Emma furrowed her eyebrows as she watched the tall man who possessed the deep enthralling voice approach them from the shadows. The wizards too had stopped in their movements, had turned too, Casper included, and had their attention drawn to the man, who Emma thought had the same physique and voice as her history professor.

Could it be him? She wondered, getting excited that they would be having extra manpower to fight against the wizards.

“Why are you happy? Do you know who is approaching us?” Prescott asked, and Emma nodded, very sure that the person approaching them was Professor Perkins. Her happiness knew no bounds. She knew that the professor had mighty strengths of his own, and would be fair game for Casper and his fellow wizards. She didn’t think she would be using her powers anytime soon.

“Are you sure of what you are saying? The aura I am perceiving from the approaching man is anything but good. It is deadly.” Prescott muttered, not trusting Emma’s reply. How could she be on good terms with a vampire?

“I am sure. We are safe; and hadn’t he told the wizards to stay clear from us?” She asked, and he shrugged, accepting that one fact. The vampire didn’t want them with the wizards. But what about if he wanted them for himself? He thought, not finding it necessary to relay this thought to Emma. She seemed so sure of what she was saying. It was better he kept quiet and watched how things played out.

“Professor Perkins…What are you doing he…” Emma was saying when the man had come to light, stopping mid sentence as she compared the man in front of her to her history professor. They were alike, but not the same. This wasn’t her history professor. Who was this?

“Who are you? You are not Professor Perkins?” She asked, bewildered as she took in his handsome appearance. He was wearing a suit. It seemed that he was going to Derek’s party too. Beside her, Ava gasped, also citing the uncanny resemblance the man in front of her had with her professor. They could pass out as twins. The only difference was the scar that ran from the tail of his left eye to his ear. She thought it made him look like a hot bad boy. Prescott sighed, reading her thoughts. Who was this history professor? He thought, wondering how a vampire could teach in a college. Wouldn’t he be tempted to suck the students dry, and what about the sunlight issue, or did he hold his classes at night?

“No, I’m not. I am his brother. My name is Julius. I see that you are attending the same party as I am.” Julius stated, with a short smile.

Emma nodded, scowling the next second when Casper coughed. She had almost forgotten of his existence.

“We were, until these hooligans had intercepted us.” She stated, eying badly, the group of wizards in front of her.

“Oh, I see.” Julius muttered, his hands still crossed at his back.

“Go on ahead, whilst I talk with them.” he said, but Ava shook her head, not even understanding why she had done so or had made the next statement.

“No, they are dangerous. Can you fight them off alone?”

Emma turned aside, surprised at the note of worry she was hearing in Ava’s voice.

‘Don’t tell me that this girl is crushing on some guy when we are in trouble.’ She thought, glaring at the other girl who bit her lips, recapturing her senses back.

Julius shifted his gaze from Emma-for his gaze has been on the whole time whilst he communicated the recent happenings to his brother, and rested it on the girl beside her. Her head was bent low, causing her long hair to fall over and shield her face. His heart made a funny motion, and he sighed, thinking that it must be because he was hungry; for he hadn’t fed since he had come to his brother’s home with the prince of his people.

“Don’t worry little one. I will be safe. You all can go ahead.” He said, balking the next second when Ava lifted up her face to stare at him.Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

He could tell the color of her eyes; it was musky brown and the forest scenery behind her was green.


Aiden sighed as he watched and listened to the Anthony boy explain things to Derek and the other family members, including the little witch with them. They were no longer in the hall, for the Alpha wolf had wisely excused them away from the party, while telling his Beta to take over the smooth running of the party. Currently, they were in a smaller room, devoid of any presence apart from theirs. He believed that it was sound proof too. Technology. He thought, allowing his eyes to roam around the hall, taking in the beautiful carvings and paintings on the wall. A nice place. He thought, happy that his mate had dissuaded him and his people from moving along with their earlier plan. He had managed to convince his best friend, the prince of his people to stop the attack, and better speak with the Alpha of this pack; for who knows, he might be interested in striking a deal out with them.

His brother, Julius had been dispatched to convey the news to Legardo that they wouldn’t be joing him in his greedy venture. He hoped that the greedy Alpha wouldn’t try anything stupid. His brother had a hot temper.

“Aiden…” he heard his brother call and sighed in relief. The latter wasn’t sounding annoyed.

“What is the problem? Did you convey the message?” he asked, through their mind path.

“Yes, I did. I was on my way to the party when I saw Emma and her friend, a werewolf, accosted by some wizards. Don’t worry. I am with them now. The wizards don’t know what hit them tonight.” his brother said, and unconsciously, a smile creeped its way onto his lips. This was good news. He thought.

“Keep her safe. I think her mate is about going crazy for want of her.” he said, surprised when he saw all eyes in the room turn and stare at him; eyes filled with curiosity. Had he been loud? Damn!

“Who is that? Why are you smiling?” Freya asked him out loud, and he sighed, meeting the gaze of Derek.

“It’s my brother. He had found Emma.” He replied, pleased with the look of sheer shock, then relief, happiness and gratefulness that clouded Derek’s face. He was sure that he had gotten himself a new comrade, and that the deal wouldn’t be hard to make.

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