The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 9 The Taste Of Her

… Cassidy POV…

Behind me is the very same thing that had his claws around my throat in that alley. But that was a monster, and this, this is a man. He might be a vampire but yet there is something that draws me to him. I want to be so mad at him for deceiving me the way he did, but then he looks at me with those deep brown eyes, and nothing else really matters.

Now, he is behind me, holding my body in a way that no man has held me in a very long time for. The way his soft lips are rubbing against my naked skin is making me crave him in ways I should not even consider at all.

But what if…

“Lucas,” I call his name as I lay my head back against his chest.

“Yes, my love?”

“Will you ever bite me,” I ask. “Will, you ever bite me if I did not want you to?”

“My love, I would never hurt you.”

But I am curious, so I ask him more, “Is it sore? When you bite a human, is it sore?”

“It does not hurt at all,” he explains. “The very second I drive my fangs into your skin, let us call it inject, I inject like a venom, a good venom into your body that makes you feel pleasure.”

“So that is why you say I will feel pleasure?” I move a little bit closer into his embrace. “But won’t it kill me?”

“Yes, my love, it could. If I feed too long, you will either die, or I can turn you into one of our kind.”

“But,” I say, “Is that not sore too?”

“Yes,” he stops for a moment and continues further. “Turning into a vampire is quite unbearable.”

“Did it hurt for you?”

“Ssshh, my love,” he softly whispers. “Let me bathe you; then, we can discuss some more once we are done.”

“Just one more question?”

“Sure, of course,” he patiently says.

“If we were supposed to make love, will you bite me then?”

“I am afraid that I will,” I feel his body goes stiff behind mine. “I do not possess the ability to control myself in a way that I would not.”

“And if I kiss you again?”

I can hear the tone in his voice change, and I am sure that he is smiling. “Well,” he says. “I think we can always try again?”

I do not hesitate for a moment; I turn my body around and hook my legs around his waist and settle down on his lap. The water is gushing everywhere. I giggle when I see the expression on his face as I wiggle my bum into him further.

“What are you doing, Cassidy?” he asks.

“What does it look like, Lucas?” I answer.

I see the heat ignite in his eyes. “You are playing with fire, my love.”

“Well, let us try and not get me burned,” I say as I move my face closer.

I can see the flicker of hope in his eyes but beyond that truly is a concern. Can this… man, truly show so many feelings for me? But he should be dead, so therefore he has no heart, well the heart that makes one feel. Whichever it might be, I am still drawn to him in ways I probably should not be.

“My love,” I look deep into his brown eyes. “Do not overthink it so much; just kiss me.”

“I have not heard a mortal woman say that to me in such a very long time,” the appreciation is clear in his voice.

I do not care for him to think about it much longer. I take his face in my hands and pull him closer to mine. His breathing becomes heavier the closer I draw his lips to mine. “Close your eyes, Lucas, and don’t think.”

I watch him hesitantly close his eyes, and his grip around my waist becomes tighter. I part my lips and rub them over his trembling bottom lip. He gasps at the touch and parts his in return. Our lips interlock in a slow and passionate kiss.

He bites and pulls at my bottom lip; fear and pleasure consume me, it drives me to kiss him even deeper. I run my hands through his hair, sending delicate kisses down his neck. I feel his roar against my chest as he lets out a deep moan.

“Cassidy,” he whispers.

I press my finger against his lip, “It is my turn to say ssshhh Lucas.”

He watches me as I start roaming my hands over his body. Feeling each crack and crevice of his sculpted stomach, drawing circles over his muscled chest. I can see the lust and craving in his eyes as I run my finger closer to his erection. He takes my hand and stops me before I can wrap my palm around him.

“Kiss me, Cassidy.”

I draw my lips back to his again. This time it is not just a kiss of the lips, but we are embraced in a full-on open mouth sexual kiss. It is hot and passionate. His hands are running down my back, and I move even closer. His body is hard and heavy against me, our bodies forming and melting into one.

I grind myself harder against him, and he once more growls deep from inside. Oh god, how I wish I could feel him inside of me. The power I feel moving underneath me is enough to rock my soul.

The craving between our bodies is becoming unbearable. I can feel he wants to give in, but the thought of hurting me is the only thing that makes him keep control. We break away from the fiery kiss, and he runs his tongue down my neck and over my collarbone.

I disobey his request and once more go to take him in my hand. As I wrap my palm around his pulsating erection, he cries out in shock.

And then…I scream out, “Aaahhh, Lucas.”

His fangs sink into the soft wet skin of my neck. And he was so right; god, it feels so incredible; I never have in my entire life felt something so sensational. I feel like I am floating on air with warm tingles in my fingers and toes. The glorious rush that consumes my body increases my arousal even more.

