The Alpha King’s Possession

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

61. His Regret


The moment I had uttered those words, I felt Kian’s intense hurt and anger before he slammed his walls up and blocked me off. That hurt more than the pain that consumed me. His unspoken barrier that shunned me. I don’t know if it was the state I was in, but his silence was eating up at me. I did my best to try to calm my emotions, but I knew with his walls up he wouldn’t be able to sense my emotions anyway.


Kian… I was too exhausted to argue, but I couldn’t bear to see him like this. I loved him, not Orrian. I just wish I could show him that… right now I was far too weakened to even reason with him.

One of the men motioned for us to stop and I heard the sound of thundering hooves before a white stallion came galloping towards us, with non-other than Orrian himself upon it. He hadn’t changed at all, despite it being a few decades since we had seen each other. His long blond hair still as perfect as ever, his angled jaw and those flawless features so true to his kind, yet he stood out from the rest.

“Moonlight… It’s good to see you again.”

“Morgana, Orrian.” I said quietly, I couldn’t let him act like we were not over.

Especially when I knew Kian’s temper. I didn’t like him flaunting Sage in front of me, I wouldn’t do that same. 1

He frowned ever so slightly, his gaze flickering to Kian before his eyes dipped to Kian’s arm which was wrapped around my waist firmly, my breasts resting against it.

“It’s good to see you too.” I said, but before I could speak further, Kian spoke.

“Can we skip the pleasantries? She was poisoned on our journey here by the fae. She isn’t well and needs to be attended to.” He said coldly.

I could feel his power exuding from him, and I didn’t miss the look of curiosity in Orrian’s eyes before he nodded and mounted his horse.

“Let’s head to the palace immediately!”

“Kian…” I said, as both men nudged their horses into a gallop.

“Hmm?” He said his eyes fixed ahead, blazing gold.

I reached up, using all my energy to drag my limbs that felt like heavy lead. My hand almost touched his face before I could no longer reach for him and it dropped back into my lap.

My eyes stung with tears, but before I could even voice my pain, I felt my vision darken. No matter how painful my body felt, it was nothing compared to the agony in my heart….

I was conscious but unable to open my eyes when Kian lifted me off the horse as we came to a stop. Feeling his lips press against my forehead, his finger brushing away my stray tear.

“Bring her inside, I’ll have our healing mage look at her.” Orrian was saying. “Will you not share your name? I can sense you are powerful, and a werewolf, yet you are here with a vampire.”

“Kian Araqiel. The Alpha King of Clair De Lune.” Kian’s ice-cold voice came.

His anger was palpable, and I wished I wasn’t so helpless.

“Kian Araqiel… No wonder I can sense the power from you.” Orrian’s softer voice came. “Here, place her down.”

I heard the rustle of bedding before I was placed on a very soft bed, sinking into it. If I wasn’t already battling trying to stay awake, it became much harder now.

“Sire, you called?” A woman’s voice came.

. “Yes healer, she has been poisoned.”

“You may give us some privacy.” The woman spoke.

“Come, Alpha King Kian.”

“I’m staying by her side; she is my mate.” Kian hissed.

A silence fell between them. I heard the woman sigh as she whispered something, then I could feel a coolness wrap around my body.

“I wish to be alone, you may both leave. I need to focus on what I am doing. This poison is spreading and wrapping around her heart, I can feel its evil tendrils sinking deeper into her soul – Negative energy will not help me…”

“I won’t leave her.” Kian repeated.

“Your energy is affecting me.” The woman said calmly.

“She is safe here. Come, you need rest too. I assure you Morgana is safe.” Orrian said quietly.

My heart clenched as I felt Kian move away. He didn’t kiss me goodbye… 1

Him and Sage together didn’t hurt as much as his behaviour was hurting me now…


I finally let myself fall into darkness. The last thing I heard was the woman murmuring something and I felt a strong pull rush through me, as if she was ripping something from inside of me, then I lost consciousness.

When I came too, I felt… alive. I lay in bed, realising I was now washed and dressed in a.

slightly sheer shimmery organza nightdress with thin straps. My hair was washed and braided, whilst I was laying in a luxurious, comfortable bed. The silver moonlight shone through the sheer curtains on the windows and the lamps that lit the room were dimmed.

