Emma noticed that Amelia dyed her hair edges pink, and Amelia noticed that Emma’s red hair had gotten redder, more fuller and longer. She whistled as she noticed that her kid sister was looking better, more beautiful.

“What!” Emma asked, laughing, as she heard Amelia whistle.

“Nothing.” Amelia replied. “Your hair looks fuller. Would you trim it?” She ask, admiring the hair. She had always loved the reddish colour, but sometimes had wondered where her sister had gotten it. Their parents were both blonds, and none of their relatives had that color of hair, including their grandparents.

“I don’t know.” Emma replied, suprised at her sister’s statement. She hadn’t noticed her hair’s growth. She decided to check it out later. About the trimmings, she didn’t know. She didn’t know any other places in the county, execpt college, her work place, her house and the fill up. She decided to ask Derek for a tour during the weekdays.

“Well, it’s beautiful.” Amelia said truthfully, smiling at the look on her sister’s face. She knew her sister hadn’t noticed the changes in her hair yet.

“Oh, okay. What about you? You dyed your hair pink? Emma asked, widening her eyes a bit. “Do they know about it?” She queried worriedly.

“Not yet.” Amelia replied, knowing that her sister was referring to their parents. Although her parents tolerated her more than Emma, for reasons she still couldn’t decipher, she still knew that there were some boundaries that her parents won’t like if she crossed; and dying her hair was one of them.

“Hmm..” Emma sighed. “It looks good on you though.” She finally said, noting the bad ass look it gave her sister. It was a huge change over from her sister’s too gentle nature and she liked it. “Tired of being too gentle?” She asked, voicing her thoughts with a smile.

“Maybe..” Amelia answered, smiling too. She knew her sister got the whole story.

“Collegico!” Emma shouted, taunting her sister; not minding that the word she had just spoken wasn’t in any way found in the dictionary.

“Where the hell did you learn that from?” Amelia asked, laughing together with her sister. ” Is that what your friends say?” She queried.

“Maybe.” Emma stated.

“I see. So tell me about your stay in England. Every juicy detail.. don’t miss anything out. Have you met anyone yet? Have you…” Amelia was chattering, before Emma cut in.

“Amelia!!” Emma cut in, laughing.

“What!” Amelia asked with a smile.

“Can you just take a deep breath?” Emma asked.

“I’m breathing already. What’s the need for a deep breath?” Amelia asked, battling her eyelashes which looked so funny to Emma that she started laughing again.

“Why are you laughing?” Amelia asked, laughing too; even though she didn’t know why her sister was laughing.

“Well I don’t understand why you are battling your eyelashes at me. I’m not Blaine.” Emma replied, with a chuckle which disappeared instantly as she noticed the instaneous change in Amelia’s face at the mention of the guy whom she thought was her sister’s boyfriend; well at least they had been dating before she left some days ago.

‘What had happened in these few days?’ She thought as she stared at her sister whose face which had been all smiles, was now contorted in sadness and weak anger.

“Amelia, what happened? What did he do?” She asked, knowing that the Blaine must have done something bad to make her sister react this way, even at the mention of his name. She sweared she would break the dude’s neck if he had done something real bad to her sister, not minding she was millions of miles away from them.

“We broke up.” Amelia stated.

“That’s obvious. I want to know how and why it happened. I thought he was a good guy.” Emma said, remembering the Blaine. Although she had thought him too gentle then, she was still ok with him especially when he had decided to be getting her favourite flavour of ice cream for her every weekend. He had won her heart then. Thinking of it now, she wondered whether it was all a strategy to get her approval; it was a known fact that she was protective of her sister even though she was the younger one.

“He cheated on me. More than once.” Amelia mentioned, her voiced coloured with sadness. She had thought, like her sister, that Blaine was one of the few good guys that remained on the planet until she read the incriminating texts.

“What!!!” Emma screamed. “That son of a bitch!” She shouted, gritting her teeth; wishing that she could teleport to Florida already. She needed to give the Blaine guy, a beating that he wouldn’t forget in a lifetime.

“More than once??” She asked rhetorically, wondering at the audacity of the dude. She knew if she had been around, she would have found out his first time, either by herself, or through her friends. She had people in ‘high places’.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“But how did you find out?” She finally asked.

Amelia soughed as she remembered that not-so-good day.

“I had seen some texts on his phone.” She said, while picking at her nails. Glancing up to look at her sister, she found her staring at her intently with her eyebrows raised. Of course she knew what it meant. It was a silenced ‘is that all? Go on’. And she did just that, not wanting to hold anything back.

“Actually, I had noticed that he became distant all of a sudden, not picking my calls, leaving me hanging when we’re on dates, excusing himself to take calls; but I had thought that it was because of his demanding work at his father’s supermarket, until I went through his phone, and saw the texts.”

“What texts?” Emma asked, a little bit annoyed at her sister’s gentleness. She thought she should have accosted Blaine when she had noticed his withdrawal at first, than acting like a subdued housewife.

“I had gone over to his house on Sunday to see him, but he hadn’t been around. His mother, after ushering me in, had told me that he had just left the house some minutes ago, and that she had thought that I was the one he had gone to visit. I had just told her that maybe he had gone to see Nick, his best friend.

Later, I had gone into his room to wait for him. When I sat on his bed, I saw his phone on the drawer, it seemed he had forgotten about it in a rush.

I didn’t want to, but curiosity got the better of me; and so I unlocked his phone, and immediately a message popped into his phone.” Amelia said, trying hard not to free the tears from the captivity of her eyes. She knew her sister wouldn’t like it, at all.

“What did the message say?” Emma inquired, already knowing where the story was heading to.

“I miss you baby. Are you coming? Last night was awesome. I love you too.

That’s what the message read. ” Amelia stated.

” And then… ?” Emma queried, holding in her anger.

“I double checked the sender of the message, after seeing similar messages from her, and Blaine too. They had been dating for like a month. I had wanted to know who the person was.” Amelia muttered, knowing that her next statement would trigger off her sister.

“So do you know the person?” Emma asked gingerly.

“Yeah.” Amelia replied.

“Who?” Emma inquired hotly, already selecting the styles she would use to demean the unfortunate girl when she was back for the Christmas holidays.

“June.” Amelia said, sighing as she noticed the hurt look that cut across her sister’s face within a second.

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