I can feel his razor-sharp teeth settle deep into my skin, but it is not sore. He grips tightly around my waist and pulls me ever so close. He gently sucks; I feel the most mind-blowing feeling overwhelm my body. He sucks and sucks, but I do not let him stop; my own grip around him grows even stronger. As I whimper in pleasure, he realizes what he has done, and he immediately stops.

“Cassidy! My love, I am so sorry. I did not mean to; it was just, just…”

“It was incredible, Lucas,” I gasp. “I do not even think that is the right word to use. You were right; I have never felt anything so good.”

“It should never have happened!” he shouts. “I told you I do not wish to hurt you.”

“It is not your fault Lucas; I wanted to kiss you. It is not your fault that I touched you.”

“It is my fault,” he insists. “I should not have let it go this far.”

I watch how he watched the blood that is trickling down my shoulder, “Can I ask you something, Lucas?”

“Sure, anything, my love.”

“You want it, don’t you?” I wipe the blood with my finger and press it against his lips.

“No!” he stops me.

“Oh, come on, Lucas, I know you want to do it again.”

“As much as I would love to,” he admits. “I won’t. I won’t hurt you again.”

“What if I want you to?”

“I’d say you are crazy to give yourself to me in such a way,” he says.

“Lucas, how are we ever going to be together then?”

“You want to be with me?” his voice has now gone cold. “After you know what I am after you have seen this monster?”

“You are not a monster, Lucas; I am sorry for calling you that earlier. You are a man, a man that I know I would really like to be with.”

“But I thought I should keep away from you? Is that not what you said?”

“Yes, I did,” I try to explain. “But I also allowed you to kiss me. There is something about you, Lucas Lecarde, and I would like to explore it.”

He looks at me, surprised, “My dear Cassidy, you do not know what you are asking for but let me tell you this, there is only one woman I’d like to explore me, and that is you.”

“Well, can we take this outside cause the water is getting really cold?”

He laughs at me and smiles, “I forgot you humans feel that kind of thing.”

He lifts me out of the bath and carries me to his bed. He drops me into the soft velvety sheets and comes to lay beside me.

“Sleep, my love. You have had quite the busy day.” He gently kisses me on my lips and pulls the blankets over me. Not a few minutes later and I drift off to sleep.

… Lucas POV…

I am watching my love as she sleeps; I have not seen a woman doing such a thing in my bed for nearly three hundred years. I have had women in my bed as a human but let us just say I was quite the Casanova, so they did not stay there for any length of time. But Cassidy is different; I am different when I am around her, even when I am without her.

And now I have bitten her again. But this time, I tasted more of her blood; I had my fangs soaked in it. It was like having my mouth in a jar of honey, so smooth and sweet, the most delicious bit of her indeed.

But what worries me the most is that she wants to spend her mortal life by my side. I will watch her grow old while she will always see me as this man, this twenty-nine-year-old man sitting next to her. Is that fair? Is this a life she truly wants, or do I just fascinate her? Whichever it is, I know that that is truly something I do desire.

I watch her stir; as she opens her eyes, she looks at me and smiles. “How long have you been staring at me?”

“For the better part of five hours.”

“And that is not creepy at all,” she laughs. “Do you ever sleep?”

“I do lay down, but sleep is not something I need.”

“Is it morning already?” she asks.

“Yes, my love. Can I bring you a warm cup of coffee?”

“No thanks,” she jumps off from the bed. “I must get to work.”

“I am afraid I am not allowing you to do that.” I stop her before she can put on her clothes. “You went through a terrible ordeal last night; you need some rest.”

“You just want to have me to yourself in bed the whole day.”

“Well, yes,” I admit. “But I insist, please stay. Eva said she will cover for you.”

“Ah, so you guys planned this?” she looks at me with her questioning eyes.

“I would never do such a thing.”

“So, what are you going to do the whole day?” she asks as she gets back underneath the sheets next to me.

“I need to meet with an old friend to discuss a few matters, but I won’t be too long.”

“What are you going to discuss?” she pushes me for an answer.

“Nothing you should be worried about,” I assure her.

“Lucas, you know being in a relationship means no secrets?”

“Fair enough,” I admit but not truly wanting to discuss the matter with her. “I am going to see Breyden. He told me there might be a way for me and you to be together.”

“But we are together?” she claims.

“I know, my love, but for me not wanting to suck you dry if and when we do make love.”

“But I don’t mind, Lucas.”

“Cassidy,” I slightly raise my voice to her. “What you experienced last night is nothing compared to what I can do. I do not wish to take such a risk.”

“So, how is he going to help you?”

“Well, let us just say that Breyden knows a lot of things.”This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Is he a vampire too?” she asks.

“No, he is an even older creature than I am.”

“So, what is he then?” she continues to ask.

“He is an a…”

Just then, Damien comes bursting through the door, “Brother, you better come quick!”


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