From what I could tell, the walls were made of shimmering white rocks. The floor was marble and the furniture was all made of intricate gold and silver filigree vines with patterns intertwining through the wood.

The pain was gone and I felt completely normal, much to my surprise.

Kian! Where was Kian?!

I kicked the bedding off, rushing to the door and pushing it open. I could smell him faintly, m y stomach knotting as I remembered his anger. I needed to explain to him…

I crossed the small hall and pushed open another door, my heart beating like a drum.

“Kian!” I called, the brightly lit room blinding me for a moment.

His seductive scent hit me before I saw him seated with none other than Orrian. A tray of food was before them, they seemed to have been having a serious conversation. Both men looked a t me, but it was when their eyes fell on my body that I realised my clothes were sheer. Under the dazzling lights of the chandelier in this room, every curve and part of my body was on display.

Before I could even cover my breasts with my arms, Kian growled, his eyes blazing. He was before me in a flash, pulling off the ivory shirt he had been wearing and placing it around my shoulders. His jaw was clenched but the moment I reached out, grabbing his face in my hands, his eyes flashed and his hands went to my waist, my heart thundering.

He slowly looked into my eyes and I could see the emotions that he was trying to hide from m e, I wish he could feel how I felt about him. His eyes softened and he was about to lean down. My heart skipped a beat, yearning for something, some sign that we were ok, but before he could even do more, we were interrupted by Orrian.

“It’s been a long time, Morgana.” He said, breaking our moment.

Kian looked down at my body, his eyes darkening with anger and desire, before he took his shirt and slipped it on over my head. I smiled faintly at that. My baby was getting rather possessive… but it was to be expected. This was the first time we were running into an ex of


We had just got here but he was already raging. I resisted a smile. Was it bad that I found it a little amusing?

“Orrian, it has been a while, a few decades?” I said.

I wouldn’t flirt or anything because my heart belonged to Kian, but even simply talking to Orrian seemed to anger my handsome man.

“I guess I’m the only one who remembers the exact number of days, months, and years since our parting.” He said softly, standing up.

He towered a few inches above Kian, yet the power and aura that rolled off Kian made him ooze with dominance, unlike Orrian, who had a strong yet calming aura.

Orrian held his hand out to me, and I took it. For a moment, I remembered our time from long ago, the moment we broke up and the final promise he made, leaving me with those words of his.

He kissed my hand softly before I tugged it away, feeling Kian’s anger. “I have a complaint before I share my issue.” I said, glaring at him. “Why did you give me those words without even telling me what they meant?”

He smirked. “Oh, it’s always fun to tease you, Morgana.” Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Oh really? Well next time, if my beloved Kian tries to rip you or your men to shreds, I won’t hold him accountable.” I said, wrapping my arm around Kian’s’ bicep and pressing myself against him.

Hopefully, I made it clear to both men to whom I belonged. I felt his surprise. I looked up into his gorgeous hazel eyes, my heart thundering as our gaze met. The fear of him pushing me out again stung as I remembered his anger.

“Beloved?” Orrian asked, his voice full of surprise.

“Mates.” Kian added dangerously, his voice was so cold. His hand cupped my neck, brushing the collar of his tunic down so Orrian could see the mark that branded my skin and claimed m e as his. “So I’d appreciate it if you threw out any thoughts you have of her from that head of yours. Morgana is mine.”

Orrian looked stunned, but the frown that settled on his face moments later made my stomach twist with unease. Orrian wasn’t the type to frown often.

“So, you marked her, knowing that you would not outlive two centuries… You cut her life span short so selfishly?”

My heart skipped a beat as I looked between them.

“Orrian, no, it’s not-”

“It is like that. You would live for thousands of years Morgana, like myself, yet he claimed you and shortened your life. We all know that werewolf mates die alongside their other halves. Yes, you could have claimed her, but there was no need to mark her. How could you be so selfish?” He asked Kian quietly.

No, it’s not like that.

I looked at Kian, who clenched his jaw, his eyes blazing yellow… I knew he had never

considered that. The guilt and regret that I could see in his eyes that he tried to hide from me squeezed at my heart, knocking the air from my body.

Don’t ever regret marking me, Kian,

He turned away from me, pulling his arm free from my hold and swiftly left the room, the door shutting behind him with a loud thud, leaving me standing there feeling more alone than I ever had in my entire life,

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