Curtis watched as his father scampered his way towards the opposite direction in a haste. What was going on? It seemed to him that his pack was under attack. He wanted to see what was going on so strongly, wanted to join in the fight if there was an attack going on, but he knew he couldn’t.

His shift was very near. He was already finding it hard to bend a bit, as pain assailed his shoulder blades and waist if he tried. But then, he thought that if he couldn’t see what was going on, he would have to employ the services of his elder sister. He wondered where she was now.

When his father had introduced him in the party to the party poopers whom he had thought had been overdressed for a common birthday party, he had heard his sister call onto him through the pack link. But for some reason, unknown to him, he hadn’t reply. The anger he had been feeling at his father’s lack of concern for his children, had crippled his tongue. He had wanted to reply her call, buh just couldn’t.

Now, he wondered why she had been calling him, or what she was doing now, or where she was now.

He soughed deeply as he thought her and her mother in danger. But he shook away the fear. Maya could hold her own ground. He thought. She was the strongest werewolf he had ever seen yet. It was rumoured that she had the strength of their ancestors. So, he trusted her enough to protect herself and his mother. But still, he would have to call unto her through their pack link. After all, she was the only one that knew that he was also able to communicate through the mind link, since some months ago, without having shifted to his wolf.

“Maya…” He called, hoping for a response with all of his heart.

“Curtis..” He heard her reply, and breathed out in sheer relief.

“Curtis, are you there.?.” She asked. He could hear the note of worry and apprehension in her voice. He could also tell that she was running. There was danger. He could feel it. He felt useless that he wouldn’t be participating, or helping out in whatever was happening in his pack. It was like he was a coward running away from battle.

“Yes, I’m here.” He finally replied.

“Where are you?” She asked.

“At the eastern part of the pack house. Opposite the training grounds.” He answered.

“What are you still doing there? You should be in the forest going through your shift. You shouldn’t be here now, Curtis. It’s not safe. You have to go.” She stated, oblivious of the fact that she wasn’t helping matters with him feeling like a coward.

“What’s going on out there sis?” He asked, leaning against the wall heavily, as the pains racking his body increased by the minute. He bit his lips from screaming in pain, as felt one jam his chest and lower abdomen; rather he tightened his fists on the wall.

“Curtis, you have to…” She was saying, but he was having none of it.

“Tell me sis, or I’m not going anywhere.” He cut in sharply, his tone harsher than he had expected. It seemed his wolf was taking control over his body slowly. Looking down at his hands, he saw a very thick layer of fur sprouting out of his hands.

He took a deep breath, and started moving forward, towards the outer gates, staggering actually, refusing to give in to his body’s feelings to just lie down, and try sleeping out the pain, all the while, grunting in pain.

“Are you okay Curtis? I can hear your grunts. You’re in pains. You thick head, I told you to get out. You wouldn’t listen. Are you still at the eastern part of the pack house?” She asked, worry evident in her voice.

He could feel that she had stopped running, had taken a halt, and was perhaps about to run back to get him to the forest.

But he didn’t want that. If for anything, he felt more bad and useless. He wasn’t helping in the fight that seemed to be ravaging the pack, and now, his sister who should be trying to save the pack from intruders wanted to come get him.

No, he wouldn’t allow that.

” Curtis.. Curtis… Are you there? You know what Pig tail, I’m coming to get you.” He heard her say frantically, and cussed, while trying to smile at her calling him a pighead, but he felt pain rather on his cheeks. The pain was much. Nobody told him that it would be this painful, the shift that is.

“I’m okay sis. I’m already in the forest.” He lied through his teeth, gritting all the way.

” You haven’t told me what is happening..” He stated.

“We are under attack, by a pack I know nothing of. Cut the communication off, and focus on your shift. I know it is painful, but I believe that you can go through it. Think of the happy moments, our happy moments. You see, it will be all over in a jiffy. Just hang in there Curt, okay?” She asked.

” Okay.” He muttered, cutting off the communication, as a tear slide off his cheek. His sister was his backbone. He knew he was going to tell her about everything his father had told him to do, whenever they got the chance to stay alone together, that is, if Derek will let her alone for one minute.

In the party, he had sighted that they were together too. He didn’t understand why. He would have to ask her later. It was better to communicate issues out, than hold it in. Most times, misunderstandings arise because of that.

Getting up from where he had leaned on some seconds ago to relieve the pain on his knees and foot, he started walking again.

He could see the gates now, he was close to it. But before he could take a few more steps, two black-brown wolves appeared in front of him, snarling.

He knew they were not from his pack. They were the intruders.

Would I die this way?

He thought, about to link his sister up, but shrugging it off at the last moment. She was needed more in the pack.

He knew he was no match for them. He hasn’t shifted yet. And he was in thorough pains.

A sharp pain crossing over his lower back suddenly, caused him to scream in pain and double over, his knees falling to the ground helplessly.

But the wolves advanced towards him tentatively. An easy prey. They must have thought.

Then, he closed his eyes, welcoming his fate to die at a young age, when suddenly he heard a loud clash.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

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