The car came to an abrupt halt in front of Emma’s house, and she took a deep breath. She was back home, where strange things were bound to happen. She wondered what terrific thing would occur next.

“The door is now open.” Anthony said, interrupting her thoughts, as he clicked off the locks on the car doors.NôvelDrama.Org content.

“Oh, thank you.” She stated, before pushing the door open and getting down. Breathing out heavily, she trudged towards the front porch, a bit skeptical about going in alone.

And that’s why she was a bit glad, a gladness that didn’t wipe off her curiosity, as she saw Anthony getting down from the car too.

“Why are you getting down? Aren’t you going back home?” She asked, trying to hiding her relief.

“My Lu… I mean Melvina… asked me to stay with you, till she comes.” Anthony replied, beating himself up inwardly for almost mentioning the Luna word.

“Oh, okay. She’s coming around then.” She muttered in relief, ignoring the fact that her new friend had just called the Luna word, which she had heard from Claire and her mother when they had bullied her yesterday. Well, whe would ask him later. For now, they could use some settling in, and cold water; the weather has been terribly sunny and hot. She hoped that there were some bottles of water in her refrigerator.

“Yeah. Lead the way.” Anthony stated, as he clicked a button on the car’s key to shut the doors of the vehicle.

“Sure. Follow me.” She agreed, walking up the steps to her front door. Letting out a sigh, she turned the knob and walked inside the house.

“Nice place…” Anthony said, as he walked after her into the airy living room. Derek had already briefed him yesternight and earlier this morning, about the human who turned out to be his mate. To him, he thought it was the most unfortunate event. He didn’t think his Alpha, Derek’s father, would let it happen, even if his Luna was with them. But then, the lad was his kid brother, so he had to support him until he couldn’t again.

“Yeah, thanks.” Emma muttered absentmindedly, glancing around the living room. She thought it looked a bit disarranged, than the last time she had seen it. Had the burgulars come again? She thought, feeling dreadful again. She touched the largest sofa in the room, caressing its apex, before sitting down wearingly.

“What is it? Are you okay?” Anthony asked her, coming closer to her, and tapping her by the shoulder.

“Yeah, just tired.” She replied, reclining properly into the sofa, while her thoughts ran tro and fro on the whole events that had happened and might happen in the future to her. She had a feeling that what had happened didn’t even cut a bit to what was set to happen in the nearest future; and it drove her crazy. Why her? She was almost regretting coming here for studies. Perhaps she should take a flight home. Perhaps it will put an end to all this. It was at this time that her mind brought to her remembrance what had happened during her last birthday; the old woman who had grabbed her forcefully near the ski resort, and had told her to follow her, to escape the dark events that would be happening later in the future, for her own safety.

“Could it be that she had been talking about this things happening now?” She asked herself, out loudly, having forgotten momentarily that Anthony was there with her.

“Who?” Anthony asked, deciding to take a seat besides her, at least, to keep her company till his Luna came around.

“Oh, no one.” She replied, a bit startled.

Standing up abruptly, and walking towards the kitchen.

At the entrance, she turned back to face Anthony who still had a look of suspicion on his face.

“Do you want a bottle of water?” She asked, raising lleft eyebrow up.

“Yeah, sure.” Anthony replied. He was thirsty too.

“Alright. A bottle of water, coming right up.” She stated in an airy voice, trying to lighten up the sharp tension in the room. She knew that the dude had questions to ask her. Well, they could trade questions and answers together then. She thought, going into the kitchen.


The kitchen smelt of a dead animal.

Emma closed her nose with her thumb and her index finger, while looking around the kitchen to know what animal had entered and died in her kitchen. Perhaps a rat. She thought, as she squatted near the counter, to check under the tables and cabinets. But she saw nothing.

She stood up, still glancing around, taking a peek into the cabinets, the sink too, as she walked towards the refrigerator. The stench of the dead animal hadn’t been able to drown or drive away her thirst for water.

As she got closer to the refrigerator, she noticed a paper which was stuck to the appliance, with a knife.

“Now, what is this?” She mumbled, refusing to touch the knife which had pierced through the paper into the refrigerator, but rather, chose to read off the writing on the paper.

Hello Emma.

The paper read.

Just that, no comma or full stop.

“What the hell…” She murmured, noticing the blood stains on the paper and the knife too.

Someone had been here, and had torn a piece of her diary. She was sure because the paper had the pinkish flowery designs at the end note region which only her diary had.

She heaved in and out, getting a bit angry at the world, as she deducted that the person had found her diary, and must have read it too. Can’t they respect someone’s privacy? She thought, biting her lips.

‘Like seriously? You shouldn’t be thinking of that.’

Her mind breezed to her, causing her to run her hands sporadically on her hair. At this rate, she might go crazy. She thought, as she stared at the paper with mutual hatred, her dread forgotten.

Letting out a sigh, she wondered again and again why this was happening, and why she was receiving a threat in a place she had barely spent a month in. With the trouble she had caused in Florida, she never received a death threat. And here, where she had been calm, not finding or being trouble, she was already receiving a death threat. What an irony. She thought.

Sensing what could be among the contents of her refrigerator, already noticing that the stench of the dead animal had increased greatly, she opened the electrical appliance forcefully, halting for a tiny second, before screaming, as she saw the contents of her refrigerator.

“Bloodugering Hell!!!” She screamed twice, causing Anthony to run into the kitchen.

“Emma… what is it?” He asked as he rushed up to her, holding her, to calm hrr fidgety self.

“Emma, talk to me! What is it?” He asked again, louder this time around, when she didn’t reply to his first question.

But Emma shrugged him off, and ran towards the sink, throwing up the sandwiches she had just eaten in Derek’s house, before coming to her place.

“Emma…” Anthony called, going to her again, already a bit frantic of what had happened to the human.

“The refrigerator…” She muttered, pointing weakly at the electrical appliance, while still being over the sink.

“The refrigerator?” Anthony queried, before taking steps back towards the refrigerator. He perceived the stinky stench, before seeing the paper which had been stuck to the appliance with a kitchen knife, and both were stained with blood. He understood then, that he hadn’t been able to perceive the stench as he had to ran into the kitchen, because he had been filled with concern and worry which the screams of the redhead had pumped into him.

He read the writing on the paper which was scribbled like it had been written by a five year old.

Hello Emma

It had read, and nothing else.

Taking a deep breath, he opened the refrigerator slowly, closing his nose, and muffling his scream as he saw the contents of the refrigerator.

Butchered parts of animals were lying ghastly on the different layers in the refrigerator. Parts of rabbits and perhaps an antelope, including their intestines, their bashed heads and strung necks too. He could see why the human had thrown up, and was still throwing up. The sight was too disgusting. He could feel his stomach churning in uncomfortability.

Holding his nose, he closed back the refrigerator.

If he should calculated the timing to what Derek had told him, then, the dead animals has been put into the refrigerator yesterday morning, perhaps immediately they had left her house for Clem’s party; which would account for the foul smell. Which undoubtedly connotes that eyes were on this house. The place wasn’t safe for the human again.

Stepping back, he jammed into Emma whose head was bent low, as she had been trying to walk to him.

“Sorry..” He muttered, holding her close to himself in a bear hug.

“Tony, why are all these happening? Why am I receiving death threats. I have not done anything.” She cried, holding into his leather jacket.

“Don’t worry, Emma. Everything will be fine.” He said, trying to placate her sad mood.

“… not looking that way.” She muttered.

“You’ll be fine. Let’s go to the sitting room. Melvina will soon be here.” He stated, holding her by the shoulders as he took her out of the kitchen, but not before taking a last look at the refrigerator.

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