Still remembering:All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

For a minute or two, he had been speechless, seeing that his plan had fallen by the wayside. It was then that another strategy had filtered into his mind. A truth this time around, but one with an ulterior motive.

“I’m sorry, Emma. I had just wanted to be your friend, to be close to you, but I had seen no other way to do that other than by approaching you as a dummy. I had thought that if I had asked to be your friend directly, you would have turned me down. I’m sorry. I hope you find in your heart to forgive me.” He had recited, holding in the smile that had been trying to metamorphose on his lips, when he had seen her blush, then cough, sinking her fingers into that redness of hair that for some reason then, he had longed to smoothen with his fingers.

He had rendered her speechless for some minutes, and when she had finally talked, it had been like a croaking.

“That’s…okay…” She had stuttered, before keeping his book back on the table.

Later , he had found out that she had been looking for a pen, his bag had been the next search out plan, and that had been when she had seen the note.

Well, day after day, she had come to see him as a friend, after taking a week to forgive him and ban him from coming to her house. In her own words, he couldn’t be trusted.

She had asked then, if there had been anything else he was hiding, and of course he had replied with a huge no; he had replied with a huge no every other time after that whenever she had asked him that same question, whenever she had noticed anything odd about him.

One of those days had been when she had paid him a surprise visit, for the first time. He had rattled off his address when they had been working an assignment at her place some days ago, not knowing that she had picked it up and stored it in her cerebrum, not taking it into account that she might visit him. It had dawned on him over the next few days. And that day, he hadn’t even been around. Only his ‘mother’ had been at home.

So, when he had arrived hastily, after reading off the message the woman had sent to him through her favorite dove, he had been gobsmacked when he had seen her sipping tea, chatting and smiling with his ‘mother.’

Later that day, when he was walking her home, she had asked him a heart-racing question.

“How is it that your mother doesn’t know your favorite food? Or had you lied to me? And what about pictures? There were no pictures in the sitting room, not even one of you when you were just a baby. Why is that? What are you hiding from me now?” She had asked, her green eyes which had been one of her features that had always enthralled him, staring at him steadily that he had paused in his movements unconsciously.

“Well…” He had started, not knowing what particular thing to say even. “I didn’t mean to hide anything from you, just that this seems so personal and raw to talk about.” He had replied, as an idea had begun its formation in his mind, a story which had drawn in her pity later on.

“Personal? I don’t think there’s anything about me that you don’t know already. And I thought we were friends…” She had stated, standing at akimbo, her eyebrows furrowed as she had stared at him.

“That’s true. I’m sorry for being a bad one. It’s just that…” He had been saying, mellowing his voice, allowing his shoulders to sink as if out of despair, as he had mentioned that his real mother had actually been dead, and that the woman was his step mother.

And of course, she had felt pity for him. She had hugged him for the first time, making him feel things he had no business feeling during a mission.

He had tried fighting it, the feelings, but the more he had fought it, the more it had grown, till he had had no choice than to act on it.

That he had done earlier this year, during one of their hangout sessions in his room. Ever since that uncomfortable moment when she had visited him, there had been more visits from her, except that this time he hadn’t been uncomfortable, rather he had enjoyed it, had basked in her attention, had allowed himself to live in the moment, had chosen to worry about the future when it would finally arrived.

On that particular day, they had been discussing about a trivial matter in school, or rather she had been the one talking, while he had listened, taking in her beauty, happy and proud that he had been the only guy who had had her attention, the others in their class hadn’t gotten pass a greeting, and they had been jealous of him, of their closeness, the girls included.

As she had talked, making gestures with her hand, he had dropped a fast kiss on her lips, unable to hold in the feeling any longer.

When she had not moved for a minute, just staring at him in shock, he had rattled off an apology.

“I’m sorry. I know that we are best friends, but…I like you. And if you don’t want that, then it is okay. Let’s just continue to be…” He had still been talking when she had cut him off with a deep kiss, a kiss that had sealed his fate. He had fallen so madly in love with her that when his grandmother had called him a month later to come back, he had refused her for the first time in his life.

And now, she had found out that there wasn’t a step whatever anywhere.

She had found out that he was a wizard, not just a school boy. She had found out that he had come to Florida, into her life, just to spy on her; now, she felt that his feelings had been fake, that he had played her.

He yearned to put it right. He yearned to explain things to her and apologize. He yearned to have her in his arms again. He missed her. But what could he do, other than to wait.

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