with him. He hurt their mate. “But I had no choice.” He thought weakly.

“Hey, bean head!” Emma called angrily, poking her index finger at Derek’s back. “What did you say I am?” She queried, trying hard to mask the hurt she felt when she heard his opinion about her.

‘A dunce, a leech??’ She scoffed as she repeated the foul words in her head. She was none of that. She didn’t know where he got his opinion from, she didn’t care but she was going to prove him wrong. No one steps over her. No one, ever.

“Cut the crap out.. leech.”

Emma heard the harsh voice, then felt a hand swatting her finger away from Derek’s back. She looked at the way the voice came from, only to see the blondie; the blondie that had tried bullying her in the eatery; the blondie that Melvina called Claire.

‘What was the bitch doing here?’ She thought angrily. Looking from Derek who had swiveled when the blondie called her a leech to the blondie, a crazy thought occurred to her. ‘Were they dating?’ She wondered, getting angrier at the thought.

“Claire, calm down.” She heard Clem say, trying to pacify the bitch. She had forgotten for a minute that he was there.

They had been talking earlier under the tall oak tree, when she had spotted Derek and a girl she couldn’t place talking. She had been displeased at the sight for reasons she could not explain and had told Clem that it would be nice for them to say hi to Derek. Her actual reason had been to disrupt the conversation going on between the duo in front of her that were discussing in hush tones under the warm gaze of the sun.

He had agreed, but reluctantly-she noticed but didn’t care. She just wanted to stop the convo in front, going on without her. He had went on with her till she got to the duo. And that was when she heard the remark. It had hurt her, and she wasn’t happy with herself for feeling hurt. She shouldn’t be; he wasn’t worth it.

“Okay, I think we should do some introductions here.” She heard the bitch blondie say.

“I’m Claire.” The blondie continued, twirling her long blond hair around her fingers.

“This is Clem.. my brother.” She stated, pointing at Clem while emphasizing ‘brother’.

Emma was petrified. “Your brother?” she croaked out.

“Yes dunce.. my brother.” The Claire replied. “We’re twins actually.” She stated, grinning evily.

Emma turned to look at Clem take a nervous stance. He hadn’t mention that he had a sister when they had talked about their families under the oak tree. They were even twins. She winced at the betrayal.

“And lastly, this is Derek… My boyfriend.” The bitch concluded, running her fingers over Derek’s chest as she made the introduction.

Emma didn’t know why again, but she felt more hurt knowing that Derek was dating Claire, than Clem being twins with her. Her heart was twisting in pain, and she didn’t like it. She had to leave; her morning shift would soon be starting anyway.

She turned to walk out of the scene, her strength to fight having being drained out completely by the introductions, but she was pulled back by the bitch. She just knew it was her. Only a bitch would drag someone that way.

“Hey!” she said, pushing off her hands.

“Where do you think you are going?” Claire asked.

“Work.” She replied monotonely.

“Well introduce yourself, or do you want me to do that for you?” Claire continued, smirking. “It would be an honor.”

“Let’s see what you got then.” Emma said, curious to know but also knowing that the bitch would only just try to humiliate her further.

“Alright then!” Claire screamed a little, rubbing her hands in sweet victory. The human is sure stupid. She thought. She wouldn’t have given me permission to introduce her.

She had seen the human leave the bench with her twin, strolling towards them and had concluded that the human must really know Derek to be looking at him that way. She had confirmed that later by throwing a jab at her, knowing fully well that she was right behind them and that Derek would concur with her; he wouldn’t be caught dead defending a human.

Oh the joy when she had seen the hurt look on the human’s face. It was fucking priceless. It was also obvious that she was crushing on Derek.

‘She doesn’t know what’s coming for her.’ Claire thought. Nobody is stealing Derek from her; not to mention a weak pathetic human. She just have to make the introduction short and sweet.

“Well, guys meet Emma. She is..” she was saying before Derek cut her off.

“Knock it off already Claire.” He said, staring at her in contempt.

Claire couldn’t understand it. Did the human already bewitch her Derek? She would have to kill her then. No one is taking him away from her.

“Oh shut it, bean head.” Emma said, cutting in. “Don’t act like you care now. Why not give your girlfriend a helping hand to introduce me better?” She continued, trying to sound nonchalant; even though his earlier remark had hurt her.

Derek was hurt as he heard his little witch’s comment. It was his fault. He concluded. He had started this, and he would end it too.

Stepping around Emma, he put his hands on her shoulder, neglecting the glare he got from his beta and the gasps from Claire and made the introduction.

“Hello guys, this is Emma. My..” Derek was saying, when Shane butted in.

“His newest friend.” He said, pinching Emma’s cheek. The human had gone beet red. Shane didn’t know whether it was his pinch or Derek’s hand over her shoulders. For some reasons, he thought the later was the case.

“Shane..” Derek called tiredly, but in relief. He had almost introduced Emma as his mate.

“And what’s wrong with that?” Maru whined.

Derek ignored his wolf, and turned to his gamma who was now standing close to Clem. He didn’t see Claire. She must have stomped off in anger after Shane had called Emma his newest friend. Well he didn’t care; it was better that way.

“What are you doing here man.. I thought you didn’t have classes today.” He finally said, trying to mask the happiness that he felt that his little witch hadn’t thrown off his hand from her shoulder.

He drew her closer, ignoring the angry look on his beta’s face. They would sort out their issues later. He thought.

“Yeah yeah.. I don’t buh..” Shane said, then paused.

“But what..” He asked.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Your father sent me to call you. Your Uncle is here.” Shane concluded, rubbing his forehead.

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