She had blacked out.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

She had blacked out, and remembered.

“Emma.. are you okay?” She heard the witch, Zipfara calling unto her, and blinked her eyelids which seemed heavy. How long had she been out? She thought, trying to sit up from the lying position she had been in.

“Are you okay?” Zipfara asked her again, as she helped her sit up properly on the bed.

“What happened?” The witch asked, taking a seat on the dressing chair.

“I blacked out.” Emma replied with a shrug, unsure if she could trust the woman with what she had seen, and what she was hearing in her head.

“Obviously.” Zipfara said, piquing her eyebrows at her.

“I meant why. Why did you black out, when I mentioned Leonarya’s name? Have you heard of her?” She asked.

“No, I havn’t. I don’t know nothing.” Emma replied, folding her arms across her chest.

“You are lying.” Zipfara stated, narrowing her eyes at Emma.

“I’m not.” Emma pinpointed out.

“You are. But that won’t help your case.” Zipfara mentioned, crossing her legs.

“My case?” Emma queried, wondering how she got involved with witches and phanthoms in the first place, as the memories assailed her mind. It purified her that these beings existed; beings she thought existed only in storybooks, movies, and forklores. At this rate, she thought she wouldn’t be surprised if werewolves and vampires existed too. Too hard to believe!

“But there is a witch in front of you.” Her mind taunted her, reminding her the realness of supernatural beings.

“Yeah, your case. You should know that you are in danger now.” Zipfara said, crossing her arms too.

“But why am I in danger? I’m just a human from Florida. I’m just here for college!!” Emma shouted, tired of the whole events happening around her, getting crazier by the stuff she was hearing in her head. What was happening?

“Shouting won’t solve the problem. So quit it.” The older woman said calmly, irritating Emma the more.

“Well, it might relieve some stress!!” She screamed, causing the woman to smile out widely, exposing her white finely arranged teeth.

“If you say so then. Shout as you want. But do tell me what’s going on in your mind. I can’t seem to be able to get through.” Zipfara mentioned, narrowing her eyes at Emma, not understanding why she couldn’t read her mind. One of her many gifts is the ability to read minds. Hadn’t experienced a blockage, until Emma.

“You also read minds?” Emma croaked out, befuddled by the action.

“Yeah, I can.. except yours.” Zipfara stated.

“Oh, I see.” Emma muttered, happy with that information.

“So what is going on in your mind. Tell me what happened when you blacked out.” Zipfara said. “You can trust me.” She added. “I’m on your side.”

Emma stared at her for some minutes, checking if it would be okay to let out her emotions and story to a complete stranger, a witch at that.

“Well, I seemed to have remembered some of my memories which I had lost some time ago..” She started, after clearing her throat dramatically, choosing to follow her hunch this time around, hoping it won’t land her into another shade of trouble.

“You lost your memories? How?” Zipfara asked.

“They told me that I was hit by an iron ball.” Emma replied, scoffing at the end. “Iron ball, my foot.”

“They? Who are the they?” Zipfara asked.

“My new friends, my first friends since I moved here for my college education, from Florida.” Emma replied.

“Oh, I see.” Zipfara said, actually seeing. The werewolves didn’t want to let the redhead in, on what was happening. She thought they were doing her more harm than good; or perhaps that they didn’t really know who the redhead was.

“So what did you think happened, since you just recovered those lost memories?” She asked.

“I was kidnapped.” Emma answered, with absolute surety, sieving through her new found memories.

“Kidnapped? By who?” Zipfara asked, who although looked calm and composed on the outside, was a bit jumpy on the inside. She felt like the zooming the redhead away to safety. But that would be another type of kidnapping. She thought. She needed to get the redhead to trust her first.

“An apparition. A phanthom called called Azeera.” Emma replied, biting her lips, as she swam in her thoughts.

“Oh God.. Azeera…” Zipfara mentioned, rubbing her forehead tiredly. Leonarya was at it again. She thought.

“Yeah. Do you know it or her?” Emma asked, sitting up straighter on the bed.

” Yes.” Zipfara replied, slightly amused at Emma’s unsure use of the right pronoun for the phantom. “But how do you know its name?” She asked, knowing that only a few knew about the ancient being’s name.

“I heard.” Emma replied, still sieving through the voices she was hearing in her head.

“From..?” Zipfara asked.

“I don’t know.” Emma answered, although she could swear that the voice she was hearing scream Azeera in her head, was Melvina. But how come was she hearing all these? She thought.

“You don’t know?” Zipfara asked, finding Emma’s reply ludicrous.

“Yes. When I had blacked out earlier, I remembered that I went into the forest with my boyfriend and his cousin. I remembered that a little girl ran to us asking for help. I remembered that we had followed her around and around till we had missed our way. I remembered that the girl laughed at us, citing our foolishness and our inability to escape from her. I remembered that she had suddenly shifted into an apparatition I had seen earlier zoom past me in the forest. I remembered fainting, and not waking up” Emma stated.

” Okay.” Zipfara mentioned, now getting the whole picture. ” How do you know its name then?” She asked.

“The voices.” Emma replied, thinking that her answer sounded foolish to her own ears.

“Voices? What voices?” Zipfara asked, picking up her staff.

“I don’t know.” Emma answered in frustration. “I’m just hearing things that had been said while I had slept off. That’s how I know about Leonarya. I think the apparition had mentioned it.” She stated.

” Okay.. audio, without the visual.” Zipfara muttered, closing her eyes, in deep thoughts.

” Who is your boyfriend?” She asked, opening her eyes, her curious highly piqued.

” Derek.” Emma replied.

” Derek? Like Melvina’s son?” Zipfara asked, her thoughts slithered in confusion. Things were getting more complicated by the second.

” Yes. What’s wrong?” Emma asked, noting the worried look on the witch’s face.

“Did he tell you who he is?” Zipfara asked, standing up from the dressing chair.

“Well, he is the son of the governess.” Emma replied, causing the older woman to burst into laughter.

“Governess?” She mentioned, still laughing. “That’s.. uh.. wonderful.” She added.

“Who is he?” Emma asked in anger, knowing that she had been lied to again by the same people she had come to love.

“Well, he will be knocking on your door in a few seconds. You should ask him then. I’ve got to go.” Zipfara asked, hitting her staff on the floor twice, her form disappearing as fast as it had come earlier that night.

“Wait!” Emma shouted, as she saw the older woman disappearing. “Will I see you again?” She whispered, touching the thin air.

“Of course. Out discussion isn’t over yet.”

She heard, through the air, although not seeing anything.

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